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2012 International Additions


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How many times has Six Flags taken something Dreamworld has and made it slightly bigger? Once, with Lex Luthor. And no, Superman Escape from Krypton does not count as both rides were announced, planned and built almost at the same time. TOT simply opened first.

Wiggles World is about the only other thing common to SF and DW, but even then Wiggles World is something the Wiggles themselves have probably gone out and marketed behind the scene (And SF got rid of them in the end) ​But i agree that it is utter exaggeration to say "they are constantly trying to take everything that Dreamworld does and making it slightly bigger." With SW/MW closures you can bet they will use those rides for something...They need the land! and who lets a good dark ride building go to waste (Thats what they did with the JL:Ai3D right?)
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Sea World thats who. At the minimum they could keep the area clean.

That's got nothing to do with "letting a darkride building go to waste" the building will not just sit there rotting forever, when Seaworld's current refurbishment makes things normal they will set their sights on committing their budget toward a replacement attraction for that building.
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That's got nothing to do with "letting a darkride building go to waste" the building will not just sit there rotting forever, when Seaworld's current refurbishment makes things normal they will set their sights on committing their budget toward a replacement attraction for that building.

He said they need to land, closing a ride and letting it site there doesn't sound like they needed the land.
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What i mean is that the ride probably closed for other reasons (How much of it would be recycled for lassisters lost mine anyway...must be some real old stuff in there.) But it wont sit forever like this, because its on prime land. On the other hand, I reckon the closed rides at DW will sit for many years to come. I predict that Bermuda will be re worked long before Eureka Mountain is.

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He said they need to land, closing a ride and letting it site there doesn't sound like they needed the land.

That's not what he said, he said that they need the land if they are to do something with the ride in the future, not that they closed the attraction because they need the land.
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I am not even bothering reading complete posts any more, I have just grow tired and have you made one post since you have been here thaqt you haven't attacked something that I have said.

In threads that you aren't in, yes. Try and understand for just a second that it's not me, it's you. When someone says something that is flat out wrong, I correct it, plain and simple, it doesn't matter who you are.
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Green Lantern a carpark coaster you say? I think this was first! http://www.rcdb.com/1415.htm?p=5739 Getting back on topic looks like most of the new for 2012 coasters in the US are open. What will be interesting to see is if Flying Turns at Knobels opens this year especially given the flooding they had earlier in the year. They looked to be making decent progress with it too based on postings on their Facebook page.

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Well Green Lantern is not up to MW standards and is basically a car park coaster, Arkham Asylum is just LW with a different style of pain with added wallpaper. The Justice league should and looks like it will give me a good impression of MW again. I don't care about parades as long as there is one as it means the lines for the rides goes down. I lost interest because they replaced PA with a generic copy of LMA from DHS (only not as good). Closing down LTRR with no replacement for years, Plus with the disappointments that were GL and AA. Dreamworld on the other hand has done things differently. Sure the coaster wasn't that great but at least it had a lot more theming then both of the MW attractions. Plus their is the Dreamworks additions.

Hmmm Green Lantern is basically a carpark coaster?? I need some clarification here methinks. Are you stating that because of the location of Green Lantern (next to the exisiting carpark) that it is to be downgraded and dismissed as a "cheap" carpark coaster? Does this defintion include Cyclone at Dreamworld, as has been pointed out by Gazza? If Dreamworld were to build a B&M giga coaster that went around the existing carpark would that then by definition, make this a carpark coaster?? I am struggling to understand the point you are trying to make by labelling Green Lantern this way. If you are just seeking to downgrade Green Lantern as a carnival ride then I am afraid you could not be further from the truth. Green Lantern is a great ride by international standards, has garnered a lot of positive attention for MW and is a fantastic addition to MW's ride lineup.
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Yes cyclone is a car park coaster but here is the thing in terms of the type of parks they are you can't compare them each on there own you can think of movieworld as Australias disney or universal. Dreamworld as our six flags or cedar fair. At a SF or CF park a car pqrk coaster is acceptable as the whole park is like that (very little or generic theming. A Disney or universal park the standards are much higher in terms of theming so if they build a car park coaster it wouldn't work so we. So what works at one may not work at the other. For my defenition of a car park coaster: a coaster built in a large open area with little to no theming. With a major objective of attracting people passing by. Excuse spelling and grammer. Annoyance and a phone screen keyboard dont work together. Also i believe that GL is worse then the other identical rides around the world. It has a larger footprint yet the same layout so the corners are then wider and it is just as slow.

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Grammar* I believe GL makes up for whatever loss of speed it may have by the fact that it is 4 abreast seating, so you can have an experience of 'floorlessness'. The effect also gives rise to more interesting forces going around those corners, and perhaps needs to be slower for that reason. Cruise - I think you may just want to take the line of 'agree to disagree'. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Personally I think you're wrong as well, but you're obviously set in your frame of mind, so there's no point spouting the same argument (both ways) for days on end. Especially since this is supposed to be an 'international' additions thread - how bout we all move on, hey?

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Best thing they did was turn off those monitors. 45 minutes in a queue with that fake news report on loop? I would much rather queue as it is now looking at things around the current line than put up with that video.

Yeah I agree!! The Cyclone "theming" and queue line area are an absolute joke IMHO!! Its an absolute waste of space and time and effort to get there when a much more conventional approach to the queue would have served the ride soo much better. Hell the queue line at LPS when it was Big Dipper was far superior!!
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Yes cyclone is a car park coaster but here is the thing in terms of the type of parks they are you can't compare them each on there own you can think of movieworld as Australias disney or universal. Dreamworld as our six flags or cedar fair. At a SF or CF park a car pqrk coaster is acceptable as the whole park is like that (very little or generic theming. A Disney or universal park the standards are much higher in terms of theming so if they build a car park coaster it wouldn't work so we. So what works at one may not work at the other. For my defenition of a car park coaster: a coaster built in a large open area with little to no theming. With a major objective of attracting people passing by. Excuse spelling and grammer. Annoyance and a phone screen keyboard dont work together. Also i believe that GL is worse then the other identical rides around the world. It has a larger footprint yet the same layout so the corners are then wider and it is just as slow.

See, I think this is where people are getting confused by your definition of a car park coaster. Aren't they car park coasters because as their name suggests they are placed in the car park?? Just because it has little theming I don't think you can class it as a car park coaster. Yes, Green Lantern may not be completely immersive, but what exactly is wrong with it, if it does have a theme, storyline and presented in the park well. Yes, Green Lantern is near the entry road and car park, however, an effort was made to set itself apart from the car park, doesn't actually go over the park (what a car park coaster does do) and beautify the area (something a car park coaster doesn't). Yes, MW is like a smaller Aussie version of Universal or Disney, but even those parks don't have every attraction as an E-ticket attraction. Universal has many generic/off the shelf rides. Disney has a few too, Goofy's Sky School (and whatever it was before it was re-themed, can't remember), Maliboomer (don't care the park has now removed it, they still built it) and Silly Symphony Swings (Orange Zwinger before that). All rides are well presented, doesn't make them "car park coasters" or "car park flat rides" So, I think everyone here is getting confused as everyone seems to have their own opinion of what a car park coaster is and really what is so bad if MW do a ride every now and then that doesn't have complete immersive theming and clever back story line, as long as it has been well presented and themed. After all MW's bigger (non-related cousins) have done the same from time to time!
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Terminology is wrong anyway so far in this debate, IMO. This is a car park coaster, since it's built over a car park: http://www.parkz.com.au/photo/US/Valencia/Six_Flags_Magic_Mountain/303-Scream/2,2,4354-Scream.html You can still see the parking bay lines! This is also a car park coaster http://rcdb.com/617.htm?p=4209 It's a bit of a stretch though for things that are merely next to a car park to be classified as a car park coaster, or else that would cause a large number of the big coasters out there to be classified in this manner (Big coasters often get built near the park edge to maximise visual exposure, and for ease of construction access)

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