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2 new rides for Dreamworld in 2011


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At DW, ride attendants telling ppl the ride is not open as it needs testing and should open later this afternoon after 12. ....BUT.... The ride is cycling with people on it and has been all morning. It seems DW staff and friends/family are allowed thru to ride but general pubic being sent away. Absolutely poor Job DW. A lot of disappointed ppl here. Do they think we are stupid saying it's Closed for Testing when we can see it cycling with people on it??!!

Just because there is people on the ride does not mean that they are not testing. They would be doing the final checks before opening to the public.
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The riders you saw today were competition winners (I was one of them along with a friend and my family). We were originally meant to ride at around 8:15am to 8:30am, but the ride ops and engineers had not yet been trained to run the ride, it was the manufacturer running it at Screamworld for the comp. winners. We finally got on (got 2 rides each) from about 9:30 to 10. Then when we left the training continued until it finally opened at 2:45. I have to commend the person who stood in line from 10am to 2:45pm waiting for a ride on BuzzSaw after we left. And I just want to add, BuzzSaw is absolutely amazing. I walked in thinking it was going to be shit and I'd hate it, but it has to be my favourite thrill ride in Australia. The whole 'hip bar' thing and the slightly tilted seats make it feel as if you're going to totally fall out on the way up. Had my heart beating faster than ever before. It's definitely a must do. As for BuzzSaw being shut most of the day, have no fear! Staff were giving free water to people who sat there and waited. And, one last note, for the 'opening day' of a ride, the park was awfully empty with the car park only reaching about half capacity.

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And I just want to add, BuzzSaw is absolutely amazing......but it has to be my favourite thrill ride in Australia.

I didn't think it was at all. To me, it was as I expected, you can see what it does, if you've been on a few coasters, you know what these things feel like...Nothing more, nothing less. Was OK, basically, a useful addition to the park. Perhaps the funniest bit is seeing a trainload whizzing through at high speed. The thing with the harnesses is they come halfway up your chest essentially, and you get stapled a bit, so I never felt particularly free. I got 2 rides, back right, and 2nd row left. Back is the pick because on the reverse trip you go all the way through the twist and dive and back again, so 4 inversions in the cycle. And just on that, nah, no need for a 2nd lap IMO...By the end you're sort of "Yeah, we get it". The theming was good by DWs standards, whist still retaining that feeling of "weirdness" in excecution. Edited by Gazza
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so does the queue tell a story at all? or is it just a tin shed with a bullpen?

post-88-0-73263700-1316249939_thumb.jpg There's a section of bullpen inside a timber building, but you wrap up and back past some theming in the latter part, quite narrow though. There's no reference to the Jack Darke backstory seen here http://www.dreamworld.com.au/Rides/Thrill-Rides/BuzzSaw/Backstory.aspx Basically, you wander through and there's the odd "Stay out/ get out now" type graffiti: 299605_10150288487576616_6404771615_7892738_1403259731_n.jpg In the main bullpen section, along one wall, theyve put occasional breaks in the timber slatting, and filled the gap behind with flatscreens, which normally display a static image of timber slats, but these occasionally animate with fire. I guess its representing the attempted arson on the Sawmill. 308743_10150288489576616_6404771615_7892740_1973669209_n.jpg The shiny bits on the left are the screens. There's cages of theming with old style "Gold Rush Town Police Crime Scene, do not touch". 311933_261659033867617_228782990488555_848839_120115434_n.jpg (Ta Zen) The actual saw scene has no blood and guts though, but a lot of real sawdust scattered on the floor. 308028_10150288492106616_6404771615_7892744_1643566813_n.jpg Every now and then you hear loud buzzsaw and rattling chain sounds, and a ghostly "Get out now" voice. Basically, its quite similar to WWF, just darker light levels and paint. So I guess you'd get the impression that it was haunted, but the reasoning for it being a "crime scene" etc would probably be lost on many guests, unless they had read the back story on the website. By the way, the main goldrush sign is back, but it now has a large 2 man tree saw and circular saw attached to the bottom, and has had "Town of" added at the top. So you are in the "Town of Goldrush". Edited by Gazza
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just been going through the facebook themepark websites. Looks like the general public, and even some coaster enthusiasts, are really liking Buzzsaw. People are claiming some very interesting things, saying that this coaster is 'better than superman', the 'best thrill ride in Australia'....whaaat lol Better than Superman??? really? I'm a bit shocked there o_O we'll see if this is true when I get a chance to ride it next week

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whaaat lol Better than Superman???

:blink: Agreed. Not trying to be a smartarse or clutch at straws or anything but: http://www.ushsho.com/detailedsteelrollercoasterpollresults2010.htm
17	Superman Escape       Warner Bros. Movie AU	8	226	 213   7  6  0.9558 111,Abismo                Parque de Atraccio ES,   42, 336, 212 107 17  0.6563 172	X Coaster             Magic Springs      AR	6	178	  96  67 15  0.5815 	226,Sky Wheel             Skyline Park       DE,   26, 327, 105 207 15  0.3440 
Buzzsaw, It's a fun ride and all, but I mean I still think GD is better too :P Q4U is available, on the sketch I did, it is directly right of the main entrance, and just feeds a short distance straight to the load platform. PWDs go in that way too. Nobody used it today, but geez, when people do :ph34r: Edited by Gazza
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Thanks for the theming round-up Gazza. Glad to hear there is SOME theming but disappointed there is little reference to the very cool backstory. They really should have played up the Jack ghost and the incident that occurred. Maybe they could have had the story posted in the queue line so people could get to know it. And does anything actually happen during the ride launch sequence? In my mind this would be the perfect spot to have Jack make his appearance just as a giant sawmill starts up and then the train leaves the station....

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Theres is actually a saw protruding through the roof of the station (Same as the smaller one you can see outside on the roof, but separate), but its static, and wont ever move by the looks of it, because there's a sleeve around the slot clearly made of 'theming foam'. It wouldn't be hard to give guests the backstory, even if it was something like a town notice board with old style newspaper clippings explaining the leadup, much in the same vein as the notice board by The Claw, and what that does for the ride.

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Theres is actually a saw protruding through the roof of the station (Same as the smaller one you can see outside on the roof, but separate), but its static, and wont ever move by the looks of it, because there's a sleeve around the slot clearly made of 'theming foam'. It wouldn't be hard to give guests the backstory, even if it was something like a town notice board with old style newspaper clippings explaining the leadup, much in the same vein as the notice board by The Claw, and what that does for the ride.

Newspaper clippings... exactly what I was thinking. Too bad there isn't a big headchopper saw as you depart and go through the station that actually moves. Are there even any sound effects during the launch?
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Left yesterday after waiting 2hrs as only went to DW to go on BuzzSaw. Just gone in now for a ride, closed again for testing til an unspecified time. Lots more disappointed people out the front of the ride like me, saying they came down just for the ride. Attendants saying the manufacturer has not signed over the ride to the park yet. Surely they could have this sorted prior to the launch date????

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Attendants saying the manufacturer has not signed over the ride to the park yet. Surely they could have this sorted prior to the launch date????

I don't understand why Aussie parks always seem to give themselves such a tight time frame these days. How about, you know, starting work on the ride sooner so that it can open in time and all the finishing touches can be completed. PS If anyone can get some pics of the entry area to the ride including the main signage and how it all fits in with Goldrush, that would be much appreciated. Also, would be interested in seeing what the updated Goldrush sign looks like. Thanks!
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So I went to Dreamworld for the opening of Buzzsaw. Ride was closed most of the day and they kept on doing test run after test run. As far as the handover story, I'd doubt that would be true as B105 had competition stay in the park Friday night to be the first ones to ride the ride. Once I finally got onboard after a 45 minute wait I was quite impressed with the ride. It's chain drive is noisy but moves smoothly as it slowly flips you upside down as it climbs the loop. The restraint feels very tight at first but as you're hanging upside down it feels like you could fall out which is a bit scary. The ride itself is quite a buzz (excuse the pun) and is quite enjoyable although I would have liked them to do the loop twice in the ride sequence as it would make it a bit more fun being a longer ride. It's well worth a ride :) I've taken a few photos of the ride and uploaded a video on youtube :) Enjoy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HJfQrqbm5DA

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