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Green Lantern Coaster


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Why would they advertise headrest speakers? Sure it's going to add to the ride, but it isn't going to be the reason Mr. General Public packs up his family of 4 and travels to the Gold Coast this Christmas. The fact that there will be a new coaster is, and if it has onboard audio, it'll be a pleasant surprise, but it is hardly the biggest selling point of the ride.

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Why would they advertise headrest speakers? Sure it's going to add to the ride, but it isn't going to be the reason Mr. General Public packs up his family of 4 and travels to the Gold Coast this Christmas. The fact that there will be a new coaster is, and if it has onboard audio, it'll be a pleasant surprise, but it is hardly the biggest selling point of the ride.

I point your attention to Hollywood Rip ride rockit. Different story but its selling point is the speakers.
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Now I could see why Hollywood Rip Ride Rockit would have heavily sold onboard audio, because after all isn't that the whole premise of the story with that ride its all about the music. Whereas, Green Lantern, if it does have on-board audio won't it be more used for story telling/thematic purposes? Its not exactly the selling point of the ride, more to tie in with it and compliment it. Sort of like how on SE Superman on the back of the train is more thematic to help with the story of Superman pushing your train out of the subway tunnel before it collapses! Also with Rip Ride Rockit if I remember right, Universal gave out a little more information about the ride. As I said before all Movie World have said (that I have seen) is that steepest drop in Southern Hemisphere and Green Lantern theme.

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As of last night the half barrel roll before the half loop was complete, and work has begun on the electrical room for the ride (Steel stud construction, under the lifthill) so they're going gangbusters. And that half barrel roll looks awesome...Its hung off the side of the main structure with squares of supports and cross braces you go through, so a lot of near misses. Didn't get a pic, but it reminded me of this: http://www.rcdb.com/9309.htm?p=34110

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Big question is will it have fire sensing lights on it that reverse the cars in the case of such an event? Being a similar style of ride to Scoobs and all.

not really. The fire safety features of scoob are there because it is a 'dark ride' style of coaster. The initial ghost train section is covered with electrical switches and other components that puts it in a higher risk category so must have ample emergency exit/stop points, heat and smoke sensors (ghost train section), sprinklers and chemical fire extinguishes. The rides at MW all have their own fire isolation panels that are linked to the Theme Park Administration building, security gatehouse and most importantly the Fire department. Both BATR & WWF were the main offenders for alerting the fire department. BATR had this really cool effect using basically fridge elements that ran along the pit floor, cooled the fog & kept it low. It looked great until the elements would over heat, blow a fuse and the smoke would rise up to the sensors. Sometimes the cave would get so smokey you could barely see your hand in front of your face! We'd open the back corridor fire doors and all show doors throughout the building to try and stop the fire alarm from triggering. Call outs are very expensive! The pit smoke effect was too problematic so eventually removed. The fire alarm sensors at WWF would sometimes be triggered by dust but mostly caused by the smoke / explosion effect up on turntable 2. Strangely, most call outs on WWF would actually happen within an hour or so after the ride was closed for the day. I noticed on monitors the foggers would sometimes discharge a continuous stream after the PLC was shut down. I had no idea why this would happen but it makes sense they removed all smoke effects after the fire.. Green Lantern looks like an all outdoors ride so there's no need for fancy fire proofing features - just some booster wheels for the 3 trim brakes to push the car forward once the coast is clear. All trim brakes, station and lift hill should have a long fin that will stop a car from ever rolling backward. 'Anti rollbacks' are found on all coasters at change points or blocks such as Stations/lift hill/switch points/turntable/trimstation/maintenance track switch. If your riding GL during an estop or fire alarm, the ride will switch from Automatic to Manual mode. All 3 Trimstations will switch to high pressure abruptly stopping the 3 speeding cars. It'll be a little uncomfortable but not jarring, just sudden. Riders locked up on trimbrakes1&2 will have to wait patiently until the problem is resolved. Before returning to normal (automatic) operation, the pressure from brake 3 is switched back to normal, releasing the car and clearing the block. The car on brake 2 is then released forward, clearing the block behind thus releasing the car off brake one. With all trim brakes clear the ride can return to normal Automatic operation. In normal mode the ride will automatically space the cars and set dispatch intervals based on the number of trains operating. The OCC for the Load/Unload attendants will probably have just 2 buttons - dispatch and estop. The control room will have lots of buttons and dials for each of the ride's manual drive functions. All manual functions are vigorously tested every day, firstly by the fitters and then again by operations. Whilst in Automatic there are no buttons for the Supervisor to touch. Basically they will sit there watching the Station and waiting for something to go wrong. Working most of the control rooms can be so dreadfully boring especially when there is nothing going wrong because there is literally nothing to do except watch If you share my Theme Park passion with a keen interest in Operations & Technical then hopefully I've shared something new with you today Edited by MickeyD
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Big question is will it have fire sensing lights on it that reverse the cars in the case of such an event? Being a similar style of ride to Scoobs and all.

Glad to see that my legacy lives on. One day all roller coasters will have these lights and then who will be laughing.
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^ Thanks for the picture westical. The ride keeps on looking better every day :D As more and more construction pics come in, it's becoming very hard not to like this coaster. And I see what you mean Gazza with the headchoppers through the square supports...very cool! The best bit is that we are getting a very refined El Loco design. It's as if S&S have addressed all the problems with the first 3 models and fixed them for the better. Some are big changes like the cars and harnesses. Others are slight adjustments...one that i just noticed now. There is a slight bump/hill before the drop, where as on Steel Hawg there is no hill before the drop. The outwards bank on Green Lantern also looks like it's angled steeper than SH?? Anyone else think so? compare At this rate the coaster will be completed by next week. Then they have around 2 months for station, themeing, paths/walkways and general area presentation.

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The question is what is DW response?? Or isn't there one? They have opened 2 new rides in 6 months - one a decent, yet very short thrill ride (buzz) and one mediocre family ride (shock wave). Whilst Buzzsaw looks great from the highway, that mantle is already faded in favour of the full circuit GL coaster at MW. I get the feeling DW was not planning any new additions for a couple of yrs given the $17m outlay this year. They may need to change their minds after GL and tge possible replacements for LLRR and BATR coming in the next 12 months. IMO Cyclone is outdated, boring and no longer a crowd puller. Im usually against replacements rather than additions but I think in this case a new full circuit coaster that outdoes GL in terms of size and WOW factor at the front or the park is their best option

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