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My Day At Movieworld


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So today I decided to go too Movieworld :angry: And it was the worst theme park experience ever! This is what happened! Scooby Doo: 90 min wait all day, the spillout que was nearly full all day. (did not get chance to ride it.) Superman Escape: Down for Maintenance. Lethal Wepon: 40 min wait and the smoothest I've ever rode! Wild West Falls 20 min wait and got soaked. (the shortest que of the major attractions!) Road Runner: Long wait. (probly 200 people in line.) Batwing: 45 min wait. Hollywood Stunt Driver: The highlight of the day! Everything was on time and it was just something you had to see! Problems: It was too packed :angry: I only got to go on two rides and see Hollywood Stunt Driver. Staffing: There was alot of staff with the shows/prades :wacko: they needed of more staff on the rides. Never going to Movieworld on a public holiday weekend again!

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- How did the park look? - For Hollywood Stunt Driver, did they bother to place the bricks back into the building? (or was the hole there the entire time?) - How were the rides' effects? - Near the "Upgrade Booth" on the roundabout, what is that new concreted section for? (where the grass is/was)

Edited by ash.1111
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Well Sunday is normally the busiest day of a long weekend, combined with the fact that there's 200,000 odd tickets that expire in 2 weeks, combined with the fact it's a beautiful day, yeah, it's going to be busy. It was busy Saturday and if it's a nice day tomorrow then it's going to be busy then too. It sucks I know, but what do you expect? One of the side effects of having so many passes expiring at the same time is there are a heap of people who want to take one last trip to the parks, so it is going to be busy over the next couple of weeks, weekends especially.

Edited by joz
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The park looked very busy. You could hardley get around in main street, there were people sitting wherever they could and there was just to many people! They put signs up to cover it. And when the car came over about 4 or 5 bricks came out. Dont know anything about the roundabout. Not saying the parks bad (I'm going back there soon but some simple things like, running 2 train on the Road Runner and putting more boats on the Wild West Falls) And does anyone know where the Red (second) train is for the Leathal Wepon???

Edited by jdool16
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I understand, and believe me I'm the first to be annoyed by crowds. Try waiting in LAX for your suitcases... Well...it gets a little messy! But I do believe in Movieworld, sure it has some minor flaws. But overall I feel it is still a great theme park and definetly one of my favourites. I have fun there with my friends and that's what its all about. Good times. :)

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Funny you should be complaining of the crowds... I was at MovieWorld on Sunday and had done all rides (except Superman obviously) by 12:00pm. Approximately 10 - 20 bricks from HWSD have been in place the last few weeks that I have been attending. In saying that though I have been at 3 shows where cars have lost power midway through a sequence. I know that it is obviously something that can't be guaranteed not to happen but when it happens 3 out of 6 shows I think they need to look at the maintenance logs.

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  joz said:
As it stands now, there is only one train, and I'm willing to bet the train that is running would be a 'purple' train, bit of both red and blue mixed together.
CORRECT! there is only going to be one train on LW ride , they use the red train as spare part just incase if somethink happens to the blue train.They already have plans to replace the ride in 2012 so watch out for that. Edited by Randy23
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Somethink that some thing is wrong there.... or is that some think that something is wrong there? hmmmm. Another replacement? Rough as guts or not, its a signature attraction - and one of the "firsts" in it's style and design. I hope they get their monies worth because ripping that out is not a decision that should be made lightly. Surely they can come up with another direction to expand without ripping another out - unless it is the maintenance costs (which wouldn't surprise me) then i really can't see justification to take it down...

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  AlexB said:
Somethink that some thing is wrong there.... or is that some think that something is wrong there? hmmmm. Another replacement? Rough as guts or not, its a signature attraction - and one of the "firsts" in it's style and design. I hope they get their monies worth because ripping that out is not a decision that should be made lightly. Surely they can come up with another direction to expand without ripping another out - unless it is the maintenance costs (which wouldn't surprise me) then i really can't see justification to take it down...
Well yes it is about maintenance all the parts etc and also the fact it is out of the way E.g Not much people can see the entry to the ride, But can see the track and then when they walk up the ramp they think it is a movie not a ride. Also they get less people unless if it is on a PUBLIC HOLIDAY or SCHOOL HOLIDAYS
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But thinking on it a bit more - how different are the maintenance costs for Lethal as opposed to corkscrew \ sea viper. Wear and tear mainly on the train itself - and obviously replacing a train is less expensive than throwing the coaster away - otherwise they wouldn't have done it with corkscrew. As to not seeing the entry - lethal weapon has one of the most elaborate entry-ways in the park - right next to the bakery "Ride: Lethal Weapon" on the Chinese billboard. People also get a park map when they enter -which details LW also, and shows the pathway to get to it - and shows theres a coaster behind the chinese theatre. With the introduction of superman, Lethal also got an additional pathway - making it less isolated, and more of a bypass to main street if you want to get from batwing to scooby\wwf. And of course they get less people - there are far more newer and exciting rides - like scooby and superman (which both have an elaborate pre-show and theming - does that tell you anything?) But I don't believe a 15 year old coaster costing millions would be ripped out because less people ride it. Thats like removing the bungee tower from adrenalin world because more people prefer the vomitron.

Edited by AlexB
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Another question, Randy are sure you're allowed to tell us this information? Because these plans aren't for another 2 years and considering they won't even tell us about this year I would think WVTP, knowing them and how they are so secret, I would imagine they would be pretty angry with you releasing it. Which leads me to think your hearing this on the rumour mill and its not true, which is what I believe or it is true and I would think on your part its pretty stupid to be saying this on a forum. So please if you can tell us this info great, but for your sake if you can't, don't. And I do secretly hope that it doesn't demolished, it may be rough, but its a heap of fun and its only suspended coaster and our only coaster that loops that many times, it would be a sad day to see it go :(

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Remembering also that your employment non-disclosure agreements don't stop when you leave the organisation as well. If this was something WVTP was happy to have released this far ahead of time - I reckon we'd be hearing about it from more than just you. Don't believe you have anonymity either - many people know who you are personally, and enough information to figure out who you are online too - you haven't exactly kept that secret either - so if it is true - I suspect you've released it without authorisation and are in a bit of trouble. If it isn't (which is the direction i'm leaning) then you are doing nothing for your credibility. Next you'll be telling us it's getting replaced by a B&M dive machine.... ...Or maybe disney is building a park in australia! (within Lethal's footprint)

Edited by AlexB
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Okay so I went to Movie World and well I gotta say I had a pretty enjoyable day. At one point all the characters were in main street they had Austin, Marilyn, Batman, Scooby and the gang and Bugs and Tweety and one point, because me and Austin became really close he led me over to the bank and next minute the bank was robbed and Wonder Woman came out beat them up and ran off, I'm guessing for DC Comics birthday. Also the people the come out with the characters I don't remember if they never use to, but now they wear this whole costume where they look like a director?!?! Now this one is directed at Gazza I remember a while ago he said that the screen in SE were boring and that they should put in a train timetable on like blue line, orange line and have them change and such. Well obviously someone was listening and that has now been installed. SE only had one train going which meant that the line could sometimes get fairly long. LW still only has the blue train on the track, I'm still wondering what the cargo hold things, can't think of the name for them right now are doing next to the ride, or have they always been there?!?! Photo booth never opened all day, and one thing I really liked was the music in the main square outside LW it was turned up really loud and I don't know what it was but it seemed to give it more charm. Scooby was looking good, everything working and I did 3 times and some points there was fair amount of fog in there, and at one point the whole bottom floor was completely flooded in it. I know because I went right through and got a whole mouth of, and that stuff doesn't smell to good. Laser's all working, still don't like the red laser, prefer the green one, but hey that was just me. The main room wasn't as fogged as it use to be but it looked really good and was a lot of fun, if I was being really picky music could have been a little louder. River ride was still really fun as it always, but out of everything today would have said it was the worst, it was just little things that weren't working the tree scene, rock falling, bugs with the Koala's and maybe another one or two, and one of the waterfalls weren't. Don't get me wrong it was still looking great and a lot of fun, its just not the same if your expecting something to do something and it just sits there and other people on the ride were commenting! Also this was the only ride were I saw only one staff member that clearly looked like they didn't want to be there, but every other staff member were great today, lately I had been struggling to find a friendly one. Batman, I forgot that this is such a fantastic ride, I mean the ride itself it was very outdated, but I mean it is a lot of fun and a great crowd soaker when they have their busy days and the level of theming and detail that the ride has leaves a lot to be desired for things like Batwing! Really if you did a new story and improved the simulator you'd have an even better ride and more people going on it, who knows you might actually see all the simulators full instead of just a couple of them running. Mainstreet I don't know if anyone has said this before but there is now a lighting rack just above where the usually shows just outside the Daily Planet, there is also a two large sets of speakers off the screen and down mainstreet off each pole there are speakers. Now I think I may have forgotten some things but if I remember I'll come back to it later. But yea while there were things in the park that weren't what they used to be and somethings were gone or not working or there things like internet cafe. Other things in the park had been improved which was great to see and I had an awesome day and a lot of fun, if the park could keep the standards I saw today and polished some things I would dare say it was like its glory day's.

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ok it was a TROLL ALL ALONG i was making it up!
I'm still wondering what the cargo hold things, can't think of the name for them right now are doing next to the ride, or have they always been there?!?!
I'll cover both bases. Yes, the shipping containers (Brown ones?) have been there for years from memory. The loose item boxes haven't changed in that period either.
Scooby was looking good, everything working and I did 3 times and some points there was fair amount of fog in there, and at one point the whole bottom floor was completely flooded in it. I know because I went right through and got a whole mouth of, and that stuff doesn't smell to good. Laser's all working, still don't like the red laser, prefer the green one, but hey that was just me. The main room wasn't as fogged as it use to be but it looked really good and was a lot of fun, if I was being really picky music could have been a little louder.
Agreed, I rode recently and you could tell there was plenty of smoke because you could smell it in the air, which is a first in my memory. But yeah, the ride really is epic when it's in this sort of top notch state. I miss that old green vortex laser though.
Okay so I went to Movie World and well I gotta say I had a pretty enjoyable day. At one point all the characters were in main street they had Austin, Marilyn, Batman, Scooby and the gang and Bugs and Tweety and one point, because me and Austin became really close he led me over to the bank and next minute the bank was robbed and Wonder Woman came out beat them up and ran off, I'm guessing for DC Comics birthday.
I know people have made the comment that they never see characters, but I think how many characters you see really comes down to where you opt to spend your day in the park (And it also helps if you check the show guide for when the outdoor performances are on....don't hold me to this, but I think you can ask about character times at the photo centre) I mean, characters basically hang out on Main Street, so if you are a typical coaster/thrill nut, and spend a a lot of time hopping from WWF to SDSC to Lethal to SE to Batwing you'd be mostly bypassing main street via those shortcuts, and hence likely to miss them.
Near the "Upgrade Booth" on the roundabout, what is that new concreted section for? (where the grass is/was)
Well, its currently a bench (lolollolz Bench: the ride !!!11111!!) but if you look closely there are power and data points there. Edited by Gazza
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I was a bit annoyed when I went on Friday and even though it was packed, lots of kids off on holidays, only 1 train on the Superman was running. And the attendants were slow/grumpy/not caring at all. Compared to when I went a few months ago and they were going as fast as they could to break their record (39 in a hour I think?) and we moved from the back of the line to the front in under 20 minutes. Friday it was a wait of about an hour and 20 minutes. But they seemed understaffed, no person at the entrance saying "check your pockets". WWF great as usual, had 1 tidal wave (after the backwards drop and when the boat turns around again then as it turns the next corner sometimes you get soaked), it's so fun when it rains and the boats smash into each other. WWF was so full in the morning, walk on in the afternoon (1pm) :S Road runner was a wait of 10 minutes or so. I did Lethal Weapon for the first time. Hurts your left ear a lot. One girls ear was bleeding.

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Okay so I went on Friday so it was a while ago but I'll remember what I can. First the park was once again looking great Scooby had even more fog in it than Tuesday which made it a lot of fun, once again that ride is showing really good signs of being in its glory days again, although on Friday the doors into the ride were broken, hard to explain but I think you guys know which one's I'm talking about the doors the ride first goes through and you see Scooby and the fountain didn't have any smoke in it like usual. Other than that I remember on Friday as pretty slick. Wild West was another one looking great and a lot of fun as always everything was working and something I actually have never really seen going lately was there was a lot of fog coming out of the fire where the Indian section is. On the left up thought there was no air when you the bats or gunshots or whatever that noise is and the video where the but shoot at you on your way up to the final drop wasn't working but other than great... obviously not as good as when it was before the fire but still good for what it was. Not that I can remember how it use to be before anyway... I do remember seeing the sparks though. There were lots of characters out in the park again it really looked good. Now here's what was bad about the day, it was the last day before holidays, clearly to me, because I even guessed it before I went that the park would be busy, but it was clearly under staffed. Batman was doing its morning run and then afternoon run, and in the afternoon the line was about 3/4 of the switchbacks full, the ride seriously needed to be running all day and when it was opened it wasn't running with a very large capacity three or so simulators when it really needed all 6 to handle the parks crowd. Superman, didn't even bother with, it was broken down in the morning and then started with one train for the rest of the day it was full all day with waits as stardust said... at one point when I went past it the line was actually outside of the building it really needed 2 train operation, with operators working as quickly as possible and someone out the front with emptying pockets, because I did hear a guest saying how every second person had things in their pockets and was making loading just painful. Lethal needs 2 train running on it, it was also packed. The management at the park if they are American need to do something American parks are good at and that's loading, lines on LW and SE would be quicker if the load process was. To top it off last couple of rides lined up for Lethal I was next group on front seat which I had waited for and as it went around the loop past the station it blew the lid shut, but operators weren't watching so when it came back the ride had to have a mechanic brought in, because of this the ride was closed for the day. Now I can see the reason behind it, but why couldn't they wait for the mechanic and send the last rides, I mean SE was going to bed running for the next hour, and because of this the staff on the ride got abused so heavily because they weren't watching and saw the lid shut, guests made them shut the lid to see the sound but they weren't budging, which I get why but closing straight on the guests and while they said sorry they just seem truly sorry or convincing and because of that the GP gave it them. Looney Tunes river ride only went for 3 hours in the also needed to go all day, the park was that busy and more shows for Shrek were needed to relieve the pressure on the park. Stunt Driver added and extra show which was good to see. But the shops in main street as well needed to open earlier and not close so early. Basically everything in the park looked great but it was clearly understaffed and A LOT of guests were noticing this and commenting and most were pretty unhappy about it, if the park had 2 train operation on SE and LW and faster loading operations and Batwing was horribly slow at loading on Friday ALL ride OPEN ALL DAY as well as the shops open all day then that day would have been very busy but the park would have handled it A LOT better and wait times wouldn't have been so long and guests feelings would have come off a lot better as crowd would have been spread more and people would have more to do and rides moving quicker it wouldn't have seemed so bad.

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