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Arkham Asylum: Shock Therapy (Lethal Weapon Retheme)


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Since when has MW been going for quantity? They added one fucking ride?! And let's compare the non-existant theming of LW to AA.

Lethal Weapon actually had lots of theming when it first opened and at a higher standard than AA.

I just feel strongly that MW is letting itself go. With closing of rides (LTRR) and a massive decrease in theming over the years, as well as letting older rides deteriorate. They used to be my favourite park in Australia but they seem to be dropping the ball. You just need to look at GL and now this. Its got to the point that Dreamworld's last two rides have been better themed than MW last two rides. I would rather have Quality of Quantity and thats what MW has been about, until recently when they are trying go for quantity. That role should be left to Dreamworld. Basically MW should be Australia's Disneyland or universal Studios and Dreamworld should be Australia's Six Flags or Cedar Fair. It basically the role they have had since they opened. Yet MW seem to want to change. Especially considering MW has very little space to work with.

I agree with you Cruiseship. Not on the "Movie World is letting itself go" point (although theming wise-yes), but the rest of your comments I do agree with
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It might be a bit rougher then it used to be but that's to be expected, I noticed though yesterday that its looking very faded and the mist and "flood scene" and still not working. The Blue dot is also not working (though I don't mind that being gone - I don't think to many people noticed it anyway)

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Superman can be a bit rough in the back seat, but nothing to extreme. Not enough to spoil the ride experience at least. And I really hope they get the flooded staircase working again, that was my favorite effect in the dark ride section.

So disappointed to hear it's still not working. I hope MW haven't given up on it
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I'm sure they will - Hopefully :) I'm still a little dissapointed with the lack of a set name for the ride though - The safety sign and entrance arch both just state the ride as "Arkham Asylum" and the actual train says "Arkham Asylum - Intensive Treatment" , the only mention of "Shock Therapy" is breifly made by the Joker during the safety messages - something like - "Are you pinheads, I mean patients ready for your dose of Shock Therapy". I asked the loaders while waiting for the train (it was stuck on the lifthill) about the naming, and she told me they were told only to refer to it as "Arkham Asylum" for the time being.

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I'm sure they will - Hopefully :) I'm still a little dissapointed with the lack of a set name for the ride though - The safety sign and entrance arch both just state the ride as "Arkham Asylum" and the actual train says "Arkham Asylum - Intensive Treatment" , the only mention of "Shock Therapy" is breifly made by the Joker during the safety messages - something like - "Are you pinheads, I mean patients ready for your dose of Shock Therapy". I asked the loaders while waiting for the train (it was stuck on the lifthill) about the naming, and she told me they were told only to refer to it as "Arkham Asylum" for the time being.

Yeah I agree, it's really strange. Just calling it 'Arkham Asylum' is odd. They just need to friggin' release the logo for it that says 'Arkham Asylum - Shock Therapy'... but it doesn't seem to exist!!
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I think someone already mentioned it The point of the theming is you are INSIDE Arkham Asylum. The sign on the door and inside the Asylum would not say Arkham Asylun Shock Therapy. Just as the signs at your local hospital don't say Oncology Department - Radiaion Therapy - because the radiation, or in this case the Shock Therapy - is a given.

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The ride is fantastic, it does shake as much and you have so much freedom, it is so much more fun now I would even say its smoother and better then superman but time will tell if it gets rough again. Theming is half and half it's not the best more on bar with green lantern but alot better then lethal weapon. Green buttons are causing alot of problems with releasing harnesses and some theming still needs to be done. I love the guard uniforms look alot better then the inmate uniform but the gaurds are only in the control room and only come out if there is a problem. Got to love Harley's voice it sounds like they have mixed it with tweetys so funny also with the old theatre building and queue line why not move batwing in the building and have it shoot out the roof it would make it less empty down there. On another note batwing has been closed again not sure why but it was raised and 4 workers trying to repair it Also I have a copy of the new park map it has arkham on the front and inside it still have the map with lethal layout and building without new arkham elements and says arkham asylum so nothing new with the new park map just changed over from green lantern

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why not move batwing in the building and have it shoot out the roof it would make it less empty down there

That's not a practical or affordable idea. At all. Looking foward to riding, but I might hold off until it's less prone to breakdowns. The theming I think deserves somewhat more credit (Despite 2D elements in parts)...That Guard with the TV on its head is genius.
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The guard with a tv on his head is taken from the game an is the best thing about the theming also remember how movie world said who would be seen on this ride, poison ivy, bane, killer croc, jOker and Harley Quinn. I have seen killer croc cell with just his eyes, and a room with a tank of liquid which I don't know who it is for but joker and Quinn is just voice over its a shame no actual statues or anything which would look great

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