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Arkham Asylum: Shock Therapy (Lethal Weapon Retheme)


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Off topic I know but was mentioned above. I've thought for a long time that a highly themed mad house like Hex would be GREAT for movieworld.

Well I was thinking it could tie that area nicely together (if their was enough room) with the new ride and the theme of the Joker... Their sister park in Madrid has one and it would add more activity into that courtyard where the old entrance used to be. Edited by Original
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I may not be a 13 year old that knows everything but with Movie World providing the POV to media on a DVD I am sure they wanted us to use it :P. As for the Facebook posts that directly copy official pages you are correct, especially those that say "We have".

Well no one said media. All you said was that they sent it to everyone. You never said who everyone was.
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I still rest my case with all the facebook pages, posts. Even if Movieworld doesn't care about it, its still a breach of copyright.

Seriously? As stated above MW gave us the POV footage with no stipulations on use, I was the first to post (and included POV courtesy of MW whilst not required to). MW PR graciously also agreed to let me use their GoPro for the footage of a rider onboard on the condition they can also use the footage. On another note my coverage is online.
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Seriously? As stated above MW gave us the POV footage with no stipulations on use, I was the first to post (and included POV courtesy of MW whilst not required to). MW PR graciously also agreed to let me use their GoPro for the footage of a rider onboard on the condition they can also use the footage. On another note my coverage is online.

Seriously? Did you not just read what i just said. THE FACEBOOK POSTS BY THE MANY GC THEME PARK NEWS PAGES ARE STILL A BREACH OF COPYRIGHT. Edited by Cruiseshipfan
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With the Shock Therapy thing, can someone please provide a run down on where the ride is called what. Park map: Website: Arkham Asylum – Shock Therapy Entrance: Promo gear: Press releases: Anything else I've missed?

The entrance is just Arkham Asylum, warning sign too.. post-29097-0-38474100-1333936308_thumb.jpost-29097-0-26804900-1333936333_thumb.j Edited by kujotess
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Park map: Arkham Asylum Website: Arkham Asylum – Shock Therapy Entrance/Safety Signs: Arkham Asylum Press release: Arkham Asylum – Shock Therapy According to the station audio your are boarding The Joker's Intensive Treatment Train for Shock Therapy. I believe whilst the full title is Akrham Asylum - Shock Therapy it will be simply referred to as Arkham Asylum just like Wild West Falls and Wild West Falls Adventure Ride.

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And many other rides also at many parks. The entrance sign and maps should only say AA because thats what it is. The theme is that Joker has taken over and this is what he is doing to you. It wouldnt have that on the sigh out front now would it.

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Any further postings on the matter will be deleted.

Agreed, large amounts of butthurt in this thread for some reason, which is a shame because its overshadowing a very good ride. Couple of facts to close off though. -Reposting what MW FB does is no different to retweeting on Twitter (An act which thousands/millions do daily), and in honesty benefits MW because it spreads the word. -Parks often provide promo footage for re-use by media. Check out our HSD preview footage for instance, from 4 years ago: http://www.parkz.com.au/TV/episode-5/Hollywood_Stunt_Driver_debut.html

Park map: Arkham Asylum Coaster

Fixed. It literally does say that, in that format.

And many other rides also at many parks. The entrance sign and maps should only say AA because thats what it is. The theme is that Joker has taken over and this is what he is doing to you. It wouldnt have that on the sigh out front now would it.

On HP&TFJ & TOT in Orlando, the main signage actually fits the theme, and in both cases the ride name only twinkles up occasionally using fibre optics. I reckon put the ride name up in that frame above the path that used to have "Through to Lethal Weapon" on it As for the ride...really friggen good. Tried both front and back, and the back offers a smoother, more forceful and better paced ride (Front has those weird moments of slowdown through some elements) I could see a speaker installed in the skullcap on my front row seat, but not in the back one yet. An oddity is that the green buttons cause the shoulder strap part to loosen if a button is pressed in the station whilst loading, so staff were having to tell guests not to push it. I think they'll have to reprogram the logic to eliminate this issue I found the shoulder straps less intrusive than the vests on Battestar...no neck cutting or anything. I can see what people mean about the lap bar tightening, but i think its due to a tendency to move forward in the seat during the ride, causing a door wedge effect under the lap bar. I didn't find it caused pain or even pins and needles on any ride...Wipeouts harnesses are worse! The lack of headbanging allows you to appreciate parts of the ride like you couldn't in the past....That helix is really good actually. The theming is cool but I think the perspex to protect it makes it look wierder in pics. The best theming is the bit behind the fence where there is a titan tank, crates, toxin barrels etc. I think I spotted about 5 sets of joker teeth in the queue stuck in random spots. Be sure to check out the patient records...For instance the doctors dont like working with Mr Freeze because his cell is too cold!
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I don't think that's a mistake about the buttons in the station. It's easy (as I found) for the staps to be too tight on the rider, so allowing the buttons to loosen the strap makes it easy for the Ops to alter them for you when checking if they are uncomfortable. Soon as the trains leaves the station the straps are going to lock anyway.

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And many other rides also at many parks. The entrance sign and maps should only say AA because thats what it is. The theme is that Joker has taken over and this is what he is doing to you. It wouldnt have that on the sigh out front now would it.

But the 'shock therapy' reference should certainly be on any marketing references to the ride, especially the ride logo (in brochures, park map, electronic media etc.) However, as we have seen on the website it is just Arkham Asylum Coaster. I really think someone stuffed up a bit there Edited by GoGoBoy
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They also could have put some more effort into the maps I think, considering they will be around for at least 5 months or so until the Spring attraction opens. They didn't add the new tower, or remove the china Town enterance, and if you look at the map its drawn as if you can't access Arkaham Asylum through the Superman area.

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They also could have put some more effort into the maps I think, considering they will be around for at least 5 months or so until the Spring attraction opens. They didn't add the new tower, or remove the china Town enterance, and if you look at the map its drawn as if you can't access Arkaham Asylum through the Superman area.

Very true, and who has noticed that the track doesn't even make sense? Also, they should've done the pathway through superman as rac said and added the tower etc..
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Who said the maps are for 5 months? The maps change all the time. The park has a very talented art department and I'm sure the maps will be updated soon. It actually takes a fair amount of time from completing the artwork until a map is in a guests hand.

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Who said the maps are for 5 months? The maps change all the time. The park has a very talented art department and I'm sure the maps will be updated soon. It actually takes a fair amount of time from completing the artwork until a map is in a guests hand.

djrappa - Movie World has an internal art department? I used to work in marketing for theme parks and everything used to be outsourced. You'd tell graphic designers what you want and they'd do it for you. It would then get sent to the printers
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VRTP certainly have an internal "art studio". This was left on a VIP Pass form that was on the sitepost-2212-0-40329500-1334015615_thumb.pn

Who said the maps are for 5 months? The maps change all the time. The park has a very talented art department and I'm sure the maps will be updated soon. It actually takes a fair amount of time from completing the artwork until a map is in a guests hand.

Actually DJRappa you will find they will not likely be changed for months, just like with Green Lantern maps that had the incorrect height from launch until these new ones. Edited by One day holiday
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