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Arkham Asylum: Shock Therapy (Lethal Weapon Retheme)


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I must say - i've never been able to ride Lethal 10 times in a row. I arrived at MW this morning to meet up with some family from interstate, and decided to take advantage of the early entry on green lantern... except it wasn't open... Arkham Asylum was... and I was the ONLY 'VIP GOLD' pass holder in the park. I had my pick of seats (front row is definately the best) and managed to get in 10 rides before the general public made it to the ride. 2 cycles in the rain (the new wheel cowlings drip water on you!) and 8 cycles without. You certainly get a much better view with the new harnesses - I managed to check out most of the backlot, including where they've currently stored the fountain-christmas tree, and the old LTRR boats (wayyyyyyyyy up the back, on the road between MW and Paradise Country). For $2M, Movie World certainly got their moneys worth on that train... it has resurrected a staple attraction into something much more rideable, and re-rideable. I found the theming was well done, not over the top, and for those whinging about wallpaper and perspex - it's a lot better than we had, and that's enough for me. A big thanks to the crew (all 6 of them, plus the maintenance worker who is permanently staged there at the moment) who made those 10 cycles quite enjoyable. I'm pretty sure it was Natasha - but I hope you got off on time for your party tonight, a big thanks to Matt for the chat, and the others, whom I did not catch their names. There were a few hiccups with the harnesses, although none that affected me - I hope they get the bugs worked out because there was one harness tagged out of service in the back row when i got there, and they had to tag another two out in row 2 before the park opened. The harnesses are a little 'glitchy' and the seatbelts don't always release. I tried to pull the harness down at one point, but it wouldn't go down because the retractor had locked up. The green buttons are a good idea - but only if you use ONE of them. pushing both doesn't release the harness - you have to only push one or it doesn't work. Other than that - the turnaround time between cycles is currently longer than it should be - while I was able to do up my own harness and seatbelt during the morning, once the GP turned up, the tower operator was spieling to the guests NOT to do their seatbelt up, just pull the harness down - apparently, some guests insert the seatbelt the wrong way, and the only way to resolve it is to unlock-relock them. There is one bonus to that though - and a nifty little feature from Kumbak i must say - the tower operator has the ability to unlock ONLY the harness they are having trouble with - rather than unlocking all of them, and freaking out people at the other end of the train. if lethal used to be a 3/10, i'd now rate it a 10/10 (as an SLC) a 9/10 for theming, and an 8/10 overall. I realise that haters gotta hate - but you're all wrong.

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Haha I'll pay that "you're all wrong" comment. After my own experience and all these terrific reviews I'm still amazed at just how transformed this ride is. Such praise to all those involved in the design. And yes bugs are bugs, but they will be worked out no doubt.

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I don't see too much of a reason for concern over the speakers not working immediately after opening, it's not like MW gave an opening date for Arkham and for everything to be ready. Yeah it may be a little bit unprofessional not to truly have everything finished before the ride officially opens, but the amount of things they have done with LW to turn it into Arkham I am thoroughly impressed. Still haven't had the chance to get down there and see it myself. Off topic: Can't wait to get my license so I can finally drive down whenever I want and check out the parks, I'm sick of the train!

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I have to agree that the new trains certainly make this ride much more enjoyable. The missing load rattle was also wonderful. As far as the new harness giving your upper body freedom, not when they are as tight as they are it doesn't but still definitely better than the old seats. Themeing was done well and the tower doesn't look so bad in real life but the fact they only did 2 of the 4 sides looks weird side on or behind it as you cannot make out what it is supposed to be. Great job though.

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re: the Audio - just as enjoyable without it - was actually quite good to hear the rush of air with each downhill acceleration (and no screamers!). Those saying they should have had it ready before it was 'officially opened' - what's your alternative if the audio wasn't ready? Keep it closed? That would be like closing scooby because they're out of fog juice! Besides - they opened GL without Audio. Purely bad luck on my part i'm sure - but I am yet to experience GL with sound (And I AM tall enough that i'd be able to hear it if it was on!)

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Checked this out today, wait time was probably 45 minutes (stupid NSW school holidays). I don't mind the wallpaper and perspex, seeing the damaged theming in the Green Lantern queue I can understand why they went with something that's harder to vandalise. I don't know how AlexB rode it ten times in a row, I still get a bit dizzy even with the head banging gone. Definitely a much better experience though. The ride attendants were moving quickly but it still took ages for each train.

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Quite simply because I don't think the audio is going to make much difference to it. If you wanted to discuss Space Mountain - where the sensory deprivation of being in the dark actually means the music adds something to the ride, then sure, but IMHO (and it is just an opinion), the experience of an outdoor roller coaster isn't really added in any meaningful way by the addition of a sound track - those that have heard the green lantern's soundtrack have commented similarly - that it didn't really add much in any meaningful way. My other inference was that - being on the ride, alone, with nobody screaming or shouting, just listening to the rush of wind, the jolts of the wheel assemblies clicking over track joints and changes... in my opinion no soundtrack is going to beat that.

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Actually I disagree to an extent... I think the audio (when it's working properly and in sync) does actually add to GL as the ride is relatively slow and the audio track actually does enhance the experience. Likewise California Screaming has a great sound track and whilst not on board the audio on big thunder mountain also improves the ride. But on Arkhan being an intense face paced compact ride with as you said a great rush of wind and roar of the train I doubt the audio will make a huge differenc.

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I was at Movie World today and 8 seats were out of order today, the speakers have been installed in all cars now, and it was over 1 hour and 20 minute wait. Also from previous comments? the Joker and Harvey Dent no longer give the safety spiel/ break into it, only the previous owner of the asylum and Harley. There was also no greeter today and i saw a number of kids who were too short line up, at least halfway through they saw the height post and left before making it all the way to the front. It is much nicer to ride now, and the harnesses are good (almost too good, I was pinned in by the time the ride ended) I know our parks aren't Disney, but surely some of the methods could be translated to our parks, it takes a ridiculously long time to unload/ reload and dispatch, it was like watching paint dry. Also the park will desperately need a second train, from the feedback I could gather it will be very popular again and spending such an excessive time in line can really impact your day (and its less time you could be spending money on other things in the park)

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I went on it straight after the first HWSD show this morning (30 minute wait) and there were only 3 seats out of action (both second row and right hand seat second or third row from the back) and no audio playing. There hasn't been a greeter either time I lined up so my pregnant wife was able to walk through the queue to see the new themeing.

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Harvey Dent never have the safety spiel to begin with. It was always The Joker and Harley Quinn, and they were still doing it on Saturday, although the safety message about loose items now only plays once when the gates open to go to your seats, and it's only loud enough for those loading and the next group to load. Unlike previously when it was playing in a continuous loop that you could here from about s 10 minute wait away.

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It's really not an option to change the station as its a built structure from the past but the thing with Disney's loading is mostly to do with station an vehicle design and not so much about staff... Your typical Disney station has people entering from above and lets then see several loading cycles before their turn, so they already know what to do. Then pretty much all Disney ride vehicles are a simple design, easy to load. Sadly that means you probably will never see a Disney ride with a suspended coaster design, and likewise any rides like this will always are longer to load than a Disney people eater.

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