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Green Lantern Coaster


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New full circuit coaster not big enough? (if that's happening) A flat and an off the shelf shuttle better? Each entitled to their own opinion though... But when I said it was the best deal I wasn't just talking about the ride for December....

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Alex, it was something along the lines of this:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IHOL0iFasz4 It will be one of these but instead of 4 seats per car it will be 8.

Can't be sure of the exact wording, but it had that meaning. The hint to this has been out there for quite a while:

Sorry can't actually say what I heard as I didn't hear it if you know what I mean but I made a previous comment that just might point some on the right "track"... "Isn't this a thread for the Construction at MW? Trying to decide who is El Loco for changing the topic..."

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Since it's pretty much óut there' now I just have to share my excitement and my thoughts.. A few months ago I was chatting to a friend of mine (no longer works at MW) who told me a bit about what was going on. I got the impression this person was referring to a Zacspin from the way it was described but now I can easily see now how the 2 could be confused. Well I'm glad it's not a Zacspin! Get excited people because this thing is gunna be huge!!! - bigger than the few el locos out there and once complete, I hear it could even top out as one of the Park's tallest structures! It will also have a decent capacity with 2 rows, 4 seats across per car which will theoretically double it's hourly capacity from 720 to 1440 riders! It's not so much the speed of the ride, rather it's incredible gravity defying manouvres that will make it such a unique and brilliant compliment to the Park's line up. In action, it reminds me of what it would be like to ride one of those radio controlled kites that can be seen flying high above a Park nearby Clark Quay, Singapore. Any of you guys ever seen these things in action? Like flying Lanterns or little UFO's.. awesome! I guess for VTP's this information has leaked out at the right time and inline with an 'official press announcement' due out any day now. MW's Marketing department are going to have an absolute ball this year no doubt! Given it's location, I think the Theme chosen for the ride is fairly obvious but perhaps best to leave that speculation until the official word is given ;) As has come to be expected with MW, I wonder if it will feature any indoor sections for the main bullpen (queue) or even perhaps for part of the ride itself? Even if this is to be the only new thing for 2011 (and I'm quietly confident it won't be) this news will surely have DW shaking boots and perhaps err 're-evaluate' some recent Capital decisions! I Applaud MW/VTP for making the right decision. They have once again proved their spot as Market Leaders by bringing an innovative, one of a kind, new roller coaster and a knock out success guaranteed for both the Park and Punters alike :ph34r: WAY TO GO MOVIEWORLD!!!!

Edited by MickeyD
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Well its certainly all out now isn't it? :lol: I really, really, really hope they present this ride to a similar standard as their other major attractions, that is my only worry. But overall, considering the lack of space I think this is a fantastic decision from the park and definetely better than a Zacspin. By all accounts, it sounds like we will be getting 2 rides. So Movie Worlds line up is going to be awesome! Finally making the move towards and all day park. Lets hope it lives up to my incredibly high standards ;) (anyway I'm probably the only person here who didn't have a clue what was going on)

Edited by keadz
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haha yes it would seem the gloves are coming off between the World's as the battle toward the end of the year begins! As this will be the 1st major ride at MW since the birth of the VIP pass, it will be interesting to see if there will be any major difference to the way it's built for it's new, perhaps less fussy audience? A great capacity will certainly keep re-riders happy and the wait times relatively low - Quite unlike the rumored Looper going in down the road which will unfortunately add little to DW's capacity.. When you look at what's been done at MW lately, it's all been done well.. The Parades, the Fright nights and now the Christmas events - All as good as you could hope for and anything but cheap or unprofessional. This is all the proof I need to believe that they will keep building rides with the same passion. When they make the announcement, keep an eye out for a mention of budget/cost. VTP's usually like to boast about the expense they have gone to and it should also give some indication of what to expect come ride time in December! I hear so many people going on and on about how great DW is - After just 1 visit, I found it's all they talk about on the Outsiders. That and MW is OK but there aren't enough rides. Give me quality over quantity any day I say! I'd rather enjoy EVERY attraction in a Park over just riding everything in a Park for the sake of it! I have no idea what other new rides/remodels could be in the pipeline for this year but I'm starting to think the Looney Tunes show building will remain dark for some time yet? Therefore it only makes sense to me that whilst they are focusing on the front area then maybe they will take a stab at the futures of Lethal Weapon & the Batman Adventure?

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Please, anyone, ne idea of thr footprint ? Would love to see how much space this takes up and whereabouts. Gazza?

If it is similar to Mumbo Jumbo as people are saying, this could be a rough guide

Track Length: 903' (275 M) Height: 60' (18.3 M) Width: 185' (56 M) Depth: 45' (14 M) # of cars: 4 or 7 (410/720 pph) Circuit Time: 120 seconds Dispatch Interval: 20 seconds Track Length: 1276' (390 M) Height: 96' (29.3 M) Width: 195' (59 M) Depth: 45' (14 M) # of cars: 7/8 (720 pph) Circuit Time: 120 seconds Dispatch Interval: 20 seconds Track Length: 1800' (550 M) Height: 130' (40 M) Width: 230' (70 M) Depth: 40' (15 M) # of cars: 7/8 (720 pph) Circuit Time: 120 seconds Dispatch Interval: 20 seconds

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I think that Movie World do need a few more 'big' attractions, and that this ONE won't do it, so I'm hoping that there's more. Before I go on, I'll admit, I'm a bit bias towards Dreamworld, but just wanna put out there that I went to MW for the first time in 2-3 years yesterday, and me and my friend, we got bored by about 1pm. By then, we'd finished every ride and done Scooby a few times. The supervisors & guests services ladies were amazingly nice, wish I could say the same for the general ride ops/food & bev. I did love the theming on most rides though. Now that that's out of the way, I want to know why is everyone so excited for this ride? From the video that themeparkgc posted, it just looks like a compacted version of Scooby? And then people are all excited for it because it's new and innovative? But everyone was disappointed for the new ride at Dreamworld, even when that's new and something different? Im not trying to make an excuse for Dreamworld if they are just getting a Skyloop (which they may/may not be), but neither park has gone 'all out' but it seems that everyone's happy with whatever Movie World chucks in. I'm guessing many here are former VRTP employees by the sounds of it? Obviously it's not confirmed that it's a Skyloop at Dreamworld, so it could be a launch X-Coaster or an Extended Skyloop for all we know, but everyone's still committed on saying that Dreamworld should be scared. Guess at the end of the day it all comes down to whichever parks have the best marketing team at the time.

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Jake, I saw the Motocross show, the Parade and one in Mainstreet with the Ninjas. I also watched Journey to the Centre of the Earth 4D during the day. And did some kiddy rides over in WB kids zone. By 1pm I had done all the 'rides', and the shows don't interest me TOO much, but I watched them because I had nothing better to do (I saw JTTCOTE 4D though because I wanted to see it. :P). Motocross was pretty good, not 100% my thing, but still worth the 20 minute watch. Im mainly looking forward to Wet N Wild, but this is really off topic atm.

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For me personally, I faith in movie world to invest and produce another fantastic ride experience like we have seen in the past 10+ years. Where as for Dreamworld, past experiences tell me not to get my hopes up. And going from above, apparently this movie world coaster will be bigger than the current examples. Where as all rumours point Dreamworld getting a standard sky loop. Also, Dreamworld has ample space to work with...could have got something awesome, whereas movie world in quite constrained... Lots of things...but I will happily eat my words if I am proved wrong. Doesn't look like that will be happening though.

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I think the reason people are excited by Movieworld's rumoured addition as opposed to rumoured addition is that the El Loco from S&S has a longer ride time, with more passengers, and has block brakes which allow mutliple cars on the track at the same time. It appears to have far more G forces thrown at the body than the SkyLoop does. Wikipedia says there are 2 SkyLoop and 1 SkyLoop XT450 in the world, opened in 2004 and 2006. For the El Loco, it shows 2, being built in 2008 and 2009 (RCDB lists a third opened in 2011). I find it strange that a model has been around for nearly 8 years, with only 3 in the world, yet a model only around for almost 4 has just as many built. Perhaps it's a value for money thing?

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^Do you recall S&S having some financial woes a few years back? I think it was around the same time that MW were installing their Space shot? Maybe this had something to do with freezing new projects at the time? As much as I'd love DW to build a full blown out and back coaster, both the construction footprint and remaining budget suggest otherwise.. I've searched around for the XT450 pricetag and only found something mentioning cost of the one in Madrid. They said 10million so likely meaning 10million euro - WAY out of DW's price range. The basic skyloop on the other hand comes in on budget. The MW el loco project could wind up being a souped up version of the current model and like others have said it would deliver a far more satisfying ride experience. You can't compare this ride to a Mack. This is absolutely a thrill ride. Oh and Bmull19 you probably have a valid point about bias coming from ex employees of VTP's. I myself are one of those ex employees but i can tell you that it's an educated bias. Working MW behind the scenes you get to work with some wizz-bang technology, systems and innovation that shit all over what any other Aussie Park has. This is because WB's insisted that MW got the US theme park treatment and lavished with fancy theme park computer systems originally created by Disney. There is so much the average paying visitor doesn't see that they may very well have a vastly different opinion of the place if they did. I reckon this is a pretty fair argument why MW is better than DW but hey, everyone is entitled to their opinion ;)

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^Do you recall S&S having some financial woes a few years back? I think it was around the same time that MW were installing their Space shot? Maybe this had something to do with freezing new projects at the time?

{2010-10-12} Larsen MacColl Partners LP, the largest shareholder in S&S Worldwide, Inc. has acquired majority ownership in the company, including all shares previously held by company founder, Stan Checketts.

For the El Loco, it shows 2, being built in 2008 and 2009 (RCDB lists a third opened in 2011).

{2010-10-14} S&S is pleased to announce that we’ll be bringing the excitement of El Loco to Fraispertuis City in France. We’ve just signed a contract for a bold new adaptation of our award-winning coaster. http://translate.google.com/translate?js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Ffraispfan.free.fr%2FNouveautes%2FNouveau2011.html
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Sorry if this question is a little of topic, but didn't movie world submit to council plans to expand the park towards the road for retail and "thrill attractions" a while ago, but it was put on hold due to enviromental concerns. I would assume that the expansion is connected to that proposal and if so, would the plans have been submitted to council for the new attraction as yet? Just a thought.

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the original submission was for a "third gate" as such, more like an adrenaline park, on the other side of the carpark - that is definitely different to this rumored attraction - it seems like it will be right by the front gate.

Therefore it only makes sense to me that whilst they are focusing on the front area then maybe they will take a stab at the futures of Lethal Weapon & the Batman Adventure?

As for you MickeyD - you have, in the past, been quite on the money... i'm with you - betting we'll see some action with both Batman Adventure, and hopefully Lethal too. They've both been looking a little run down and worse for wear - and usually when they run something into the ground, they've already made their minds up on what they're doing with it... (eureka, bermuda, LTRR....) Edited by AlexB
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