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Speculation Discussion


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  On 19/05/2011 at 7:58 AM, 'Tjay said:

DJRappa we both know it isnt called project x, i said we have been jokingly referring to it as that,

I didn't say it was called that, I said I don't know ANYONE who has been referring to it as Project X. My objection was to the cocky 'I know something you don't know' nature of your post, which suggests many people know about this project and have a code name for it, which isn't really true. Posts like that only serve to put down other members that don't know the information you claim to, I don't like that. Edited by djrappa
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  On 19/05/2011 at 10:18 AM, 'djrappa said:

I didn't say it was called that, I said I don't know ANYONE who has been referring to it as Project X. My objection was to the cocky 'I know something you don't know' nature of your post, which suggests many people know about this project and have a code name for it, which isn't really true. Posts like that only serve to put down other members that don't know the information you claim to, I don't like that.

Sorry if thats the way it came across mate, it certainly wasn't intended to offend. I was more surprised it wasn't more common knowledge given the amount of people i've heard talking about it
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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay just after I left my post... I thought of something "Hollywood Rip Ride Rockit" I mean we've spoken on here about something like this before a music themed ride with speakers on board... I mean Universal has one and MW these days seems to do what the big movie themed parks in America do so.... thats my wild guess :)

Plus apparently it has some cool night effects, anyone here already been on it and can say whats its like?? Edited by Original
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  On 29/05/2011 at 9:40 AM, 'Original said:

Okay just after I left my post... I thought of something "Hollywood Rip Ride Rockit" I mean we've spoken on here about something like this before a music themed ride with speakers on board... I mean Universal has one and MW these days seems to do what the big movie themed parks in America do so.... thats my wild guess :)

Plus apparently it has some cool night effects, anyone here already been on it and can say whats its like??
That ride would be cool if themed properly and was not as bad the Universal's one. It would be too rough for a new roller coaster but then again it is still an improvement over the rides we have here already.
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  On 29/05/2011 at 9:40 AM, 'Original said:

Plus apparently it has some cool night effects, anyone here already been on it and can say whats its like??

I have, Its amazing. The Station is huge. The ride itself is so smooth. The selection of music is really cool too. It adds another dimension to a roller coaster. Its quite long too. Once its over you have the opportunity to buy yourself on it on a DVD
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  On 29/05/2011 at 11:51 AM, 'mattcrombie said:

I have, Its amazing. The Station is huge. The ride itself is so smooth. The selection of music is really cool too. It adds another dimension to a roller coaster. Its quite long too. Once its over you have the opportunity to buy yourself on it on a DVD

+1 Anything as smooth and fun as HRRR would be a welcome addition to an Australian park!
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If they are truly putting in another Batman themed ride I think they need to consider changing the theming of the Gotham City hall.facade. Keep Batman all in one place. I have tried to follow this thread but can a moderator please confirm a new ride is actually being built? Or are we just speculating based on a.few pegs in.the ground and an approval to build a. Shop? Nate

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  On 03/06/2011 at 12:08 PM, 'aussienetman said:

If they are truly putting in another Batman themed ride I think they need to consider changing the theming of the Gotham City hall.facade. Keep Batman all in one place. I have tried to follow this thread but can a moderator please confirm a new ride is actually being built? Or are we just speculating based on a.few pegs in.the ground and an approval to build a. Shop? Nate

It is just speculation. With some people saying they know what is happening or have a slight idea but can't tell us.
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Do I amuse you? I just don't understand what's going on in this thread. Am I missing something blaently obvious? I took the first post as a bit of a joke post. Never even thought that we were seriously going off a few pegs in the ground. Leave the thread for a couple of days and all of a sudden there's a Batman themed coaster going in? But I havnt read any actual proof of this? Just spec? Over 90 posts for some pegs? Am I missing something?

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There's always gonna be people taking a tiny bit of insight and running with it... But you'd have to assume some people posting know something about what is going on but either won't say or can't. I hate to be 'that person' but I know exactly what is going on (and choose to not even say that much as I hate "I know but can't tell posts) and of course can't discuss it publicly. Hence why Im amused to read the speculation and the speculation on the speculation. Obviously they are building a shop though by the DA already posted.

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For anyone who posts "i know what you don't know" type posts, they should have to send a message through to mod team stating what they know. Then if it turns out to be bullshit then you can ban the tools. I won't bother with this thread any longer. If mw announce plans ill come back and see how this thing flew.

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Should pobably point out that regardless of whether someone is the almighty supreme moderator of a theme park website, telling them confidential inside information still violates non disclosure agreements. Should also point out that this site is also not an official fact reporting outlet for the parks. Its a discussion forum for theme park fans. If they can't speculate about construction happening what exactly would you like them to do?

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  On 19/05/2011 at 10:18 AM, 'djrappa said:

My objection was to the cocky 'I know something you don't know' nature of your post, which suggests many people know about this project and have a code name for it, which isn't really true.Posts like that only serve to put down other members that don't know the information you claim to, I don't like that.

  On 03/06/2011 at 1:08 PM, 'djrappa said:

I hate to be 'that person' but I know exactly what is going on (and choose to not even say that much as I hate "I know but can't tell posts) and of course can't discuss it publicly.

Hmmm seems like it may be time for some reflection??
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Not really. I was asked why I was amused and why people are speculating. I gave an honest answer. I did not come out of my way at the start of the thread and say I can't believe no one on here knows did I. Many people would no doubt assume I know, but I feel it serves no purpose to say so. I've also got 100s of posts and peole know my style. What I was saying to you is that's it's not the best 'opening lime' is all.

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OK everyone relax, Joz is here to clear everything up (sort of). Obviously, I'm not going to confirm or deny anything. It's also worth pointing out that until Movieworld comes out and says what they're doing, EVERYTHING is speculation. Someone could post the concept art and it'd still be speculation. Having said that, this site is calling it a new attraction, I'm calling it a new attraction, others are calling it a new attraction. Until MW announce it, it's all speculation of course, but if I were a betting person, I'd have The Crazy large amounts of money on a attraction, as hinted in the other thread. People can take or leave that if they want, and that's fine to me. I won't be offended if people disbelieve what I say, particularly when I have to say things in cryptic non committal ways. If people do believe me, then I hope they're as excited as I am and eagerly waiting to buy next year's VIP pass to have a ride. I'm not here trying to make myself look awesome, but I am hoping to get people excited for what (Legal disclaimer: I reckon.) is coming this year. That is all. Peace out everyone :)

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