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A new ride replacing LPS Ranger?


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I looked up the Luna Park website and found that the Ranger wasn't listed in LPS's list of permanent rides. I was wondering what's going on, so I looked around the internet for some information, and found out from another forum site that the ride is scheduled to be replaced by another ride. http://www.australianamusementfanatics.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=3009 Now I don't know if any of that is true or not, but if it is, I would strongly recommend LPS to replace it with a HUSS Rainbow as it was the ride originally intended to be in LPS. As for our Ranger, I wouldn't want it to be shipped overseas since it's like Wonderland's Bounty's Revenge, and it's an awesome ride too. It should be another travelling ride. Perhaps O'Neill might exchange his Rainbow for LPS's Ranger. I know he already has a Fabbri Kamikaze titled Ranger, but it's pretty reasonable if you think about it. After all, both the Rainbow and Ranger are HUSS rides, and they're both practically similar. Oh yeah, don't mind the link. I'm having problems trying to make it work.

Edited by T-Rex
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  Gazza said:
In what way?
Well, the Rainbow uses the same engine used by the Ranger. They both have the same mechanics utilising the 90kW DC motors. HUSS designed the Ranger in 1981, and later modified the design while keeping the engine intact to create the Rainbow. The Rainbow was released in 1983/1984, and it gives a similar, yet different thrill of its predecessor. LPS's Ranger was made in 1983, just a year before the HUSS Rainbow came out. For more information on how the rides are similar, take a look at these. http://www.ride-extravaganza.com/thrill/ranger/ http://www.ride-extravaganza.com/intermediate/rainbow/
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Yup, the Rainbow would make a great replacement, but I don't think it's a good idea to upgrade our Ranger, because it is the only HUSS Ranger we have here in Australia. What I really hope however, is that LPS won't screw themselves over by replacing the Ranger with a crap/kiddy ride, because they don't have many good thrill rides - with only the Flying Saucer, Spider, Tango, and Wild Mouse as an exception, but that's not enough. I'm afraid that if LPS don't provide better thrills soon, it may be over and done with like the rest of Sydney's amusement parks.

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Just on an interesting side note - have you guys ever noticed that there is a large mural of a rainbow on the backing board behind the base of the Ranger? That is because when the park was originally re-opening back in 1995 they were supposed to be getting a Rainbow (from Whittingslow Amusements who pretty much supplied all the rides for the 1995 park reincarnation - a number of which are still at the park). Something changed however and they ended up with the Ranger but kept the artwork which had already been created in anticipation of the Rainbow

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That mural backdrop behind the Ranger has been there since LPS reopened in 1995, and if it's still been used up to now that the ride is being packed away, I guess it does give a hint what the replacement ride would be in the future. So yeah, the Rainbow might likely be the replacement. Breaching the topic, it would also do some good to LPS if they add a couple more thrill rides including a rollercoaster, just to even the ratio between good and mediocre/bad rides. To be blunt about that, now that the Ranger is gone, LPS is down to like two rides with only one or two decent ones worth buying unlimited passes on, and I find it problematic because there aren't enough good rides to make LPS more enjoyable, and most of the good ones that come for the school holidays come very rarely. To me, if LPS were to add another ride apart from replacing the Ranger, I would like them to add a KMG ride, because KMG manufactures high quality rides next to HUSS. Zamperla does manufacture some decent rides, but I'm not much of a Zamperla fan. HUSS and KMG rides have always been my favourite. :P

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The Ranger is closed and being dismantled for a major overhaul, not because it is leaving LPS. I have a contact high up in the management team at LPS who said an old ex LPS ride is currently undergoing refurbishment and will be installed beside the Ranger in the next few weeks. This ride will become part of the permanent ride line-up at LPS. They took the Ranger off the website because they don't know how long it'll be down for.

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The Ranger is closed and being dismantled for a major overhaul, not because it is leaving LPS. I have a contact high up in the management team at LPS who said an old ex LPS ride is currently undergoing refurbishment and will be installed beside the Ranger in the next few weeks. This ride will become part of the permanent ride line-up at LPS. They took the Ranger off the website because they don't know how long it'll be down for.
Thanks for the info Ranger Dude!! This is great news!!! Not only is Australia's one and only HUSS Ranger staying in Australia, it is staying at LPS and getting a major overhaul to boot!! Plus the attraction that is replacing the Ranger will also be staying as a permanent ride attraction, giving a much needed boost in ride numbers for the park!! Now we only need to speculate what ride will LPS getting?? Anyone have any ideas?? An ex LPS ride....Hmmm!! I am thinking that the only rides that did'nt stay at the park for the 2004 re-opening were the Big Dipper and The Octopus (Polyp). Since we know exactly where Big Dipper currently resides (Dreamworld) and The Octopus (Aussie World) , then it stands to reason that the ride must be from the 1980's incarnation. There are several possibilities here from this era. Operating in the park at this time were an Enterprise (Another HUSS ride), a Pirate Ship (possibly another example of HUSS), a Waveswinger and a Superloops. Since we know that the Geronimo Coaster went to Adventureworld in Perth as Turbo Mountain and has been scrapped,my money would be on the Waveswinger. I am pretty sure that the LPS Waveswinger was converted to a travelling unit and could now be making a return!! I am also unaware of the fate of the other rides that resided at the park in the 80's , so it could possibly also be one of them, however the Waveswinger to me feels "right" Lets hope what ever it is gets a decent bridge and some semblance of theming!!! :D Anyone else have any ideas?? Cheers Jobe
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So the Ranger is just getting an overhaul and coming back to LPS, eh? Well that's good to hear. The Ranger has been one of my favourite rides so far, and that means LPS will still have its two upsidedown rides afterwards (Flying Saucer and Ranger). I could only still wonder what the replacement of the Ranger would be, but I really hope it would be Rainbow. That would make about 5 HUSS rides in LPS, plus with the Rainbow, GoGoBoy said that riders would get a good view of the harbour than the other rides of LPS. If it's a ride from the 80's, then I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it would be Rainbow. Also, LPS should bring back some of the decorations it used to have back in 1995, because I remembered some decorations like the giant insect near the entrance to Tumblebug, the Lego blocks at the kiddy rides area, and the giant spider at the centre of the Spider ride. I also think that LPS could spiff up Maloney's corner a bit more by making the grounds look a lot less like a parking lot by theming the area. Any ideas?

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  Jobe said:
Lets hope what ever it is gets a decent bridge and some semblance of theming!!! :D Anyone else have any ideas??
I think there's very little chance of that happening. The park has been re-opened for 6 years now and Maloney's Corner still looks like a parking lot while the rest of the rides around the park have basically no bridges, theming or facades at all. I agree with the above post that it's a real shame they didn't bring back the giant insect, spider and other theming elements. In the old days of Luna Park it was like a fantasy land with all of the theming and artwork. Right now it just resembles a blank asphalt expanse of portable rides. It needs some atmosphere!
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  Ranger Dude said:
The Ranger is closed and being dismantled for a major overhaul, not because it is leaving LPS. I have a contact high up in the management team at LPS who said an old ex LPS ride is currently undergoing refurbishment and will be installed beside the Ranger in the next few weeks. This ride will become part of the permanent ride line-up at LPS. They took the Ranger off the website because they don't know how long it'll be down for.
I heard that it ran out of rego, it's in bad shape, and that they want to sell it. I also heard they're using a travelling ride until some time next year to replace it.
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Well, I guess it has been confirmed that the ride replacing Ranger for the time being is indeed March's Wave Swinger. In my vote, it's a pretty fun ride, and it's so much better than the Wild Chairs Yo-yo ride we sometimes get during the school holidays. Would have been great if LPS were to have the Rainbow, though. I guess maybe they might add one in the future, who knows.

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^ Someone reads the forums on Australian Amusement Fanatics quite a bit I take it. It might be wise to state your source of information in the future :) But it is indeed confirmed that it is March's Wave Swinger. I'll just copy and paste what I wrote on AAF about it to here. Just to put my post into context, someone had been dropping hints about the ride there. Stating that it had been previously debuted at Luna Park Sydney and had since been sold to a travelling company. "What Itsun is saying is indeed correct. Everything matches. The ride was previously at Luna Park Sydney (March's / Midway Amusements) Wave Swinger was first at Luna Park Sydney before being trailerised and sold to them. The ride is being refurbished, as we could see bits of it at the Royal Easter Show with the new panelling. And it hasn't done any other shows recently. It is not a Super Loop, Turbo, Rainbow OR Top Spin. Luna Park's replacement is in fact the Wave Swinger. It wasn't that hard to peice together all the clues that people were dropping." People were also stating that it may have been one of several other rides, but it's fairly obvious that it's indeed the wave swinger.

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  Spotty said:
^ People were also stating that it may have been one of several other rides, but it's fairly obvious that it's indeed the wave swinger.
Ha!!! Just as I predicted in my earlier post!!! I do believe I was the first to mention the possibility of the new ride being the Waveswinger!! This is quite excellent news!! Do we have a confirmation date on when the ride will debut?? Is it being placed in the spot where the Ranger resided?? If the Waveswinger is indeed to stay on as a permanent ride, this does call into question as to where it or the Ranger will be placed on the return of the Ranger from overhaul. My bet is that the Ranger will become a Midway ride once again and be placed between the ice-creamery and the Crystal Palace, a view which has been shared by an earlier post. The retainment of the Waveswinger,whilst a good move, does seem to indicate a shift in policy for LPS. This could signal the end or reduction of rotational holiday rides for the park, as room for these new rides is at a premium. If LPS do not become a little more creative , then I think this move will max out the full complement of rides for the park. I certainly hope that the ride is not just called "Waveswinger". I think utilisation of a name from the park's rich history would be more approriate, such as " The Whip". This would serve to further move the ride from a generically named travelling ride and give it a bit of character and history to draw upon. Give it a decent bridge and facade and it could even harken back to when rides at LPS had some semblence of themeing!!! Well one can hope!!!! Cheers Jobe
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Well, considering it was called Wave Swinger at Luna Park I don't see the need to change the name. I do not know any specifics such as dates or placements of the ride or what is going on with the Ranger. There is a rumor that it is being sent back to HUSS to be fully rebuilt / renovated and then brought back to the park. It could also mean they are retrofitting it so the ride is quieter so that those dolts behind the park don't have anything to whinge about. As far as the holiday rides go, I can see why Luna Park do bring in the rides over the busy periods. They may not have the money or council approval to build any more permanent rides within the park because of residents chucking a stink. And they bring the Holiday rides in because it spreads the crowds out more and gives them a few extra thrills for the money. This is also good for the Showmen who supply the rides (Joylands Better Amusement Hire) as it provides them more money to buy new rides to support the show industry. While I would like to see Luna Park Sydney build permanent rides instead of the travelling rides, I am sure there are reasons behind the decision to not purchase them and go with the temporary rides. Weather that be money, or whatever the case. I guess we will just have to wait and see. EDIT: It also seems like Luna Park Sydney has updated the website to include the Wave Swinger http://www.lunaparksydney.com/visitor_info...ames/index.html

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Alright, now I'm getting pleased to see LPS finally coming to its senses and finally adding rides that are awesome other than placing shitty rides during the school holidays. Hope to see the Ranger ASAP. We do need a couple of upsidedown rides here in LPS. If there's room for two more rides in the future, I think LPS should add a Rainbow, and perhaps a KMG ride. Good to see LPS getting back on speed.

  Spotty said:
Someone reads the forums on Australian Amusement Fanatics quite a bit I take it.
Yeah, I've been checking out AAF forums from time to time. That's where I found the info. :P
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Is a Wave Swinger really something to get excited about? It's just a chair swing ride right? I'd always welcome a change and new rides to Luna Park but I don't know if this is anything great. There is so much they could do with that park that they just aren't doing and I still find it frustrating. I will admit it is interesting to see a ride come back to the park that was previously housed there over 2 decades ago. I should mention though that the 1980's Luna Park was not really considered to be a GOOD park. It was nothing like the Luna of the 1930's - 1970's according to my history book. It was actually more like it is today - where the owners weren't interested in running the amusement park and had ulterior motives. It was just a big clump of asphalt with a bunch of travelling rides dotted all over the place with little or no facades or theming (hmm... sound familiar?)

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The Wave Swinger is one of my personal favourites right next to Rainbow, Ranger, Flying Saucer, Spider, and some of the KMG rides (though I haven't really ridden one yet). True, it's just a chair swing ride like the Wild Chairs, but it has more seats, moves faster, and is a lot more fun. Besides, LPS is an old school themed amusement park, so it's pretty logical to add Wave Swinger since it's a classic ride. They might add more rides sometime in the future - hopefully bringing back the Ranger and adding a Rainbow (or replacing Ranger with Rainbow in case it doesn't come back to LPS, though I'd prefer it if they have both rides), with the possibility of adding a KMG ride. Sure, KMG may not be considered as "old school," but some of their rides do have a knack for having the classic vibe to them, and the company is from West Holland, so the rides are of high quality and pretty innovative, whether if it's the new-age ones or the ones that have that classic feel. LPS once had the KMG ride Speed for the school holidays all those years so...

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I must be the minority here, but I like the idea of 'Rotational rides'. They're so landlocked that the only way they'll keep interest long term is to constantly mix up the ride line up, as it wouldn't take to many new rides before they're out of room, and knocking out the classic stuff. As far as I'm concerned the only new permanent ride they should add is a river caves ride to the classic half, (I have no idea where, or how to accomplish this, but there you go) and keep Maloney's Corner as a modern, constantly changing place where all the "New" "Wow" rides are. That doesn't mean it should continue to look like crap; give it some nice landscaping, bit of modern themeing and shade, and you've got a new part marketable part of the park that can constantly be mutilated without tearing out any one's childhood memories. As for adding the Wave Swinger, well sure why the hell not? Probably not my first choice of ride, but they're fun, both to ride and watch, kids dig 'em, and as with any ride at Luna Park, stick it right next the the Harbour and it'll have one of the best views around.

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  joz said:
As far as I'm concerned the only new permanent ride they should add is a river caves ride to the classic half, (I have no idea where, or how to accomplish this, but there you go) and keep Maloney's Corner as a modern, constantly changing place where all the "New" "Wow" rides are. That doesn't mean it should continue to look like crap; give it some nice landscaping, bit of modern themeing and shade, and you've got a new part marketable part of the park that can constantly be mutilated without tearing out any one's childhood memories.
I dunno about that. I mean, I'm cool with them having random rides every holidays and all, but changing the landscaping and theming each time doesn't sound like a good idea. Better for LPS to bring back the decorations they used to have back in 1995. With a few more permanent attractions, LPS won't feel the need to have extra rides during the holidays. Having modern theming for sake of KMG rides won't be that necessary since most of the KMG rides do have that classic feel to them. I'm cool if they do add Rainbow and bring back Ranger. River caves don't sound like a bad idea, but if LPS were to add one more permanent ride, I would prefer it if they bring in a second rollercoaster, one that is bigger than the Wild Mouse.
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