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What are these Dreamworld Rides Like

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The only thing you need to worry about on ToT is if you have a fear of not seeing where you are going. My wife went on ToT during a ScreamWorld night for the first time and she is terrified of going backwards on rides. Other than that it is a great experience. Just need to step over the threshold.

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Next time you're at Dreamworld, you most definitely should go on ToT. My mum is scared of heights and most rides as well, but she considers ToT one of her favourites. The height factor isn't a problem for her because you don't really even know how high you are (unless you look behind you, or next to you if you're seated at the side). And you can always close your eyes if it all becomes too much, because the ride is literally over in seconds and you're back in the station, so next time you really should give it ago.

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Those were one of the original WnW attractions from its early days...They started off without the mountain: http://www.parkz.com.au/photo/AU/Gold_Coas...ody_slides.html When the new Terror Canyon slides were added to the park they built a volcano type thing at the top of the hill as a platform for them to begin from, with the Whitewater Mountain slides being in a cave down below. At this point they painted the slides a darker blue. http://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/st...nal/3338479.jpg But those slides (And im guessing that volcano) reached the end of their life....Here is the mountain and slides during the deconstruction process: http://www.parkz.com.au/photo/AU/Gold_Coas...nstruction.html They were then replaced by the River Rapids slides, built in the same spot in 2007...A pretty similar experience, except they made two of the slides enclosed: http://www.parkz.com.au/photo/AU/Gold_Coas...r_Mountain.html
Ah, thank you! Yes, the one I went on was the one in the second picture... I think I went in either 2006 or very early 2007... Wish it was still there now, not the best fun there but I still liked it! Thank you so much for the information! As for the ToT, I think I will go on it next time (need to force myself on the Claw first though!) Do you 'lose your stomach' on that ride? Oh, one more question, is the Claw similar to a "pirate ship" ride? If so I don't think I should go on it, those rides make me feel sick :P
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As for the ToT, I think I will go on it next time (need to force myself on the Claw first though!) Do you 'lose your stomach' on that ride? Oh, one more question, is the Claw similar to a "pirate ship" ride? If so I don't think I should go on it, those rides make me feel sick :P
Not to scare you off The Claw, but you do lose your stomach quite a lot. Whenever you "experience zero gravity" at the peak of each swing, but that's the best bit! It is like a pirate ship ride on steroids. I also have a fear of heights, the TOT comes nowhere near the Giant Drop in terms of being scared by the height. As revolutionx said, you don't really notice the height unless you look to the side. I think you should go on the TOT first, it would be less likely to make you sick. The first time I went on it I was freaking out, but as soon as it started I didn't want it to stop.
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Not to scare you off The Claw, but you do lose your stomach quite a lot. Whenever you "experience zero gravity" at the peak of each swing, but that's the best bit! It is like a pirate ship ride on steroids. I also have a fear of heights, the TOT comes nowhere near the Giant Drop in terms of being scared by the height. As revolutionx said, you don't really notice the height unless you look to the side. I think you should go on the TOT first, it would be less likely to make you sick. The first time I went on it I was freaking out, but as soon as it started I didn't want it to stop.
Oooh, okay. That friend of mine is going on about how the Claw is 'relaxing', I don't believe her anymore, haha. When I went the other day the big scare factor for me was that it goes most of the way up the tower (that would be at least 30 storeys up, I think?), but I have an Annual Pass so next time I go I'll give it a spin :)
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I'd recommend you going on the Tower of Terror over The Claw any day. I often tend to feel a little queasy after the Claw, but with ToT I could go on 10 times in a row and not feel a thing. And as for your comment about how high the ToT goes.. If you didn't look at it beforehand, you'd honestly have no idea how high you go. Anyway, let us know how you go when you do ride, the first time on a ride is always the most memorable, for me anyway!

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Of all the rides on the coast, the only one I won't go on is The Claw.
The ride I will never go on again is the Reef Diver, that thing is way scarier and more sickening than the TOT and The Claw put together. As soon as it began tilting up I felt sick and it seems like it's never going to end, meanwhile all of the children in the other seats were loving it. My friends and I vowed to never go on it again, one of my mates was green afterwards. If you can survive the Reef Diver you can survive The Claw.
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I'd recommend you going on the Tower of Terror over The Claw any day. I often tend to feel a little queasy after the Claw, but with ToT I could go on 10 times in a row and not feel a thing. And as for your comment about how high the ToT goes.. If you didn't look at it beforehand, you'd honestly have no idea how high you go. Anyway, let us know how you go when you do ride, the first time on a ride is always the most memorable, for me anyway!
Oh, that's good! Makes me feel so much better about the ride :D
The ride I will never go on again is the Reef Diver, that thing is way scarier and more sickening than the TOT and The Claw put together. As soon as it began tilting up I felt sick and it seems like it's never going to end, meanwhile all of the children in the other seats were loving it. My friends and I vowed to never go on it again, one of my mates was green afterwards. If you can survive the Reef Diver you can survive The Claw.
Oh god yes, I remember when I last went I gave it a shot- I only started screaming when my seatbelt came off, haha :P But after that ride I left, it was getting late and I felt pretty sick as well (not to mention my hands hurt like hell trying to hold on). So... if I can survive the Reef Diver, I can survive the Claw, which therefore means I can survive the ToT? ...Geez, Reef Diver should be replacing the MotoCoaster on the Big 6 XD
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