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Green Lantern Coaster


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I believe our version is a custom design that will feature trains not seen on this ride design before. Interesting, I would assume that with double the weight load on each train will make for faster drops and overall experience? Even if some time was lost loading/unloading..the attraction could still easily manage 1000+ hourly cap - more than enough for your avg day With the delays in announcement, I'm getting the feeling that VTP's have hit a few snags with securing their preferred licence and subsequent theming for the new ride? On the upside, they are use to getting what they want with plenty of years of success under their belt so I'm sure they will overcome any (if any) objections and make their big announcement soon.

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With the delays in announcement, I'm getting the feeling that VTP's have hit a few snags with securing their preferred licence and subsequent theming for the new ride? On the upside, they are use to getting what they want with plenty of years of success under their belt so I'm sure they will overcome any (if any) objections and make their big announcement soon.

I certainly hope the theming and presentation doesn't suffer as a result
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Well they really have to look to something that's either released this year or next. Scooby was opened the same year the film was released, so let's hope they're looking in that ballpark. Joker is a little past now to be a good hookup. Moving away from the Batman related theming (we've got 2 batman rides, and two separate areas of the park that are batman themed (gotham food area, wayne manor), i think we've got to extend out a bit - what else is out this year? Green Lantern is the only one that comes to mind - it's reasonably current (still in cinemas) so thats a possibility. What other suitable superhero stories have come out this year, or will in the next 6-8 months?

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When I went to Movieworld last week they seemed pretty busy at the front there, lots of bulldozers and what not clearing the area. I'm looking forward to seeing what they have in store (especially if its an El Loco coaster!) though will be disappointed if its not released by the time our current VIP passes expire lol. We're planning another stay on the GC early next year and hope to be riding something new there, especially since we missed out on Looney Tunes River Ride (RIP) and Wild West Falls (Closed for maintenance) this time round ;p One thing that has always puzzled me though, why they have the Bat Cafe/Gotham City Hall in the middle of the park, AWAY from the proper Batman themed area and Wayne Manor? And its not like they ever had any other Batman themed rides or attractions around that area... it didn't look right next to the old' Gremlins ride entrance either, at least Scooby's haunted house entrance blends it in a little better these days :huh:

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You Know How Wild West Falls is under matinence yer well they have taken out the whole gaint splash down

Wouldn't it be nice if during this refurbishment they brought back the big exploding barrel and wind/smoke effect in the splashdown room. I'd say it's highly unlikely unfortunately (as in no chance!). Such a shame - when the ride first opened it had smoke erupting from the geysers, sparks going up the lift hill, 'ghost' cowboys throughout the ride and the aforementioned effects before the final drop. Now it has... nothing
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The cowboys are still there. Just.

Really? I thought they were all gone. Replaced with nothing. Probably the worst part is in the splashdown room where the expanding barrel has been replaced by a mirror. Ooooh a mirror! Very frustrating... it was a US/Disney standard ride when it first opened Edited by GoGoBoy
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Some shiney Green track has just arrived at Movie World. Would you like to see? Of course you would! post-3-0-35395000-1315459979_thumb.jpg First drop post-3-0-91088100-1315460111_thumb.jpg S-bend for before the first drop? post-3-0-36775100-1315460044_thumb.jpg Some curvey bits and what looks to be a transfer track post-3-0-76737000-1315460197_thumb.jpg A look at how track peices fit together. Here is the 'Male' end post-3-0-74883300-1315459920_thumb.jpg The 'female' end of the track post-3-0-64429100-1315460265_thumb.jpg Some more of the first drop and with what looks like mountings for the brakes (and with a drop that steep it's just as bloody well) post-3-0-45841100-1315460540_thumb.jpg Still lots more room in the carpark.

Edited by joz
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Ooh Looks interesting. I wonder what ride they'll remove to put that in it's place? Coz we all know that the Aussie theme parks just love removing stuff all the time and only occasionally replacing the removed rides with new ones. As opposed to leaving the other rides there and just adding to them, which is what they should be doing all along! Yes.. Sarcasm is inferred in my post! ;)

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Ooh Looks interesting. I wonder what ride they'll remove to put that in it's place? Coz we all know that the Aussie theme parks just love removing stuff all the time and only occasionally replacing the removed rides with new ones. As opposed to leaving the other rides there and just adding to them, which is what they should be doing all along! Yes.. Sarcasm is inferred in my post! ;)

Well this ride is being built at the front of the park in an area where there is nothing currently. However, we have still lost a major ride with Looney Tunes closing. So indirectly you could say this replaces Looney Tunes. Yes, Movie World seems to be very adverse to truly expanding their park. Strange, considering a genuine expansion is much needed
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hopefully it is indeed Riddler themed Green Lantern was a fail of a movie, and there is no sequel planned. Would be a weird choice basing a brand new signature ride on a single unspectacular movie when you could incorporate it into the Batman themed area and to a worthwhile and long lasting (ever lasting for that matter) theme

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