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White Lion Lair

Kenny Koala

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Hi Theme Park fans, Maybe I'm blind (eating too many gum leaves does that to you!) but I didnt see any mention of the new White Lion Lair at Dreamworld and wanted to hear what you thought? Here's some links: Info: http://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=10150189474443378 Construction Photos & Drawings: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2815...;id=30639128612 http://www.facebook.com/album.php?fbid=101...&aid=282913 Website: Live this Friday the 25th March for more. Anyway, let us know what you think and see you when you visit. Kenny

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Hate to say this, but me and my friend were disappointed that the lions don't have one of those big manes seen in cartoons. Nice to see it's getting more theming than some other parts of the park. Awww, now that was just mean. But seriously, it is nice to see a lot of hard work and theming in it! And I wonder what the future animals in these enclosures will be... If I heard correct, there's pigmie hippos coming?

Edited by Bmull19
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Hey Kenny, nice to see you posting here! To be honest at the moment there isn't too much to see, but from what you guys at Dreamworld have shown us, the theming is looking great. I for one think that's going to be really key this year for your new exhibits and "attractions". I'll be very excited to come check this out when it's finished, the main thing for me will be the theming though. I think if this has a good layout (at the moment its right on key!) coupled with good theming for what's to come (for the new attractions too) I would be more than pleased :) Keep up the good work!

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Maybe I couldn't take out more than 5mins of my day in the marketing office to actually read the site before using it as a shameless marketing tool I'm sorry but peeves me when you want to profit from a site without participating in the community of it. ...yep guess I'm THAT guy

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Yeah, I'll second that, Kenny (even if only occasionally) has posted a couple things around here, better than nothing for sure. I expect to hear from you more frequently when the new rides are about to be announced though ;) As for the plans, TBH it's not for me. The lions are something I'll definitely check out next time I'm at the park, and not just for the sake of the update either, I WANT to have a look. But really, all it is for me is a pacifier, not a motivator. Having said that, temporarily displaying lions is certainly better than nothing at all, and it seems to me a good and worthwhile idea to get all those people with free tickets to come back again. So yes, usefully I have no strong opinion one way or the other :)

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Here you go guys, some updated pictures. Photo One: 2011-03-24_09-46-05_968.png Photo Two: 2011-03-24_09-45-45_124.png Photo Three: 2011-03-24_09-45-54_870.png They're located here Enjoy. Oh, oh, oh, and the detail in the last picture (I think it's the last picture)!! The 'hut' has amazing detail! (I think at least, but then again, I've been around Aussie parks my whole life).

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Hahaha, glad you asked. I actually caught the train and video recorded the whole ride to the side. Going through the video now to try and get a clipping. Anyone have any ideas on motion blur and any computer generated way to like get rid of it? It's not really motion blur, more of just phone quality blur. I have clippings from the video of what I believe is it, but not going to upload until Im positive about it. Will let you know soon. EDIT: Got some screen shots of the videos and circled what I believe it is. Im unsure of my sightings now, but I've circled what I think it is. When I looked from the Giant Drop, where I thought this was, it wasn't there, but now I see it when on the train. Sorry if I'm wrong about this sighting, I was just so sure. Will upload the pics in about 15 minutes on the other thread, it's dinner now. :P

Edited by Bmull19
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