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Inside Today:the Bat, the Bunny & The Bermuda Triangle


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  On 28/11/2011 at 8:35 AM, Jobe said:

Hmm Gazza if you are referreing to me as a "nostalgiafag??" then I take offence. For my mind, Spencer's posting was tongue in cheek and I followed that up with my own reply. Surely anyone with a hint of humour about them can see that those posts were not meant to be taken seriously!! If you thought that,(and going by your the tone of your post you did) then you need to have a long hard look at yourself indeed!!! That sort of personal attack really isnt needed,especially in this case, as what we posted didnt deserve any sort of vitriol at all!!! Please have a little more respect for when genuine posters contribute-its not all about you or a select few opinions!! Thankyou

All hail Jobe! You understood my post perfectly. Edited by Spencer
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  On 29/11/2011 at 11:22 AM, Spencer said:

Someone did well in school.

I did well in Uni too. Also http://www.urbandict...Nostalgia%20Fag Blame them for coming up with such an apt phrase!

Maybe you should grown an imagination and learn some manners, stop being such a grouch.

If you had an imagination, you'd be able to think of ways to move WBMW forward, without just resorting to "Put in what they used to have (Which someone else originally designed, not you), and throw a parade in its honour". :rolleyes: I don't see what the big issue is, you don't see me having a whinge because something I read on the internet bothered me deeply. I just get on with it. If I felt doing the above was important, I'd sit on youtube all day in the comments section and be all anally retentive over there.... Edited by Gazza
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Oh, You don't understand. My comment was a joke with regards to bringing the old attractions back. You are a very cold person though, You seem to just want to put the knife in wherever you can. I just think it's a shame that you can be so downright rude and you one of the few that actually runs this website. You need to lighten up. Wouldn't it be an advantage to make people feel good and not bad? Your comments are hurtful to me. I didn't do anything to deserve such a harsh reaction.

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  On 29/11/2011 at 1:24 PM, Spencer said:

Oh, You don't understand. My comment was a joke with regards to bringing the old attractions back.

but most of the time what you've posted is some emotionally charged post about how much you dislike MW.... How's a reasonable person going to know when it's legitimate, or a joke? ...Or is it joking all the time?
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Spencer, Gazza's reaction is most likely in relation to your previous incarnations on this site - the last time you argued for the return of an attraction, you WERE serious, and there was nothing in your most recent post to indicate otherwise. Given your history, a little disclaimer at the end might have been appropriate.

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Back to the topic and I have to say I agree with the original post wholeheartedly. While I haven't given up on Village doing the right thing and replacing these rides with something decent, I do think it was a monumental mistake to close all 3 major rides at the same time. I mean WHY?? It really wasn't a smart move in my opinion. I would also love to see what's going on in these buildings right now. It would be very cool/creepy walking through and past all those 'dead' ride scenes

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  On 29/11/2011 at 10:10 PM, GoGoBoy said:

Back to the topic and I have to say I agree with the original post wholeheartedly. While I haven't given up on Village doing the right thing and replacing these rides with something decent, I do think it was a monumental mistake to close all 3 major rides at the same time. I mean WHY?? It really wasn't a smart move in my opinion. I would also love to see what's going on in these buildings right now. It would be very cool/creepy walking through and past all those 'dead' ride scenes

GoGoBoy I absolutely agree with your comments here. At the risk of being branded as anti Movieworld (which I am most certainly NOT) , I too cannot for the life of me, fathom the timing of the removal of these rides. In my mind, it is an absolute error and until they are replaced, weakens their offer significantly, despite the introduction of Green Lantern (which I am very excited to see). Like you, I pray, hope and still have faith that their demise will hearken decent replacements in the near future. However, I do feel that this timing issue has been largely ignored on the board, except for a select few, which to me, is somewhat surprising. I AM looking forward to visiting the park in January to ride Green Lantern. If it is as good as it looks in the track testing video, then it should be a sweet ride indeed!
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  On 30/11/2011 at 12:29 PM, Jobe said:

However, I do feel that this timing issue has been largely ignored on the board, except for a select few, which to me, is somewhat surprising.

It's something I have wanted to mention for a while now, but with various commitments, and so many people having a whinge I've not had my say on it, but since this is the thread for it and I have a few mins, I'll put my 2cents into the opinion machine:

I don't like the fact that they took out two family friendly rides. I think taking out 2 rides that are accessible to most people and then replacing them with 1 ride which skews to a comparatively specific audience which is already pretty well catered for is a bad idea. More over I don't like that the 2 rides they took out used to take about 40mins to go on even if you weren't queueing, compared to the 1 or 2min ride they're being replaced with. I don't think MW is a full day park, and making it 39mins quicker to do everything certainty doesn't help in that department.

However, I'm not outraged by the decision. Having rides that people CAN go on is of only of any use if people ARE going on them. People weren't going on them. With those rides, I think it just got to a point where they were too labour intensive, weren’t popular, didn't figure in the parks long term plans, and due to their age, were becoming expensive to maintain/ overhaul and so it makes sense to close them. Having said that, I do think it was a mistake to close BMA:TR before Xmas, but the fact they did close it then does make me think that there is something in the works for that space for next year. Honestly though, who knows what goes on behind closed doors, for all we know they were going to put something in Toons this year but heard Dreamworld were adding a coaster and decided to steal their thunder instead. How that relates to Batride is anyones guess, maybe they've decided since they're adding a new coaster where they are going to make the area properly DC themed and full of popular new rides instead of aging burdens?

Hopefully the year after Batride's replacement they can look at WB Kids area in general, not just the LTRR building. The whole area is tired, Speedy taxis is old to the point where cars are constantly breaking down, the ride is low capacity, doesn't fit the park anymore and simply has to go. Marvin the Martian has gone without replacement, and the whole area is pushing 15 years. I personally think trashing everything except Road Runner and maybe the toons building and completely starting over would be expensive, but also do the park a world of good.

As for Bermuda, surely they've worked out what they're doing by now. Being the optimist I am, I'm hopeful that they simply finalised their plans too late to be implemented for this year, and have decided to roll it out next year. What ever it is, Sea World badly needs it. Even though Sea World's new parade is a fairly major offering, a lot of the rest of the park needs love. Pirate Ship, Train, Helicopters, Bermuda all gone without replacements in a park which didn't have many rides to start with makes the place feel more bare then it did years ago. The Monorails all need serious overhauls, and good ones at that, not like the last overhaul they had, or to be replaced (There are quite a few old monorail systems out there with the gauge and power inputs, I wonder if anyone has developed any rolling stock for them or how much it might cost?).

I'm optimistic, and the reason I'm optimistic is because Village have done well adding new things time and time again. In recent years Castaway Bay was a great addition, and the Parade looks like it's going to be pretty epic, Penguin Encounter is a top quality

exhibit , at Movie World Green Lantern is going to be a great coaster, Fright Nights and White Christmas are amazing events, and over at WnW Aqua-loop was (downtime not withstanding) a great buy for the park, and like it or not WnW IS the park where the up charges make the most sense. They still know how to add great attractions. As I've said in the past, I think they're in a transition phase with their parks, which is why people can come on here and point out some pretty significant and obvious flaws with the parks. The fact keep adding good attractions makes me think: "They know what they're doing".

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I see what you're getting at joz but I find it hard to believe that these rides weren't popular. Surely every visitor to Sea World would have taken a ride on Bermuda Triangle. It was the major attraction and there's not much else to do! Similarly, while Looney Tunes may not have attracted teenagers looking for thrills, I'm sure any family with kids would have enjoyed it. You are right about the time issue. Those rides all had nice long durations - something we aren't seeing in many of the newer additions. I'm getting a little tired of rides that are over in under a minute. Until the Village parks expand a little more, they are really in need of attractions which take up a bit of time. I honestly think the biggest issue people have is that the Village parks are not full day parks. Fix this and Dreamworld would be quaking in its boots

Edited by GoGoBoy
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^ The popularity thing is more about Toons and Batride not really about Bermuda, and those two rides rides weren't popular. The writing is definatly on the wall when, in the middle of the Xmas holidays those two rides each sport a 10min queue when everything else has an hour long queue. There is definatly a market for family rides, but those two rides weren't a draw anymore and passed their use by date.

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I have no problem whatsoever in Movieworld removing both Batman and LTRR. The last time I was at Movieworld last year, both rides were walk-ons. By their very nature, both also, IMHO, didnt have a lot of re-rideability. This is reflected in their poor popularity in the latter stages of their life.What I do have problems with is the now well referred timing issue.Sure LTTR was gone but surely Movieworld could have kept Batman going until after the peak holiday period?? This may or may not be indicative of deeper plans that we are not privy to, but time will tell all.I think we all would have been much more comfortable if Movieworld had announced that Batman was closing at the end of February after the peak time had passed. Bermuda, on the other hand , I feel is a different story. This was a world class ride which was still popular, delivered decent family thrills and was something you desired to ride again and again. However, after the flames from the volcano were dowsed for good, the ride was let to fall into the slow decay that we saw it become. This ride, which fit perfectly for Seaworld's target demographic, should have been brought back up to spec and saved, in my opinion. It was world renowned, and has been stated many times on these boards, had world class theming. My hope now is that Bermuda will be replaced by an equally iconic and brilliant attraction. It is really what Seaworld deserves. :)

Edited by Jobe
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  On 30/11/2011 at 3:29 PM, joz said:

Hopefully the year after Batride's replacement they can look at WB Kids area in general, not just the LTRR building. The whole area is tired, Speedy taxis is old to the point where cars are constantly breaking down, the ride is low capacity, doesn't fit the park anymore and simply has to go. Marvin the Martian has gone without replacement, and the whole area is pushing 15 years.

And you are totally right about Marvin the Martian and his famous rocket ride - yep, been on that one too. We went past it and it was closed, after going on Yosemite Sam's train I walked back and it was open so I jumped on. Barely moved compared to the other time I rode it that day which was the best out of the two cause that ride was a lot smoother. The later ride was painful as hell, the rocket only moved about 2m off the ground and stopped (and it was rough!) - just enough to be considered stuck but not enough to be considered airborne. The ride operator must have pushed something cause we suddenly swung back into the loading position They got a mechanic to have a look at the ride and he muttered something about slow starting to the ride operator (must have been a new op fresh out of ride operating school). Either way whether that's what happened or if it was something else MW took out the Rocket Ride about a week later and it hasn't seen a replacement for 4 years. I'm thinking the area has space for either another Zamperla Crazy Bus or probably a small flat. MW could probably put a Ferris Wheel themed to the WB characters in there if they wanted to otherwise the area is blank, bland and needs a ride badly. And definitely keep Speedy's Taxis, replace the cars if you need to but don't remove the whole thing, little kids love it.
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Wouldn't mind seeing something like this done in the Looney Tunes building. Replace a motion simulator at one end of the park with another different type at the other. It looks like something that could be really good themed to the characters and it would be something the family could do as a group.

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Maybe Movieworld is going to not just replace Looney Tunes but give the Kids section an entire face lift. The last few years of investment has all been in rides/show for teens, families and adults, nothing really for kids. Maybe its why Marvin the Martian broke and was not replaced, maybe more cost effective to remove it in preparation for demolishing everything and startin again, That would be a massive capitol investment, which is why they have needed to wait until 2011 was finished and GL launched.

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I was just reading in a different post about a Sally corp dark ride going into the batman building and apparently that area of the park to be DC Superheroes. Could we see a shoot Em up interactive based on the new batman film - The Dark Knight Rises? What I would love to see is something like The Amazing Adventures of Spiderman or Transformers or The Curse of Darkastle style. But I think Sally Corp would be better suited to the Looney Tunes building style ride - more family friendly. Something like The Lost Kingdom from Legoland?

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my ideas are Looney Tunes River Ride : could be a dark spinng ride :rolleyes: Bermuda Triangle : could be another river ride themed after spongebob :mellow: Batman Adventure The Ride 2 : Could be a laser hunt like dreamworld has <_< (Jack) :D

  On 29/12/2011 at 6:57 AM, tipsy_bella said:

I was just reading in a different post about a Sally corp dark ride going into the batman building and apparently that area of the park to be DC Superheroes. Could we see a shoot Em up interactive based on the new batman film - The Dark Knight Rises? What I would love to see is something like The Amazing Adventures of Spiderman or Transformers or The Curse of Darkastle style. But I think Sally Corp would be better suited to the Looney Tunes building style ride - more family friendly. Something like The Lost Kingdom from Legoland?

Transformers Has a ride comming up soon Universal studios next year right ? :huh: also who's sally corp
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