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Arkham Asylum: Shock Therapy (Lethal Weapon Retheme)


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^ Also, if those people are gunna move in to a house next to a theme park they should expect noise! I dont know why movieworld have to follow these rules, they were here first.

I think you are getting confused with the residents who moved next to Luna Park Sydney. At Movie World, the surrounding houses were actually there first. Movie World has only been there since 1991. Go actually check out some of the surrounding streets eg: http://maps.google.com.au/maps?q=oxenford+qld&hl=en&ll=-27.905025,153.30871&spn=0.00402,0.008256&sll=-27.528587,153.057394&sspn=0.004053,0.008256&vpsrc=6&hnear=Oxenford+Queensland&t=h&z=18&layer=c&cbll=-27.905056,153.308616&panoid=mT83cmKok_ztjCMDUPEG-g&cbp=12,225.8,,0,3.8 Clearly 80s houses.
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I didn't mean borrowed time like there are plans for that space, I just meant that in a park tight on land, how long can an area that size which is literally a ghost town stay as it is? Probably a good 5 years away but can't imagine it will stick around forever. And yes agree with Bertofski, welcome btw, a new show in the stage would be awesome.

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except Ghostrider is a terrible movie and a terrible franchise. i cant believe a second movie got greenlighted on the back of how poor the first one was. Lethal Weapon is being replaced theme wise because it is no longer relevant, i'd argue that it is more relevant than Ghost Rider is or will ever be.

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Well though we already probably knew this, I was chatting with a ride attendant yesterday and he confirmed that over that maintenance period coming up Lethal Weapon would be fixed up with new trains. Wouldn't say anything about a retheme though. He also said a new family ride is coming up, though that just may be common Movieworld belief.

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Let's Hope LW will get a theming hopefully . My Theming could be Spy Kids 4 : The Ride . something like that beacuse all of the spy kids movies were all done by Roadshow Entertainment but one thing is some of movie world's rides are form roadshow entertainment ? :huh: (Jack) :D p.s it was on the spy kids 4 dvd which i got since 18 -1-12 and i didn't even that spy kids was done by roadshow entertainment !

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Let's Hope LW will get a theming hopefully . My Theming could be Spy Kids 4 : The Ride . something like that beacuse all of the spy kids movies were all done by Roadshow Entertainment but one thing is some of movie world's rides are form roadshow entertainment ? :huh: (Jack) :D p.s it was on the spy kids 4 dvd which i got since 18 -1-12 and i didn't even that spy kids was done by roadshow entertainment !

You have gone a bit over the top with the spy kids 4 stuff. You said you are from england so shouldn't you enjoy more english spy kids movies, books ect. Just look at Anthony horowitz, he wrote the Alex Rider series which are some of the most successful kid spy books ever and some have even been made into a movie. I find spy kids a bit too childish. Edited by mba2012
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The park really needs to bring back the dippin dots stand. At least then there will be a source for reliable information from within the park!

Unfortunately, the guy I talked to didn't work at Dippin Dots, so I can't really trust him as a reliable source of information :/
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And now I have a strange urge for some Dippin Dots! Seriously... they are awesome!

lol...Very tasty indeed!! In fact I see that they are now selling them as a take home pack!!! Awesome!! Apologies to any who find this old news, I havent seen this before... Brilliant idea Anyway....back to the discussion at hand!
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EDIT: Oops, meant to post in the "close lethal weapon thread". Anyway, excited for the retheme... I wonder what MW will come up with. My money's on dark night... to coincide with The Dark Knight Rises. Second to that, Rush Hour (minimal retheming required) or even kept as Lethal Weapon with most the budget going towards a desperately needed fresh coat of paint and cars (can't be cheap..). EDIT 2: Wait! Could it be Men in black? MIB3's coming out 2012...

Edited by mania
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I suppose not... it's just, the ride in general just seemed old/unloved when we were there. Looking at the photos the track does seem to be an intended shade of grey... thinking about it now, I think it's just a poor or dated choice of colour.

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It would be nice if the colour was changed... Whilst I realise that the grey is fantastic for hiding signs of wear and tear, the bright red & blue of superman (albeit faded red), and green of green lantern really stand out. If the coaster was to be relaunched, a 'standout' colour would help pull it back from obscurity. Hell - even corkscrew was hard to see across the inlet, but the bright orange, high contrast paint job really pulls it forward into the eye.

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I've noticed from most of Movieworld you can barely see Lethal Weapon at all, maybe because of the colour as you said ^ TPR said on their trip its almost like Movieworld are embarrassed of their awful SLC and are trying to hide it from people, especially with the somewhat hard to find enterance.

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