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Parkz Creative Genius



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    • Looney tunes a history in The making - lscia8
    • Playground - jakeman398
    • Rabbit Fire! - joz

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Round Three has finished.  After two rounds here's how Thr leaderboard sits 1st. Joz (5pts) 2nd Gazza (4pts) 3rd Pin142 (3pts) 4th themeparkgc (2pts) 4th Isica8 (2pts) 6th linus1995 (1pt)  It's now up to members to decide how the points stand. Please read the submissions before voting. Please post your challenge 4 submissions here! Remember, anyone can submit this round and earn points towards the title of Parkz Creative Genius Challenge Four - Two Week Challenge! Please limit response to one post. Dreamworld is turning 30! Here's your challenge.   Celebrate Dreamworld's 30th in style!  Dreamworld are going to Build a themed dark ride Create a show Open an Upcharge attraction A new advertising campaign.   You can create as many or as few as you like. Your attraction/s must have A name A detailed description of the attraction/s You may include photos if you wish If you are creating an ad for tv link to your ad on YouTube from your post. Deadline for submissions is a fortnight  Saturday at midnight. As this is a more in depth challenge you have 2 weeks to submit. Forum members will then vote, and points will be awarded. Good Luck and Have Fun Remember - deadline for submissions for this round is Saturday 4th December at midnight! ALSO this round will be DOUBLE POINTS! So now is a great chance to get involved and submit an idea!

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Why an upcharge? This is Dreamworld we are talking about! I want you guys to try and think of an Upcharge that is both value for money and exciting! Something a paying guest might actually want to do. An Upcharge attraction does not have to be a silly thing, it can actually be quite good. Just think creatively! Nate

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Seeing as exams are over, I shalt probably enter this one. ^.^ Hmm... I have an idea.... To keep with the 'Dreamworld's Thrill Status', I want to keep a little bit of thrills for the thrill seekers, but also have a ride kids can enjoy and people who didn't like scares. SO this is gonna be based on what California Screamin' tried to do, but as a dark ride. I wont let go too much of my plans yet to design it, but I will probably make a layout sketch but also just use Google Sketchup to make some objects & import to RCT3 just so I can show what I fully wanted. The ride will be based in a dark forest, however, it will be INSIDE a building shaped to more of a relicy type of ummm house/castle type thing. It will be like an 'escape' and by using some features found on some really cool dark rides, such as Indiana Jones (I love this ride).... I will try to create something good, while still being resourceful. The escape will start off slow, but they soon become lost in this forest when things get faster (but not too fast) with near misses, darkness, special effects and more. To add to the atmosphere, I will use lights to create a 'flashing' effect (lightning), which then stops when they enter this next room where there will be a final twist. I might change my plans slightly (because I AM pushing the boundaries of a 'dark ride') but I have many ideas, so I might fully change them yet.... And don't get up me because it isn't quite a dark ride style thingymabob. Actually, just had another idea, will think about it and how it would work, then post it. Oh, and while I'm being resourceful, the trees used in the dark forest could be the trees in their spare land (resourceful), the space wont be too much as it will be compact, it could easily fit into already cleared land and the line, I will make it very well themed, but to make a build up, some of their spare land could be used as a dark forest walk thing before the ride. ^.^ Will post more soon to try and make it more to fit to the task.

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Hey Guys. Just a quick update. I was planning on custom designing my own castle/spooky building for the dark ride, but I just remembered that the comp finished tomorrow @ midnight, and I won't be able to get it in by then. SO I've decided not to enter because it wont look as good without custom designs. Sorry. :( The next comp, I will begin as soon as it is released. :D

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In case I do not get around to fully designing it all, I still would like a decent submission, so I will make a fully detailed post of my dark ride, show and up-charge attraction. First, the overall theme, setting and story line for all of the attractions. At the old Blue Lagoon site, the old gate to the Big Brother house is the 'starting point' of the whole story. When they walk through it, guests find themselves surrounded by trees, and they're trapped, in Dreamworld's very own, Dark Forest. The trees cause for a lot of shading, and with a little bit of mist through the trees, it makes out for one creeepppyyyy area. Due to having mist around being a LARGE cost (especially all day every day), mist will probably just be a night time thing or special events, such as Screamworld. so, this path in the Dark Forest curves around for a little bit. Also, with the mist, are spotlights that flash in-sync with thunder sounds. Again, a night time thing only. Ok, so once we get through all this winding path way, in a build up to the attractions, guests come to an opening. At this opening, there are toilets, some THEMED stores (such as 'Lost Soul Slushies' *BEWARE CORNY NAME*) and some souvenir outlets. This clearing doesn't last for long, as they have to choose between three directions, of more narrow and winding paths (with the same lightning, mist and thunder special effects for night events). However, all paths are signed with what are at the end. Taking the left path will take you to the Upcharge attraction. Going straight ahead is the dark ride. Finally, to the right is the show. Once again, they go on their winding paths with special effects till they reach where they want to go. Also, some quick points with the theming of these paths. The paths are 'leaf litter' paths, except not really leaf litter. They're more of a dirt path with some leaves here and there, to keep with the theme of a forest. Obviously, having it all dark with trees, etc. can be dangerous. So, there MUST be sufficient lighting. However, still have 'dark' spots. The lighting is ALSO synced with the lightning and thunder sounds. When the lightning spotlights flash and the thunder sounds go, the lights on the paths flicker on and off. This lightning and sounds happen every 2 minutes and lasts for only two flashes, or around 7 or 8 seconds. Also, to keep safe, the paths have rope fences, just to keep everyone on track. Now, we'll go clockwise. To the left is the up charge attraction. My up charge attraction is named 'Lost souls' with the slogan 'Become one of us'. The attraction takes place in a creek, or river.... I dont know the proper name. But it goes around and joins back up, like the Murissipi River. And it is a little murky too, like the Murissipi of late. There's a station with some canoes in it. It costs $3.50 per person (Minimum 2 people per canoe, maximum 3). Then they paddle, themselves, around this 410 metre river. Again, for theming, the land in the middle and around the sides has trees everywhere and at night a little mist to spook things up. For safety, there are minimal turns in the river, this means that a minimal amount of lifegaurds are needed to have an eye on ALL points of the river at once. The mist NEVER covers the river, to allow for optimal view at all times. Bois are on either side of them at all times to keep them going the right way, a fair distances to and from the bank and paths on land to allow them to leave in emergencies. Now, the MAIN attraction, the dark ride. Named 'The Lost City', it's fast, it's dark and it's scary! The 'geeky slogan' is, 'Putting the DARKness in Dark Rides' but for people who don't understand rides, it's 'One city where the woman won't want to shop'. Hahaha, just kidding. It's really just gonna have a few slogans. Ok, so once they get to this new clearing, smaller then the last, at the end of their windy path, they see this massive 20 metre structure (when in reality it is just a wall, but they can see past it). The clearing has some more shops and toilets, etc. on the wall, at the base, are some massive spotlights that flicker with the sound of thunder, instantly illuminating the wall, creating a spooky effect. There are two holes in the wall, on the left side of it (don't forget, this wall is 70 metres long) is 'Victims', for the entrance and on the right is 'Survivors' for the exit. The que line starts off basic, very basic. Just going around a tree which is illuminate constantly and with a little bit of mist. Then when it enters the building (which is just a giant white building behind the wall), they go into a new, spookier dark forest with some empty houses and mist along with some screams that sound distant. There are no lightning effects here. This que goes for a little bit when it when comes to the end. At lots of 18 at a time, they are taken through. However, each cart only sits 6. The ride starts slow, doing some tight turns around the setting, making a spooky build up. Inside the actual ride is lightning and thunder sounds with mist coming out of the abandoned houses and lots of overgrown trees. The roof is only 17 metres off of the ground, however, gives the same effect as the Pirates of the Caribbean ride at Disneyland, California (meaning it seems as if it can't be seen, a night sky). Their journey really begins when things pick up pace as they climb 14 metres into the (fake) night sky, silently yet quickly. They then get a small amount of airtime just as they do a small launch from the tire-lift-hill over a little bank. Then a tight turn down, and things are really picking up. Tight turns around trees, near misses (really near, as seen on Indiana Jones at Disneyland). This goes on for about half of the 70 by 65 metre building. However, to save space, it layers on top of itself with new floors on top of each other (which the rider does not know about). Then they do some small airtime bump and come to a halt. They do a small drop and enter a new room (which they don't know about as it is cleverly themed). In this room, there is no lightning or thunder, it's quiet. Then they slowly enter an abandoned castle/house type thing. They come to a halt again. By this time, there's about 1/3 of the building remaining to cover. After 6 seconds of dead silence (using quick changing tracks, as seen on Expedition Everest), and thinking the ride is over, due to the fact they have done a lot of movement on the ride because it layers itself, they all relax. Then they roll backwards, at only 10km/ph. They then stop again. This time in pitch blackness. They then launch from 0 to 50 km/ph backwards, do a hill up and over, do some tight turns backwards before halting in another pitch-black room. They then roll forwards slowly back to the station, which is actually 6 metres above. Here's a quick (really quick) sketch of the front area and how I want it to look: sketchlm.png The ride time is around 3 minutes 35. approx. 30 seconds build up. 20 second climb. 1 minute 30 of forward ride. 30 seconds of stopping and changing. 1 minute of backwards ride. 15 seconds back to station. A reasonable ride time, seeing as we have Cyclone at around 90 seconds and TOT at 23.5 seconds. When they exit, there are some pictures, souvenirs, etc. Now, finally, the show! A night time show only, it's based around World of Color (colour), but a lot darker, but also good for the kiddies. The show is called 'Dreamworld's Spirits Come out to Play' (Notice I'm not good with names?). The walk to this show is a little bit longer. The path is blocked off until 4pm, and the show is at 7pm nightly. The show is based on a lake, shallow to save water. The lake is a little bit murky, not too murky though as there is fountains. From 4pm to 6:45pm, during seating, eating and the build up to the show, the lake (40 metres by 50 metres) is covered by mist (spooky, hey?). At 6:45, the mist clears. Exactly on 7pm, the lights which were creating a lightning effect, and also the thunder sounds every 2 minutes, stop. The lights go down and bang, 40 fountain shoot into the air, 10 metres high, catching everyone's attention (yet to decide how many fountains I will need). Fountains put on a show, with other special effects. The fountains go to 3 songs, all based to a story line. The show is based around 3 friends going into a graveyard. Snipits of all this are projected onto a massive water screen. First, they end up in the graveyard, set up camp, and then one of them sees a ghost, and the song 'Thriller' kicks in, and the fountains go to this. Afterwards, the screen comes back up and the audience sees them all stuck in a chamber (trying to give a little giggle to kids as they are in funny positions). They then see a giant 'Kenny Koala' spirit in the chamber, making them scream and run. A chase song (which I'm yet to find), plays and the fountains go to this. Then as they're all hiding behind the gravestone, the screen comes back up. Then after talking, etc. Establishing more of a story, they see Spongebob, Kenny, Goldie, Belinda, Patrick and Dorothy the Dinosaur, all of their spirits, trying to catch them (Obviously Dreamworld need permission from Nick & Wiggles for this). I thought this would make some laughter as these characters as spirits would be weird and cause for the audience to be perplexed. Then, a finally song comes on (yet to be decided), and entertainers in costumes which are to look like the spirits of those characters come out to the front and dance on a stage as the fountains also go to the music. Then, this should go for around 20 minutes, a decent show length. So, overall, my three attractions would make a 'whole new world' for Dreamworld. The land consumed by this is seen below: sketch2.png NOTE: Do NOT say that they don't own that land anymore as they still currently do as it has not yet been sold. This new world would make something for everyone, and significantly add to Dreamworld's size. The show for all ages, dark ride for tweens, teen and adults and the canoes for teens and adults. So, that's me! PS: I will still try to design as much of it as I can this week. I know it isn't resourceful some of it, but some of it is, so it equal each other out. All of this is presuming Dreamworld went all out, as I realize, it is a major expansion. BTW, that funny black thing on top of the first picture is actually the building behind it. hahahaha, I'm a bad drawer! :P Edit 2: I will make the advertising campaign later on. My whole thing is called the 'Dark Forest'.

Edited by Bmull19
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Closing the vote now. Heres the leaderboard after 3 weeks. 1st. Joz (8pts) 2nd Gazza (4pts) 2nd Isica8 (4pts) 4th Pin142 (3pts) 5th themeparkgc (2pts) 5th jakeman398 (2pts) 7th linus1995 (1pt) Now, you still have Til Saturday to submit your idea. It is the first DOUBLE point MEGA CHALLENGE!

Edited by aussienetman
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Bit late with this one, but I thought I'd better scrape something together, though its certainly way out of DWs budget. It would be located wherever a big shed could go. AVPXs marquee would be moved alongside this attraction since they both bear compatible themes. The ride is called Jetpack Blast and uses the 'G2' Robocoaster System: http://www.robocoaster.com/content/g2-robot-systems Or in other words, the same ride system as Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey: abc123.jpg It would use the same method of a sideways conveyor belt system, with the arm hidden behind a wall at the load point so most guests wouldn't realise it's a robotic arm they are riding on the end of: rv1.jpg So here's the layout: post-88-1291283016_thumb.jpg And here are the scenes: post-88-1291283048_thumb.jpg The ride is set in the headquarters of a company that specialises in military technology. The queue is basically set in a an office "cubicle farm" with lots of computers running CAD simulations etc. motivatorcube1.jpg (Yes, that was the best pic on Google Images!) You eventually arrive in the preshow room, designed like a board room with data projectors, where they watch a video promoting the work of the company. From there they are invited through to continue their tour, where they load into the ride vehicles. The key consideration of the entire ride is that the arm holding the seats up is never in view, to really give the illusion of flying. The ride starts off slow, with absolutley no indication of what is ahead (1). The arms remain in their lowest position, and gently move past glass walled laboratories, where R&D is taking place....cue the "elevator music" and boring spiel. As far as guests are concerned, this is just a normal "ground level" dark ride. The vehicles continue into a concrete walled "test area"...things are still looking uneventful. But all of a sudden warning lights flash and alarms go off. Guests feel a heated blast of air under their legs and a jet engine powering up, and a fraction of a second later the robo arm springs to life, whipping them forcefully up into the air (2)....Ah, so this is what they meant when they said "Jetpack Blast". At the top of the arc the vehicle pivots itself to put the seats in front of the wheeled base chassis that the arm sits on, and repositions riders into a "flying coaster" style position and guests are taken around a few turns through the "test area" swooping about. Wooo, we're flying! At one point they spot an area where the wall is scorched, and a jet pack vehicle similar to the one they are riding in is crash landed and billowing smoke. The arm brings guests upright again, face to face with the suction end of a wind tunnel (3) with a giant spinning fan at the end. Guests can feel the airflow, and the seats are spun through a 360 degree barrel roll (In sync with the rotation of the fan) At the last moment guests swoop away, straight into the "heavy duty" foundry area of the facility (4). This is where things get fun...the vehicle repeatedly flings guests back and forth along the room, from hazard to hazard, coming face to face with things like boiling hot pipes and scrap metal waste shredders,with only centimetres of clearance. The vehicle spins around to face backwards, and guests "fly" into a large electrical conduit duct, the vehicle flips them onto their back to face the roof and guests trace along the path of the cables and pipes, with very narrow clearance between them and what they are facing (5) All these cables have to lead somewhere, and at the end of the duct are the transformers and switching equipment they all feed into. Guests appear on a collision course, but the arm tips them backwards from their current position on their back, so they effectively are tipped head first towards the ground, so they do a 'quarter loop', swooping close to the electrical equipment. Immediately the vehicle rights itself, and guests are turned to upright and the arm is raised to the higest position and guests continue their flight through the facility. Things are about to get worse, a computerised voice informs them "FUEL LEVEL LOW!". The jet engines make a puttering sound, and the vehicle dips low, bringing them close to some sort of hazard on the floor (I think at the time I was imagining coils of steam pipes that would spurt a bit when guests get near....any better ideas?). Guests hear the jet engines sputtering to life again and guests raise up and fly towards a wall....too high though! and they 'hit' a steel column holding up the building. At this point the movement of the vehicle becomes very jerky.... the engines fail, and the vehicle drops towards the ground, bouncing off conveniently placed large inanimate objects. Structural beams start collapsing, which sets of a chain reaction of effects like bursting pipes and ripping cables which spark (6). At the last second the vehicle enters a cloud of smoke, jerks sharply to simulate hitting the ground, You hear a loud screech as you 'skid along the ground', and the vehicle uses this moment to spin 180 degrees horizontally, so when you emerge from the cloud of smoke you discover you have crash landed in the unload area. Now, to disembark quickly before your jetpack explodes!

Edited by Gazza
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Here is my pitch for a new themed area for Dreamworld, including a main attraction dark ride. First a little back story/context for the ride; (P.S. sorry for the wall of text) (P.S.S. Haven't had a chance to scan the layout drawings, but hopefully will soon) The idea for the project would be to extend the theme of Tiger Island, into a larger area that encompasses heavy theming, and multiple new attractions. The new themed land would be titled 'Indian Jungle'. The land that 'Indian Jungle would encompass, would be the backstage area between Tiger Island, White Water World, and Ocean Parade. To construct 'Indian Jungle' there would be a major configuration of the pathways between Ocean Parade and Tiger Island. This would include the relocation of 'Spongebob Flypants', and the removal/modification of the 'Rocket Power Bumper Beach' building. The new 'Indian Jungle' 'land' would be a large courtyard/street that would act as a main area, with pathways leading off to the lands attractions. The land would encompass a very chaotic, marketplace/village atmosphere, similar to that of a real Indian village. Heavy theming would be used in order to create realistic facades, and actual buildings along the street area, including merch and food stores. The new 'Indian Jungle' land would be the home of 3 main attractions; 'Tiger Island', the brand new dark ride 'Snakecharmer', and a thrilling new adventure show. As for the ride itself, think a cross between Scooby-Doo Spooky Coaster, and Indiana Jones (Disneyland). Coming to DREAMWORLD late 2011 - SNAKECHARMER Guests enter the Asian land with a open courtyard of a traditional Indian village, a chaotic atmosphere will be created to replicate the busy streets of India. From this main street area, lies the entrance to Tiger Island, and also to the major dark ride attraction 'Snakecharmer'. Through the entrance gate, the village market themeing continues, gradually turning into the jungle themed queue line. When guests reach the front of the queue they are moved inside a small themed house/building (in order to disguise the fact they are entering the large show building), where guests are seated and addressed by American Scientists. Guests are told the ancient myth of an elderly Indian snakecharmer who is over 200 years old!, and are then notified that they have been selected to accompany the Scientists through the Indian jungle, on a quest to find the elusive man. Guests are then moved out of the pre-show building, and into the ride building where they are still in a jungle setting, but it is now nighttime (the idea being that it has turned dark while they were inside the pre-show building), they are walked along a short path to the ride vehicle loading bay. At the loading bay, guests are then grouped into groups of 3 or 4, and loaded into ride vehicles themed to Auto Rickshaw's (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autorickshaw). The ride vehicle then travels along the ride track, continuing the guest's journey through the jungle setting. The vehicle travels at a reasonably slow pace for the beginning of the ride, but does speed up/slow down depending on the surrounding area (For instance, a loud tiger roar may be heard, followed by an acceleration in speed to indicate a "getaway"). The ride slowly builds in pace, as the track encounters more rugged, mountainous terrain, the vehicles are thrust around in a more rapid and random speed in order to navigate through the built up landscape. When the vehicle finally exits the large mountains and rock formations, it slows to a very slow pace, and an open landscape is presented, giving an eerie, lonely feel to the riders. Up ahead, the ride vehicle is faced with a foreboding ancient Buddhist temple. The temple is formed of crumbling rocks, and is similar to ruins. The temple is intended to have a large scale, and is thus built to the very top of the show building (selective lighting is used to give this illusion, but not show the top section). The vehicles on board sound system is interrupted by a radio message from the scientists, they tell the riders that the temple ahead is the home of the Snakecharmer, and that they must enter, but with extreme care. The vehicle edges forwards toward the entrance to the temple. Through the large stone door entrance, the vehicle begins a slow ascent. Terrifying sound effects, smoke, and air blowers, all contribute to an eerie atmosphere inside the cavernous temple. Upon arrival at the top of the track inside the temple, the vehicle is abruptly stopped, and a large silhouetted figure emerges onto the tracks ahead. A loud, rumbling voice yells out to the riders: "Who goes there. Who dares enter my temple? Be gone with you, be gone!" the figure then disappears in a bang of smoke. Sitting in silence, and stillness, the riders see another figure emerge from ahead, a giant cobra snake, as big as the vehicle itself! The vehicle slowly backs away, along the track, gaining momentum and forcing the riders backwards, down the way they came in the temple (lights, smoke, and chaotic sound effects are essential here). The fast backward descent, being chased by the giant snake is terrifying! The vehicle eventually reaches the exit of the cave, where they have finally escaped the chase of the snake. The vehicle then slows down, and is reversed as it makes its way back to the loading area, while being debriefed, and thanked by the scientists for discovering the Snakecharmer. Guests then exit the attraction through another section of the pre-show building, and then walk through the jungle terrain back to the village street. -------- Thoughts?

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Oh damn. I can upload some layout drawings tonight. Or will it be too late? And no, I don't have any specific details on the show. But I was thinking it would be maybe based around the film set of a major Bollywood movie, even a somewhat stunt-based film, and would include big dance numbers combined with stunts and special effects. I figure those ideas could add up to a funny and entertaining show that would fit the themed area well.

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NOTE: I have updated my post with images, and numbers to help follow along. Also, why can't I delete my old post? Here is my pitch for a new themed area for Dreamworld, including a main attraction dark ride. First a little back story/context for the ride; (P.S. sorry for the wall of text) (P.S.S. Haven't had a chance to scan the layout drawings, but hopefully will soon) The idea for the project would be to extend the theme of Tiger Island, into a larger area that encompasses heavy theming, and multiple new attractions. The new themed land would be titled 'Indian Jungle'. The land that 'Indian Jungle would encompass, would be the backstage area between Tiger Island, White Water World, and Ocean Parade. To construct 'Indian Jungle' there would be a major configuration of the pathways between Ocean Parade and Tiger Island. This would include the relocation of 'Spongebob Flypants', and the removal/modification of the 'Rocket Power Bumper Beach' building. The new 'Indian Jungle' 'land' would be a large courtyard/street that would act as a main area, with pathways leading off to the lands attractions. The land would encompass a very chaotic, marketplace/village atmosphere, similar to that of a real Indian village. Heavy theming would be used in order to create realistic facades, and actual buildings along the street area, including merch and food stores. The new 'Indian Jungle' land would be the home of 3 main attractions; 'Tiger Island', the brand new dark ride 'Snakecharmer', and a thrilling new adventure show. As for the ride itself, think a cross between Scooby-Doo Spooky Coaster, and Indiana Jones (Disneyland). Coming to DREAMWORLD late 2011 - SNAKECHARMER Guests enter the Asian land with a open courtyard of a traditional Indian village, a chaotic atmosphere will be created to replicate the busy streets of India. From this main street area, lies the entrance to Tiger Island, and also to the major dark ride attraction 'Snakecharmer'. Through the entrance gate, the village market themeing continues, gradually turning into the jungle themed queue line. (1) When guests reach the front of the queue they are moved inside a small themed house/building (in order to disguise the fact they are entering the large show building), where guests are seated and addressed by American Scientists. Guests are told the ancient myth of an elderly Indian snakecharmer who is over 200 years old!, and are then notified that they have been selected to accompany the Scientists through the Indian jungle, on a quest to find the elusive man. (2) Guests are then moved out of the pre-show building, and into the ride building where they are still in a jungle setting, but it is now nighttime (the idea being that it has turned dark while they were inside the pre-show building), they are walked along a short path to the ride vehicle loading bay. At the loading bay, guests are then grouped into groups of 3 or 4, and loaded into ride vehicles themed to Auto Rickshaw's (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autorickshaw). The ride vehicle then travels along the ride track, continuing the guest's journey through the jungle setting. The vehicle travels at a reasonably slow pace for the beginning of the ride, but does speed up/slow down depending on the surrounding area (For instance, a loud tiger roar may be heard, followed by an acceleration in speed to indicate a "getaway"). (3) The ride slowly builds in pace, as the track encounters more rugged, mountainous terrain, the vehicles are thrust around in a more rapid and random speed in order to navigate through the built up landscape. (4) When the vehicle finally exits the large mountains and rock formations, it slows to a very slow pace, and an open landscape is presented, giving an eerie, lonely feel to the riders. Up ahead, the ride vehicle is faced with a foreboding ancient Buddhist temple. The temple is formed of crumbling rocks, and is similar to ruins. The temple is intended to have a large scale, and is thus built to the very top of the show building (selective lighting is used to give this illusion, but not show the top section). The vehicles on board sound system is interrupted by a radio message from the scientists, they tell the riders that the temple ahead is the home of the Snakecharmer, and that they must enter, but with extreme care. The vehicle edges forwards toward the entrance to the temple. Through the large stone door entrance, the vehicle begins a slow ascent. Terrifying sound effects, smoke, and air blowers, all contribute to an eerie atmosphere inside the cavernous temple. (5) Upon arrival at the top of the track inside the temple, the vehicle is abruptly stopped, and a large silhouetted figure emerges onto the tracks ahead. A loud, rumbling voice yells out to the riders: "Who goes there. Who dares enter my temple? Be gone with you, be gone!" the figure then disappears in a bang of smoke. Sitting in silence, and stillness, the riders see another figure emerge from ahead, a giant cobra snake, as big as the vehicle itself! The vehicle slowly backs away, along the track, gaining momentum and forcing the riders backwards, down the way they came in the temple (lights, smoke, and chaotic sound effects are essential here). The fast backward descent, being chased by the giant snake is terrifying! (6) The vehicle eventually reaches the exit of the cave, where they have finally escaped the chase of the snake. The vehicle then slows down, and is reversed as it makes its way back to the loading area, while being debriefed, and thanked by the scientists for discovering the Snakecharmer. (7) Guests then exit the attraction through another section of the pre-show building, and then walk through the jungle terrain back to the village street. -------- Here is an overview layout of the new 'Indian Jungle' land. post-1479-1291534757_thumb.jpg Here is that same overview, as how it would roughly be placed in the existing Dreamworld layout post-1479-1291534833_thumb.jpg Here is a layout of the ride building. (Note I have updated my text description to include numbers to help follow along with what is happening) post-1479-1291534897_thumb.jpg Finally, here is a concept drawing for how the temple entrance would look inside the ride building post-1479-1291535047_thumb.jpg

Edited by ihatemisssly
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