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Arkham Asylum: Shock Therapy (Lethal Weapon Retheme)


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Awesome! So do the trains definitely look like KumbaK trains? Not a huge fan of the new name but Im glad theyve got the new trains and the new theme will look great. EDIT: Found this line a bit funny "Get ready for a high voltage thrill on the world’s first Arkham Asylum themed ride" Guess they've never heard of Six Flags New England then :P

Edited by alex_1
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Looks like they haven't finished the logo/artwork for this ride yet. The website page just uses the same background as Batwing Spaceshot too. I notice the website blurb says that you will rocket through Arkham Asylum. It also says you will have to beware of the Joker and other monsters. I really hope this will mean actual physical sets and props rather than just being represented by the on-board audio

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well we all knew this was happening. I guess we can start calling the park Warner Bros Video Game world now! I know people are worried about the direction of the park but I honestly am really happy with the way the parks going. They need to starting putting some rides in the wild west area now. The front of the park is becoming the go to area and its all based in the o spot at the gates. Time to spread things out a bit.

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well we all knew this was happening. I guess we can start calling the park Warner Bros Video Game world now! I know people are worried about the direction of the park but I honestly am really happy with the way the parks going. They need to starting putting some rides in the wild west area now. The front of the park is becoming the go to area and its all based in the o spot at the gates. Time to spread things out a bit.

You're complaining about the location of a ride that's been in the same spot for 17 years?
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What indicates it will be themed to the video game? The theme of Arkham Asylum extends much wider than just the video game. Arkham is rumoured to play a part in the upcoming film anyway.

Exactly Arkham plays a part in Batman Forever, Batman Begins, The Dark Knight, and will have a major role in The Dark Knight Rises. It is synonymous with the entire Batman universe. There is nothing stupid about it Spencer, u clearly are just looking at it from the wrong perspective
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So what if it is based around the game? Most people will either: A) Go on it anyway because it's a ride and they wouldn't care if it was themed to rainbows and lollipops B.) Have played the game and/or are fans of the series and go on it anyway C) Go on it anyway and complain about the theming. See the common factor there? "GO ON IT ANYWAY" That's all that matters here. People will go on it regardless of the theme. It's one of the very few coasters Australia has. Stupid B ) changing to a smiley

Edited by reanimated35
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Of course most people will go on it, the commoners are stupid people that don't care greatly for the art of film. You people will do anything for a cheap thrill. MW used to respect the art of film more, but now they don't give a craparoo. They are called "MOVIE" world..and they have a ride based on a video game. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Whoever thought of this must be the king of moronica.

Ive just noticed the height restriction is now 140cm, just to make the park even less family friendly ;)

Do your research, son.
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Spencer - you're not going to get far by calling the general public stupid. The general public are NOT stupid and thus why Movie World is a successful theme park. The public KNOW and TRUST Movie World and will continue to go there, regardless of how they theme their rides or theme them at all. You are clearly nitpicking making a mountain out of a molehill. We are lucky they are putting $$$ into a dated and somewhat "average" ride to improve it and the theme is a hell of a lot more relevant than "Lethal Weapon". Also, for someone who knows nothing about video games and is what you'd describe as a "commoner", I would tie Arkham Asylum with the Batman movies and not a video game. Even if it was just referencing the video games, who cares? Get a life lol. It's a little irritating to come here and see such petty hyperbolic criticism. Don't get me wrong - criticism should be expressed, when warranted. But stop nitpicking just for the sake of nitpicking, it brings down the whole mood of the forum and as lame as this sounds, impairs my excitement for the ride.

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It used to be 135cm but has been 140cm for a very long time now (more than 5 years). Personally I think this is great news, and I'm really amazed that people are trying so hard to come up with things to whine about. I'm not one to give the park a free pass on things but this gets a double thumbs up from me, can't wait for a ride.

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