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Green Lantern Coaster


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Sorry djrappa you're right... my apologies bladex. But yeah El Locos are meant to slow down. If they didn't, the G forces on the outwards turns and tight inversions would be too extreme. I honestly found GL quite thrilling in its own way. While Supermans thrill comes from airtime and high speed, Green Lantern is filled with "OMFG moments" and has some strong lateral G's.

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This is a comment I always take issue with!! Unless you are a park employee or ride contractor/manufacturer EVERYONE is general public. Self proclaimed enthusiast or not, you're still general public. Simple, if you use the main gate when entering a park you are GP. It is well known there are staff and insiders on parkz but they also post here as personal opinion so even then they are really GP here. I just hate it when people talk 'above' other people.

This made me LOL .... i have a feeling there will be another poll soon!
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Hats with a rigid brim won't fit into those boxes. They are (as stated) for essential items like glasses etc. There's so many of them because naturally - there's so many trains potentially running on the tracks. I will say though that our VIP gold passes were allowed on last time round - because we needed to show them to the attendants to be let into the queue. The current early entry process ONLY allows gold holders into the park that early, so essentially if you're in the park, you're allowed in - and therefore - they wouldn't allow us to take our passes into the queue.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Finally got on this ride on Saturday and after multiple rides I can say that while I see no difference between the front and back rows, that there is a definite difference between the left and right sides with the right hand seat being the most comfortable and less jerking as you are on the outside of most corners giving you the larger arc around.

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The front is the best IMO for the view on the drop. I hate that my resistance for coasters is for some reason getting lower, not sure if I was just having a bad day but I was feeling really dizzy on the first drop on every ride, never happened before. I was also blacking out like crazy on Superman, though Ive come to accept that as part of the ride lol. The right side on green lantern sure is terrifying on the outwards turn. I felt myself deathgrip the restraint at that point.

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Has anyone else noticed that the audio has been playing up a lot lately. I went over the weekend and around some of the drops and inversions and some of the corners the audio was dropping out and going all crackly like an old radio. It happened on all three of my rides through the day so I doubt it would've just been the car i was in.

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