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2 new rides for Dreamworld in 2011


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I have to admit that regardless of which model they get, I do think this ride will offer a fun/interesting experience. Going from the vertical lift to being immediately upside down will be a very cool sensation. However, I do think if DW decide to go with the basic version, it will be much easier for Movie World to beat them with their next attraction. It seems Village are more willing to spend a few extra bucks ($10 mill plus) and get the bigger, more impressive attractions

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I really wish DW would add something like Devil Dive Coaster. It seems like the perfect ride for the prak. Does anyone know the cost. I mean it is compact, got great capacity and some Australian firsts, as well as some interesting elements of the ride. It is also reasonably long. Ill keep dreaming i guess.

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  On 28/05/2011 at 10:40 PM, 'Intamin said:

I really wish DW would add something like Devil Dive Coaster. It seems like the perfect ride for the prak. Does anyone know the cost. I mean it is compact, got great capacity and some Australian firsts, as well as some interesting elements of the ride. It is also reasonably long. Ill keep dreaming i guess.

It cost USD $9M. So it would be something more in movieworlds budget...
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Gotta say after reading the Maurer Sohne, SkyLoop's website inverting at 50meters in the air with only a lap bar has to be an experience, although without riding can't say. I am hoping its the extended one, but with capacity and all I say they build this custom version of it, it looks with loops and all and lots of hills... plus more than one train so good capacity :lol:http://www.maurer-rides.com/x-coaster/skyloop/custom/

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mean it is compact, got great capacity and some Australian firsts, as well as some interesting elements of the ride.

Except Eurofighters aren't very good coasters (Well, IMO) PS, did anyone else find the fact they used 'cardboard cutout' flame shapes either side of the base of the first drop on Dare Devil Dive laughably bad. Out of interest WWW worker, where did the $9 Mil USD figure come from?

It would also be good for MW, but would rather it at DW.

Why? If it were at MW it would have better theming and would be run closer to its theoretical hourly capacity (And would be painted more often too). Edited by Gazza
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^ That is not 100% confirmed just yet, and we've been wrong before (albeit not very often). That call is based off the shape and size of the construction already underway, and so far the only signs of construction fit within the dimensions of the compact model. Of course, they could just be starting with that since it'd be the most complex and time consuming bit to build, and might be difficult to access later. For now at least, there's nothing pointing to it being the extended model, but we'll quickly let everyone know if we're wrong.

Edited by joz
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It's funny though, some of us are getting upset that we may be getting the non extended version, but looking at some clips on YouTube of already operating basic versions of the ride, it's ride time is actually longer than the Extended version of the ride, simply because it is running 2 circuits of the track, not just the 1. Personally though, I don't think any accusations or name calling should be made until such time as it is more clear of what we are receiving. Ever heard of "Not judging a book by it's cover"?

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To be honest, I really do doubt it will be one like the version in Madrid just looking now....The basic model fits into the area like a glove. If they did the larger version however, it would be either doing crazy stuff like going over the rapids loading area and the ponds of water surrounding the loading area, or it would be taking up the bus parking area in its entirety. And the footprint is twice as long as the base model, so it would in fact be extending over the train shed and onto the lawns of the amphitheatre. PS, if anyone wants to know how to pronounce the manufacturers name: Mau rhymes with 'cow' rer is phonetic Söhne sounds a bit like 'Sonar' (The thing that tracks planes), but it's ner on the end rather than nar.

Edited by Gazza
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Look at it from a marketing perspective though. Will the general public care about an airtime hill and a couple of turns? Or will they rave on about the vertical lift/upside down transition? Sure, as enthusiasts we will always want the best of the best, but I'd say Dreamworld found it hard to justify an extra $2million or so for a couple of elements that are largely overshadowed by the main element which is already included in the basic model.

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Then in reality the way I see it is we will never get a massive (or at least large-ish) full circuit roller coaster from Dreamworld. This would have been the year to do it if they were going to do it at all. Not only has it been a LONG wait since their last decent ride but it is also their anniversary AND the board announced a 'major capex plan'. Guess we have to look to Movie World for anything significant (shame they don't have the amount of space available that DW has!)

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  On 29/05/2011 at 11:49 AM, 'GoGoBoy said:

Then in reality the way I see it is we will never get a massive (or at least large-ish) full circuit roller coaster from Dreamworld. This would have been the year to do it if they were going to do it at all. Not only has it been a LONG wait since their last decent ride but it is also their anniversary AND the board announced a 'major capex plan'. Guess we have to look to Movie World for anything significant (shame they don't have the amount of space available that DW has!)

I think you raise a really good point in that if Dreamworld were going to add anything major and huge this would of been the year to do it. I think our hopes for, atleast Dreamworld, getting a major full circuit coaster such as a B&M or Mega-lite should be put to rest. I of course would rather the extended version of the X-Car coaster, but I can completely understand why they wouldn't go for it. I think for now like you said GoGoBoy, we should look to Movieworld for the next biggest and best. Although I do not think strategically this is a bad move for Dreamworld, the X-Car coaster is an amazing gimmick with the vertical lift hill etc etc, and from the GP point of view it would be fascinating. So props to Dreamworld for picking a cost effective roller coaster which is "record breaking". For what they wanted to achieve with this roller coaster, I'm reluctant to say I think they did the right thing.
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One thing they should of really looked at was trying to get more international tourists. Since the Dollar has gone up and the new parks in asia. The Australian parks are going to lose most of it international tourists. So they should spend the extra money to make something different and unusual to try and attract people to the park. The ride trains on this are good but the layout is just plain (Basic Model). I hope they at least get the fancy light wheels for when they have screamworld. Also if it is just basic layout why is the Rapids and train closed for construction as they dont seem to be in the way of construction if it is only the basic layout. Plus I hope Maurer has made sure the joints between the cars problem has been fixed. (An issue last year where most Maurer X-Car rides were shut down for inspection for fractures in the link between cars.) Also TPR said that the Extended version was the only one that doesn't suck. In the video I posted before. I guess because the basic skyloop spends most of its time stationary on the lift hill.

Edited by Cruiseshipfan
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When it comes to coasters I usually find Robb and Elissa's opinions to be pretty spot on. This whole discussion kinds of amuses me because forgive me if I'm wrong but absolutely nothing of the manufacturer or model of coaster is confirmed by anyone right? All this is being judged on speculation, some obscure sticker photos and some fencing? And already it's fact and we're arguing over how DW have cheapened out on the model?

Edited by djrappa
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  On 29/05/2011 at 1:06 PM, 'Cruiseshipfan said:

One thing they should of really looked at was trying to get more international tourists. Since the Dollar has gone up and the new parks in asia. The Australian parks are going to lose most of it international tourists. So they should spend the extra money to make something different and unusual to try and attract people to the park.

I personally don't think building a $15million+ coaster, regardless of how amazing/unusual it is, would affect international visitors all that much. The main draw card the parks have for international visitors are the animal exhibits -- something they absolutely cannot experience in their country (kangaroos, koalas etc.). Sure there would be the rare few that would visit the park solely for the stand-up 4D dive machine coaster, but why spend the extra money when you can blow the local's minds with a cheap one trick pony?
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Managed to ride one of their coasters in Orlando (Hollywood Rip Ride Rockit). Didn't like it. It was pretty rough for a newish coaster and felt that it didn't really achieve anything (in terms of airtime, g forces etc.), but it had a few 'WTF' moments (which work well for advertisement campaigns). Keep in mind, however, that I rode this after 2 TPR trips and a week in LA, so I was comparing it to A LOT of coasters. We will obviously have to wait and see what model this ends up being, but I can't see it being anything amazing on a world scale. I can see Superman remaining as my Aussie #1 coaster. But hey, it's finally a new ride for the park, so that's good. ;)

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I think the fact that 40 odd enthusiast from America recently visited and said Dreamworld was a solid well rounded park. They also said MW just needed 1 or 2 more major attractions... They never said either park needed attractions bigger than they currently have. I'd love to see a big full circuit coaster here but I don't think it's feasible in our current market.

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