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Sydney Gets a Water Park!


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  On 06/06/2011 at 11:02 AM, 'Dylaan said:

Eww they included a sky coaster in the new plan. :/

  On 06/06/2011 at 11:17 AM, 'GoGoBoy said:

I agree. I much preferred the older version MINUS the skycoaster and zipline. They have no place in a true waterpark. Tacky and ugly. Stick to world class water slides

Same. Water parks are about water slides not dry rides. I didnt like seeing the Zipline at Wet'n'Wild Gold Coast because it took up the space of a good ride, Terror Canyon 1 & 2, and there is literally no queue for it due to the bookings and payments you have to make to go on it - therefore is kind of a waste of space. And personally, the Skycoaster is kind of an eyesore but does grab peoples attention at its size. The only pay per play attraction for water parks i believe is the FlowRider and that is much more popular than the Skycoaster and Zipline in my opinion Edited by Jamberoo Fan
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  On 06/06/2011 at 11:51 AM, 'pin142 said:

Wish a dry park would get a Skycoaster!

IMHO (and I'm aware this opinion may put me in the minority. I'll also apologise to GoGoBoy in advance, because I know he'll disagree with me more than anyone else :) ) of all the parks on the Gold Coast, Skycoaster fits into WnW best. Yes it's a dry attraction, but like most of WnW, it's unthemed, adrenaline charged, and appeals mostly to young people, and has so far been very, very popular. What dry park would it suit better? I'm sure the members on this site would agree that it wouldn't fit into MW (even it was named "Stunt fall" or anything equally tenuous), since Movieworld for the most part has a well themed thing going on. I don't think with the steady stream of families that SW attracts it would be right for there, and surly we aren't saying that what we all really want is another upcharge at DW. As for it being a 'dry' attraction, well I don't really have a problem with that. I think WnW would do well adding another one or two dry attractions (not upcharges. I think in this one year WnW maxed out on the number of Upcharges the park should have). Well, I say dry attractions, I mean hybrid attractions. For example I'd love to see a Topspin added to the park, and see it run with water fountains over summer, and without during winter. It would obviously be a big draw card during summer, and given most Gold Coast locals would only consider swimming for an hour or two during the middle of the day during winder, a couple of those sort of dry rides might make a day out at WnW a plausible option for people. Again, I'm aware that my opinion expressed above is not shared by all, but I genuinely believe that despite it being a bold move, it would be one WnW
  On 06/06/2011 at 1:51 PM, 'Jamberoo Fan said:

I didnt like seeing the Zipline at Wet'n'Wild Gold Coast because it took up the space of a good ride, Terror Canyon 1 & 2

Zipline is easily my least favorite of the upcharge attractions this year, but I will defend it a little bit here and point out that Terror Canyon was dead and buried a long time before Zipline came along. If there was no Zipline, Terror Canyon would not have come back instead. That corner of the park would still be sitting dormant. Having said that I really hope that Zipline is just a temporary attraction (a couple years) until they figure out what to do with the back of the mountain. Anyway, I just remembered this topic is for WnW Sydney, so I'll stop typing now :)
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I think it’s a ‘does no harm’ type addition. Upcharges are only a problem when parks add them in lieu of proper attractions included in the admission (Eg like what DW did for a while) At WnW (And WnWS for that matter) do you really give a shit if the upcharge is just sitting there when the park is full to the brim of pretty awesome slides (Could anyone possibly be displeased at the other attractions planned for WnWS?) It’s like how SFMM has a couple of up charges, but I don’t think it matters because there are more than enough big coasters to keep you occupied, so you don’t even have to consider it. I guess the point I’m trying to make is, if you dont like Skycoaster, go ride Aqualoop or Tornado or whatever.

Edited by Gazza
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  On 06/06/2011 at 3:11 PM, 'joz said:

Terror Canyon was dead and buried a long time before Zipline came along.

I agree - Terror Canyon is dated and therefore got replaced with the Blackhole in the Extreme H20 Zone which does have more thrills but in my opinion, I just see Terror Canyon as a better use of space than the Zipline. And some water parks do work with dry rides. Jamberoo is heading to 'water park' status but still has 5 dry rides/attractions - bobsled, racing cars, chairlift, landscape golf and the 'Jamberoo Express' trackless train due to its orginal idea of a recreation park. Personally, i think water parks shouldnt have these dry rides unless some water element is involved. Examples can include the WipeOut at Dreamworld when its heyday had all the water fountains operating. The SurfRider at Wet'n'Wild is another example (i think its got water fountains but havent seen them working yet).
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I just see Terror Canyon as a better use of space than the Zipline.

So you're saying that an attraction at the Terror Canyon site has to use the existing wooden start tower, and they can't say build a second tower when the time comes and they want to do an attraction in the area? Edited by Gazza
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No I think they are saying that Terror Canyon is a better use of space so should have just stayed there, even though it has been pointed out painfully that it is well closed and would not be returning regardless of Zipline.

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So you're saying that an attraction at the Terror Canyon site has to use the existing wooden start tower, and they can't say build a second tower when the time comes and they want to do an attraction in the area?

No I don't think it has to use the wooden tower. I just want to see activity in that area. Where the Terror Canyon slides run they should have some new water slide instead of a dry pay per use ride which is placed dominantly in the air space above it. For example, a new Tantrum Alley from ProSlide could fit that space. Edited by Gazza
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they should have some new water slide instead of a dry pay per use ride which is placed dominantly in the air space above it.

Fail. Zipline is 'dominantly' above the River Rapids, not Terror Canyon: http://www.nearmap.com/?ll=-27.915862,153.317078&z=20&t=h&nmd=20110118 The only bit of Terror Canyon it passes over is the splashdown pool, but it's that high in the air that there would be no problem putting a splashdown for a new ride underneath.
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  On 07/06/2011 at 12:46 PM, 'Gazza said:

Fail. Zipline is 'dominantly' above the River Rapids, not Terror Canyon: http://www.nearmap.com/?ll=-27.915862,153.317078&z=20&t=h&nmd=20110118 The only bit of Terror Canyon it passes over is the splashdown pool, but it's that high in the air that there would be no problem putting a splashdown for a new ride underneath.

Yeah you know what I mean lol Im not that stupid lol and that was just bad word choice lol And im rarely up at the Gold Coast so i dont know much about what happens up there or the detail in their theme park layouts. Im more up-to-date with Jamberoo Action Park and thats it. The internet only allows me to know what happens at Gold Coast theme parks. But anyway lets get back to topic - Wet 'n' Wild Sydney Edited by Jamberoo Fan
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  • 2 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

It seems there has been some opposition to Wet N' Wild in Sydney http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/sydney-nsw/teens-wild-for-water-park-take-the-fight-to-pessimistic-parents/story-e6freuzi-1226132709546 This is pretty typical, they didn't build the originally planned theme park at Fox Studios because the residents (led by Clover Moore) petitioned the State Government to restrict what could be put on the site. The Fun Police are always active in NSW, hope they don't kill this off!

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Residents, who requested their names be withheld from public exhibition, said noise levels would be "intolerable". "The theme park will taint Prospect's name and disappoint the community. It is such a shame that the farming land that once dominated western Sydney has been almost totally destroyed," one resident said.

1- Explain the Motorway. 2- Rouse Hill. Problem solved. Edited by jjuttp
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I think it's all pretty normal, and if the comments on the article are any gauge of public opinion (which we all know they are) then it seems most people support the park. There's always an element of 'not in my back yard' and these type of articles always come out, but I don't think this opposition will amount to anything. Also it will dissapoint the Community, any one else got images of depressed families walking around?

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NIMBY's, for someone interested in urban planning and architecture...are the worst people in the world :angry:. Try attending a community meeting when everyone is against a proposal for a 3 storey building (or something equally as insignificant) in inner city Melbourne. It makes me a little bit crazy. Hopefully it gets passed them, I think the region needs this sort of investement so I would be surprised if the council didn't let it through.

Edited by keadz
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I drove past the site the other day, on the M4 not Reservoir Rd and as far as I can tell there is nothing happening. I will try to go past on Reservoir Rd sometime soon. I'm really looking forward to this park as it will be somewhere I can take my baby, who is due in a month, in the coming years. "The Bus is now leaving for Baby Creek, NSW"

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  • 4 months later...

Heres an update on Wet'n'Wild Sydney...The water park has been given the green light...WOOOO Prospect: Government gives Wet'n'Wild ticket to ride QUAKERS Hill brothers Jacob and Caleb Hansford spent every day they could at Wet’n'Wild on the Gold Coast when they lived in Queensland and now, with the NSW government signing off on Wet’n'Wild at Prospect, they will be able to enjoy some of their favourite rides again. The Planning Department gave concept approval for the $98 million first stage of the $140 million project on December 8 last year. It is up to the park’s builders, Village Roadshow, to get back to the government by March on “conditions” made on the project. The Hansford boys are competitive swimmers and Caleb, 14, said it would be great to have a Wet’n'Wild nearby. He said he made the most of the Gold Coast park when the family was living in Mango Hill in Brisbane. “It was close to us and was so much fun,” Caleb said. “It will be good to have one nearby for when it gets stinking hot.” Construction is expected to begin in a few months in time to open by September 2013. The government is leasing 25ha of land for the project, which is expected to attract nearly a million visitors in its first year. The 10 rides in stage one include the Duelling Master Blaster Tube Ride and Sky Coaster. Village said 300 jobs would be created during construction and operation of the park and $500 million would be injected into the western Sydney economy in the first 10 years. A Tourism NSW spokesman said the park would boost tourism in Blacktown. Blacktown Council initially was not satisfied with $5.2 million to upgrade roads around the Reservoir Rd site but late last year threw its support behind the project after Village agreed to an additional $2 million to reseal Reservoir Rd. A Tourism NSW spokesman said the park would be a big boost for tourism in Blacktown. “The water is an essential part of the Sydney experience; our people live, breathe and celebrate the water in a variety of ways. A new themed water attraction like Wet’n'Wild would provide an opportunity for visitors to enhance that experience,” he said.

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