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Japan builds world's steepest roller coaster

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507001-takabisha.jpg A JAPANESE theme park is getting ready to unveil the world's steepest roller coaster, with a 121 degree incline and speeds of 100 kilometres per hour. The ride, which cost a whopping $40 million to build, is found at the Fuji-Q Highland Amusement Park in Yamanash, and has been named 'Takabisha' - which means 'dominant' in English. According to The Daily Mail, Takabisha, which has Mt Fuji as a backdrop, is set to open on July 16 this year. It's packed with jaw-dropping features including seven twists, blackened tunnels and a 43 metre high peak. But the most impressive thing about Takabisha is the freefall at 121 degrees, which is so steep it's Guinness Book of Records-worthy. Relying on a combination of gravity and a set of linear motors attached to the cars, you'll be strapped in and flung down the incline at 100 km/h, experiencing a feeling of weightlessness as you go. The current Guinness World Record-holding roller coaster is the UK's Mumbo Jumbo ride at Flamingoland in Yorkshire. This ride has held the title of "The World's Steepest Roller Coaster" since July 2009, but with an incline of just 112 degrees, Takabisha will be an essential 9 degrees steeper. Once the ride has been certified, it will be the 14th Guinness World Record set by Fuji-Q, which is one of the leading amusement parks in the world for thrill-seekers. When it's up and running, Takabisha will cost $11.75 (Y1000) to ride, excluding park admission fees. Read more: http://www.news.com.au/travel/holiday-ideas/japan-builds-worlds-steepest-roller-coaster-takabisha/story-e6frfqer-1226076503112#ixzz1PUbxh0ln 506405-takabisha.jpg Pretty sure that first drop would make me vomit... Really would like to go to Fuji-Q one day!
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  • 3 weeks later...

Here are some photos of the ride as well as a POV: article The section at the very start looks a bit like the beginning of Saw: the ride. Except I can't tell if there's an inversion in there. It's a bit different that the big lift hill is the SECOND part of the ride, after the initial dark bit and launch section… And that drop looks pretty steep in the video, I can imagine it would be insane to ride!

Edited by TimMc333
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The thing is, with the budget allowed for Buzzsaw we'd probably have gotten the basic standard model as seen at Adventure Island, Canobie Lake and Duinrell, and they are pretty meh rides. Bear in mind too that this Takashiba coaster cost as much as two B&Ms (Now that is a good "what if"!)

Edited by Gazza
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