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Is anyone going to see this new parade tonight? (or if you're reading this tonight - have you seen it?) What are your thoughts? Where is the best position to be to see this? I plan on going tomorrow - so any suggestions on prime position would be welcome. If you did see it - post your reviews - I'm interested to know whether it's worth it.

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Well i would have loved to have seen it tonight would have been great. Except i spent the whole time of the show on the phone to my supervisor. As he watched the opening, He walked me through it all. Now that the first show has been i can say what i know i'v been busting all week to say cause im very excited. This is the first time in a LONG time that any real big effort and funding has been put into the parks parade and about time. There are BRAND SPANKING new floats that look absolutely incredible, my favourite being the jokers. Mind blowing lighting, Music is great. Position wise i have been told if your sitting based around the ice cream parlour you will be in the middle of it all. Mickey D the park was packed so they must have done something right. Overall from what iv heard and seen so far impressive stuff and i think i seen Djrappa post this on another site, that its not very often these days you can say that about our parks very impressive. But in saying that well done to all those involved in the project the time hours spent, and the hard work, but it goes to show if the parks put in the money to do these sort of things the effort needed will be put in, and will exceed. Putting money back into the business, instead of cutting here there and everywhere. I have to work all morning tomorrow but will be sure to check it out in the evening im very excited and its been a while since iv been excited for anything that has happened at our parks as of late. Id say check it out well worth it and im sure Djrappa would agree with me and all those who have seen the show these evening.

Edited by klassen24
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Well i would have loved to have seen it tonight would have been great, except i spent the whole time of the show on the phone to my supervisor as he watched the opening as he walked me through it all. Now that the first show has been i can say what i know iv been busting all week to say cause im very excited. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Sometimes it doesn't hurt to use some punctuation lol

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SPOILER ALERT Naturally, I was on park for this. In short, everyone should get down and see this, it's very well done, and a step up from the regular daytime parade. The new floats were quite elaborate and look great all lit up at night (My favourite was probably the 'destroyed street' one (One other is a big joker head with cards, and the other new one is like a justice league 'high tech' headquarters with tv screens and pulsating energy lines etc. The plot is that it starts off like a regular parade, with the daily planet covering the celebrations, but the bad guys roll in, and a battle between them and the justice league ensues, with lots of lasers, smoke etc. One thing that stood out to me is that the staff that accompany the floats are dressed to match the float instead of being in those regular blue shirts, eg the ones with the Joker float looked like clowns, the ones with the destroyed street one looked like 'hired goons' dressed in black. At the end there are actual dancers and performers with ribbons, all set to the Black Eyed Peas "Tonights gonna bee a good night". AS for the new characters, I know one is named Super Humanoid, one that looks like a leopard, one that looks like a jester, and one that dresses in black and pink...Comic fans, help me out for the last 3.... I snapped a few pics...too blurry/grainy for the galleries, but ill chuck em here. post-88-1277548536_thumb.jpg post-88-1277548769_thumb.jpg post-88-1277548957_thumb.jpg More to come...

Edited by Gazza
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I can now of course comment as well and say that the parade is one of the best things I have EVER seen come out of the park. The floats are of course amazing, and far above the standard of anything seeen before (except maybe the scooby float which was great too) and I am intimately aware of the hard work and dedication put in by those who built them in such a short time frame. The work the sculpters have done blows me away, especially the joker float. But what makes this all so fantastic is this isn't a parade with floats, it's a show with floats. The whole package the Show and Entertainment team have come up with is just really great. It's a decent length show that involves the entire street and the crowd loved it. I must also give credit to the marketing department who have clearly done a good job as the park was packed for tonights show. Was so amazing to see the park so alive and busy at 5:35pm. I must admit that I did get a bit of the warm fuzzies just in taking in the atmosphere, much the same feeling I get on the aproach to Disneyland. I just got the feeling that something really special had just been pulled off and I was witnessing the first sign of big things to come for the park. As Joz said any of this drive and creativity is NOTHING without the support of management and that support has been there on this project at a level that I have never seen before. The park is presently in the hands of some really good leadership and I see a good future. I still can't believe I'm talking about the same park as I would have been a year ago, I really was blown away, everyone should be real proud. Keep in mind this was only the first show too and it's only going to improve from here. The hype was justified, and you can really feel it amongst all the staff how excited they are to be working on something so quality. The bar has well and truely been raised here, and I for one am so happy to see it and very proud to be associated too. NOW GO SEE IT! ^ Just to add to what Gazza said now that the spoilers are out... Some comments had been made earlier about how people had hoped they didn't just 'redress the same old crappy floats.' There are a couple of the usual floats in the parade, but someone has taken the time to work in a fully plausable story line as to why they belong. Now THAT attention to detail is at the Disney level, in fact even the new floats have a reason for being in the street rather than just 'its a parade.' So just on that subject... another big congrats and great job at raising the bar.

Edited by djrappa
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I should go and check it out. This is what was happening on the other side of the highway? Comments from Dreamworlds facebook: Michael Bradshaw The clown was Crap Michael Bradshaw Dreamworld this the laser were ok. But u need to get some better lasers hey. They got some out there with shapes and animals and stuff like that. I was looking for the WOW factor i was left disapointed. The clown was shit. And wat was with the crap fire people come on. This was a flop big time. Maybe u should book the ... Laura Jenkinson Winter Wonderland. NOTHING like I expected!!! :( Hardly any snow and only for kids under 120cm. DISAPPOINTING!!! :( Donna Price MAJOR DISAPPOINTMENT - NO SNOW - NO WINTER WONDERLAND - JUST LEFT WONDERING WHERE THE SNOW WAS....DISLIKE ALOT LEFT WITH UPSET KIDS AFTER THE ADVERTS THEY HAVE SEEN SAYING THEY CAN BUILD A SNOWMAN AND MAKE SNOW ANGELS YOU ONLY GOT 3 MINUTES IN AN AREA THE SIZE OF A KIDS BEDROOM AND ITS ONLY FOR KIDS UNDER 120CM - THE ... Kevin Cruickshank Where's the DISLIKE button??? Winter Wonderland???? We were left wondering where the snow was. We didn't expect as much as others have commented but still, that was pathetic. Dreamworld really knows how to disappoint kids. The snow play area was pathetically tiny and just a mound of frozen mush .... no chance of a snow... See More Kevin Cruickshank And another irony - our 5yr old is smack on the 120cm height limit .... he was turned away from the slide for being too short and told to go to the snow play area .... but was turned away from there for being too tall!!! Fortunately he passed for the slide second time around ... must have stood up straighter!!! Daniel O'Sullivan i expected more snow as well, one another thing i could think of was nothing else was open like last time they had illuminate they had AVPX open but this time they didn't, we even asked guest services on the day and they said avpx and a few other things would be open but we went to AVPX at 5:10 and it was closed, and then i was told nothing else was open Steve Gelhaar snow????????/i have gotten more ice defrosting the freezer Elaine Gelhaar Just got back from winter wonderland opening tonite & I gotta say...it was crap!...my kids got all excited for nothing!...show was good, but the whole snow thing was an absolute joke!....that was the most disappointing outing for my kids ever! Cindy Trowbridge We were just at the Winter Wonderland and we are very disappointed. It was advertised as being a "winter wonderland" and expected from the advertising that main street was to be transformed into a winter wonderland. At the end of the show I had to go looking to find the snow that I thought was going to be everywhere. I... Bradley Mullins Ok. Now Winter not so Wonderland. 3 main problems that need a little fixing. First and biggest, the snow. I couldn't even get to touch it because the slide had an hour and a half line and the play area was for under 120cm children and one parent only. I think this could of been better if they just sprinkled snow over t... Anyway you can go check out the full remarks yourself.

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Glad to see position feedback! I have a few questions, though. - Is there still a day-time parade? Or has that been replaced with this new one? - What are the extra shows? - Are the additional characters roaming the streets during the day? - Are any rides kept open after 5pm? What stores are kept open? How active is the park after 5pm?

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Ok - saw it tonight - second time round - few teething problems where some of the lights weren't working, but overall a great show. Check the wind direction if you're up near the main screen - as the smoke machines will cover you completely if you're on the wrong side. About the bakery \ roxy theatre is the best viewpoint. The floats are fantastic - and so fantastic i'll say it again - the floats are FANTASTIC. A good job has been done on them by all involved. My only criticism (and this is the nerdy detail coming out) but the Justice League float has little blue and red led (i assume a continuous snake light) and they are set to flash, I assume to look like a police car's lights - except there is a pause in one - red\blue\pause\red\blue (i know it's picky, but if they were going for "police lights" they need to lose the pause). It has a great story, decent action occurring all the way along the street with great coverage on the big screen. "Jimmy" appears a little too old (in the Superman series, jimmy was always quite a young apprentice reported - this guys about 40). Can't rave about it enough - the only problem I see is that the standard has now been set - they need to keep it up. As for the rest of the park - Scooby's smoke was so good - you could smell it in the loading station. WWF must have been set on summer settings - people were coming off soaked! River ride is disappointing, Marvin's rocket looks like a joke, lethal is rough as guts, but the staff loading were quite efficient. Wait times were long throughout the park but at least the staff brought their A game. In every sense of the word - it's good to have Movie World back on top. 'Nuff said.

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Well to answer your Questions ash, At this current time there is no need for a day time parade not to mention today would have been a huge crowd control head ache if a day parade was showing. Huge numbers at the park today. The Extra (one) show starts at about 2:50 at end of main street with the best dressed comp and the new live action show ties in straight as that finishes. You can see all the different DC comic heros and villains throughout the day and often, I think on average today, there was about 8 in total out. Plus your usual characters. All stores are still open till guests are gone, and come 5:40 as i was leaving the park there were still runs of superman and batwing going. I ended up spending the whole day at the park today, HUGE crowd numbers it was crazy, But also good to see that it was so active and most things were in full swing. All shops open by midday (Retail, F/B and mobiles Plus more) Really great attitude by staff also trying there best to keep operations as smooth as possible. But like AlexB said hugeeeeee wait times on all attrations, Shrek 4d Was running Pre show and Main show at same time 20min intervals all day. Hollywood stunt driver started at 2 shows but as discussed early this morning we all knew a 3rd show was in need, a fourth was on the cards come lunch time but didn't happen. But to think 3 weeks ago i was getting real disappointed in village with all the bad news but after the past 2 weeks i have been very pleased. Not to mention this new parade and how well things are doing is really creating a very positive attitude through out the parks management team. I see really good things to come. Looking forward to whats in stall for halloween as its the next event on the drawing board, Followed by the 20th anniversary next years. Whats new? Whats next!

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Hey Alex. Just curious what wasn't working? I went to watch the parade tonight too and didn't notice anything that seemed to be broken. Usually I'd notice something like that.

My only criticism (and this is the nerdy detail coming out) but the Justice League float has little blue and red led (i assume a continuous snake light) and they are set to flash, I assume to look like a police car's lights - except there is a pause in one - red\blue\pause\red\blue (i know it's picky, but if they were going for "police lights" they need to lose the pause).
Funnily enough I was just on the highway and past a police who's lights were doing a kind of red blue pause thing. Made me chuckle after reading your post just before. So maybe they did get it right after all, guess it depends on the police car. That is of course assuming they were actually trying to make it look like a police car, with a continous snake light, but we dont know if that's the case do we. Perhaps one of our men on the ground could put their feelers out and let us know. Glad to see another positive review. Also glad to hear about the good smoke in Scooby, certainly makes the lasers look great hey.
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Definitely made the green cone on the turntable fabulous - but alas the red laser at the end just couldn't cut it. The multi laser isn't really noticeable after the first switchback - they need to bring back the psychotic green lasers... they really filled the room up. As to what wasn't working - the pillars for the big screen both had a par-stubby LED at the bottom of them, to light up the "heroes" and "villains" posters on the front of the pillar. The "villains" one didn't strike in pre-show, so when all the front lighting went UV, the villains was in a bit of shadow. Three guys in blue "film crew" shirts came out and started fiddling. At one stage, they unplugged it, and tried to link out of the "heroes" can on the other side, not sure what happened, but either way - that light was offline for the whole show. Let me just add those smoke machines are a bad idea near the big screen. They would have been better up high, out wide, so it has dispersed a little by the time it hits the crowd. As you have probably guessed, I was sitting up on the corner, in front of the big screen. I also noticed the speaker stacks they've hung from the screen - the left stack has multiple safety cables running around the rigging bars, with one very obvious one coming up from the middle - seems that got left off the right-hand stack... run out of safety's? As for the police lights - take the police academy patrol cars as an example - (there was one on main street today used for a lunchtime batman streetfight..... they go blue-blue-red-red-blue-blue-red-red... with the JL float it was just weird - because it seemed like that was the intent - blue and red lights are the sign of emergency services - the good guys - law and order... the pause just seemed too long - perhaps in sequence, instead of going blue-red-pause, it could go blue-blue-red-red-pause.... so the pause is only half as long as each colour? I keep thinking about it - i was on the corner - with a roof support to my back, and a blue rope right in front of me - so i got a reallllllllly good look at the floats as they swung wide around the corner - and i just can't get over how great they really look - and i just have to keep saying it - I won't put a disney label on it - checkerplate stairs at the back of each just takes away from it - but for their restrictive budget they're SOOOO close. And Gazza - you're right too - the whole "driver in the correct theme" is a nice touch that really does lift it to that next level - a small touch though it is - it just.... works?

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checkerplate stairs at the back of each just takes away from it - but for their restrictive budget they're SOOOO close.
On one of the floats at DCA (A big High School Musical one) the actual control module thing for the show was actually hung off the back of the float, with a little seat for the operator...even Disney can't avoid showing stuff like this ;)
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I'm assuming you're talking about these ones. HSM Pep Rally HSM 3 The difference here is that is more like a mobile stage - it has an intended viewing direction, and an operator behind that doesn't detract so much, because the audience is not intended to see it. Take note of the stairs on the side of these though - themed, and worked into the actual float facade, rather than bolted on as an afterthought. A short step to get them onto the stage platform where they can then walk up through the facade. Another little thought they had was to theme blocks that the cast would stand on "off the float" HSM blocks But the point is they carry their stairs around on the float, and you'd never know they were there, until they were needed, and they weren't huge, bright, reflective checkerplate. I don't want to seem like i'm complaining about the quality of MW's here - they are great, and some of the best stuff i've seen come out of the parks in quite a while - but it's the little things like that. The looney tunes castle float had stairs running forward that were covered in astroturf to theme it like the rest of the float - so somewhere along the line, someone thought of it - but just didn't follow through that thinking on all the other ones.

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Dude the floats have a towbar coming out the front and a generic buggy pulling them. If we are going to start picking on stupid stuff Id say that's a bigger concern than 3 little steps which aren't even checkerplate they are steel grating. The steps are tiny and painted black. I don't think they could be any less obvious. I'd sooner that than big obvious stairs, themed or otherwise. Can we turn this into a World of Color not having a story thread now?

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WOW just WOW what an awesome parade but its not really a parade its more of show themed to parade to me.... MW a couple of months to me seemed like it had a long way to go... Now Scooby and rides as such looking fantastic witch smoke, yes the red laser looks pathetic but as I said before its looking a lot better lately and is getting back towards glory days and this parade and the park look great. Looney Tunes a couple of weeks ago looked great but in a short time a lot of animatronics haven't been working. They should also tear down Marvin and put something in there that works. All the buildings on mainstreet were open for the parade which was great and they were busy, when I left the rides were running but the lines had been shut. The park just had this magical vibe through the parade which in recent time has been lost the parade was the best I had ever seen it. I stopped watching the parades because they were so bad and boring where once upon a time I would ALWAYS watch they were so good. I just hope that when this show finishes we see the same quality parade continue and that they begin to do this every holidays and in Summer. I liked the begging with the Daily Planet reporter and you could tell the guy was Austin Powers during the day, it made me laugh but he was still very good. The guys in Police uniforms with JL float, were they the PA stunt uniforms?? I was sitting closer to the screen but best viewing is down in the middle of the street near the Roxy theatre. Not only that but staff with the crowd appeared to be having a great time and dancing and shouting and really getting into, which is just something extra that shows through and lifts and makes it more fun. Also last night they were filming Kids WB there with the 2 hosts in the parade. There are other DC comic shows during the day and lots of the characters out, Lex Luthor was following people up main street and before the show started there was guy with a whistle getting everyone hyped up, kind of reminded me of Mad Mike! The parks still not what it use to be, but if this parade shows anything I'm very confident for the future. Also I noticed Michael Croaker's daughter got a shout out on the main screen.

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^ The uniforms with the JL floats are Gotham City Police uniforms. I agree with everything you said about the parade, a truly remarkable parade, the atmosphere towards the end with the characters dancing was just unbelievable. It may only be a short lived show, but it's honestly so good I wouldn't be sad at all if it came back for the summer holidays, or did the odd Saturday night show. If I could offer one suggestion it would be to get the retail people out there selling more crap that either flashes or glows in the dark before the parade starts. That's how good I think the parade is; I want to see more retail! I think having a few hundred people armed with flashy crap for the final dance number would really improve the atmosphere too. A good job all round, go see it, you won't be dissapointed, and if you are then you can't be pleased.

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