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Construction Moves Forward...


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Construction is going ahead nicely on Dreamworld's next attraction, going in the back half of the park, near the waterfall tunnel that the train heads through. The frame is up already, and they're working on the fence that will suround the area. There's been lots of earthmoving going on, but it's good to see they're now into the vertical construction, meaning it might be here as soon as Easter. The unique thing about this attraction is, because it is located on the "wrong side of the tracks", instead of having foot access, it will give the paddle steamer a genuine purpose. It'll be good, because the time it takes the boat to do the loop, as well as load/unload at the main stop in Rivertown, it'll give everyone a chance to see everything and get on the next boat. The first picture shows the construction of the frame, with two dudes sawing some pine for the fence they were working on. It was hot enough for me just walking around the park leisurely, I'd hate to have been these guys today :). The second one shows where the dock will be for loading and unloading. They'll more than likely rebuild the dock to something that actually complies with even basic workplace health and safety. Did I mention that what they're building is a petting zoo (leaving it to the end to spill that one for everyone to be pleasantly disappointed)? Stay tuned for more exciting developments in coming weeks!

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I guess the grass is always greener. I know for one thing my body would explode from overexposure to mediocrity if I were to go to Dreamworld any more than I do, which might be once a month at best, unless there's some dirt piles to watch and snap pictures of, which i somehow more of an attraction to me than the sum total of all their rides.

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Just a few confirmations from the park for everyone. There will also be access to the area from a new bridge over the railway, on top of the paddle steamer. I guess this just helps to keep everything flowing, and I can't imagine what they'd do if the boat were to break down or require extended maintenance. It is set to open Easter.

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I'm not following. They're moving the attraction, despite its contract finishing in April? I don't really think Dreamworld would extend it, because I'd imagine it would be expensive, such that only the peak season would justify such an attraction. I certainly can't see it being made a permanent fixture at the park, and even so, why would they move it? Then they'd just have an empty theatre in a deserted area of the park.

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Well if you've ever seen the koala sanctuary and the quarantine etc. at the back of the park, then you would agree that DreamWorld is a bit of a zoo, but not compared to, let's say, Dubbo Zoo, for example. It's more of a "save animals" experience. Bit confusing, probably because the weather here is 38 degrees celcius....... damn......

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They'd be crazy not to have the wildlife aspect to Dreamworld - it's essentially the only thing that brings in Asian tourists in the numbers that they do. Do you ever wonder why you see four or five coaches (more on a good day) unloading hundreds of tourists in the morning, but never see theme in queues? They're all out back at the Australian Wildlife Experience, experiencing Australian wildlife. This petting zoo will be more as a follow-up to Nick Central rather than an expansion of the Australian Wildlife Experience.

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Second the thoughts on the new animal exhibits being only a good thing for the park. I do get the feeling though that this one will be aimed more at the domestic market and School groups than at the international market (although most of the tour groups will probably see it). Wilsy, what did you ask Dreamworld? Did you ask what their new attraction is or what is being built up the back of the park? Depending on how you asked the question could explain the bizarre answer... unless their calling the Gyro Swing Tomb Raider - which is such a bad idea I'm surprised no ones done it yet. Also on a final note www.dreamworld.com.au doesn't capitalise the 'w', so I think you better e-mail them quick and point out their mistake :D

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Interesting to read your thoughts on the petting zoo Richard. I hadn't realised that DW was similar to WS in terms of the large number of asian visitors they get to their wildlife park section. Does the Australian Wildlife Experience have a separate entrance similar to the Australian Wildlife Park at WS or do visitors have to pay the full DW entry price? Also, what is the wildlife area like compared to Wonderlands? (from what I can see they both have similar shows - sheep shearing, koala displays etc). I find it strange that the petting zoo is going to be an extension of Nick Central rather than the wildlife area. Is it anywhere near Nick Central? Do you think it will have any of the same theming? I can think of much more appropriate minor expansions for Nick Central than a petting zoo. However, if it is actually going to be designed as part of the wildlife experience then that makes more sense to me (as it would be appealing to the asian tourists as discussed earlier)

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I missed that thing about Nick Central... I agree, that is a bit odd. Maybe they can have something like a dog and a cat stuck together. Most likely the whole plan is to add a new attraction while not taking away the public's attention from Nick Central. I don't know about Dreamworld's setup, but I can tell you how it goes across the Warner Village Theme Parks (Seaworld, Movieworld and Paradise Country) with respect to the tour groups: They generally pay a certain amount to the tour company, and around $40 of that is paid to the park. With that they get (more or less) a show or two and lunch at one of the park's restaurants. The reason they pay less is because mostly the deals are made with tour companies (We'll charge this much per person and you bring us this many tourists). Also because the parks are competing to have the tour groups eat at the parks rather then say, for example staying for a morning then going to a restaurant in Surfers. I can imagine at Dreamworld its a similar setup with lunch at the Billabong restaurant.

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It's fully integrated with the theme park - there's no separate entrance or whatnot, which I think is the better way of doing it in terms of revenue raising. As joz said, they're generally buying a set holiday from a tour group who get all sorts of deals and discounts because of the numbers they buy. I'd have to say that Dreamworld has the better wildlife park. They are similar, but Dreamworld did really well when they turned it into the "Australian Wildlife Experience", which is essentially three separate areas themed to different Australian areas (on top of the Koala Country area with koalas, kangaroos and the reptile house and whatnot), with accompanying wildlife. It's really quite a nice and picturesque section of the park - one of the nicest areas of any Australian theme parks. It's not an expansion of Nick Central, but rather a continuation of Dreamworld's efforts to give families and particularly younger children more to do at the park, as was started with Nick Central. It's being built at the rear of the park, beside the waterfall which the train passes under (see this shot - the petting zoo will be in the land directly beside it, where you can see a small hill and plenty of trees).

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Remember, thanks to Geocities stupid rules, you've got to copy and paste the link to get it to work (feel free to upload it here though - . You've got to love those old photos of Dreamworld. It reminds you once upon a time the park was actually this fantastic "dream world". I can't help but think that the place doesn't have that same impact on today's kids as it did for us. I just think that the place has lost its sole. Anyway, where were we before I started drifting off?

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