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Big Brother Returns to Dreamworld


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U clearly did not know where the house originally was. God knows where u were looking

I was actually looking off the giant drop you can see it quite clearly. even see some of the back yard. I remember going up when the old series were on and seeing the contestants in the backyard Edited by casey96
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I was actually looking off the giant drop you can see it quite clearly. even see some of the back yard. I remember going up when the old series were on and seeing the contestants in the backyard

Well clearly u are not looking at the right place. The new house is in the exact same location as the previous house. There is no debating that, it's fact. Not 100% certain but I'd also challenge that you could see housemates in the backyard. There is no line of sight from the backyard to Giant Drop due to the raised walls around the complex
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Not 100% certain but I'd also challenge that you could see housemates in the backyard. There is no line of sight from the backyard to Giant Drop due to the raised walls around the complex

Challenge accepted. I don't have any photographic evidence of course (they kind of prefer you don't have loose items on the ride) But I have seen a VERY small segment of the backyard in one of the previous series.
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Challenge accepted. I don't have any photographic evidence of course (they kind of prefer you don't have loose items on the ride) But I have seen a VERY small segment of the backyard in one of the previous series.

As i said, i cant say it with undebatable certainty. When i was in the backyard after a previous series when you could walk thru, i was looking out for the tower and couldnt see it. Did i step on every inch of space and try and see it - well no, but it certainly wasn't apparent that you could see it. I'd hazard a guess that if you can see it, it may be a glimmer of the top of the tower. I dont think you would be able to see housemates and them see you on the GD - you're removed from society and not supposed to be able to see anyone - that's the premise of the show. I remember when DW was originally chosen there were some concerns that housemates would be able to hear the general public due to the closeness to the theme park - which was proven to be true - but it concerned producers given the 'ideal' situation being that the house is totally isolated from the rest of the world. Edited by Brad2912
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Went for the Tour, Lucky it was FREE with the world pass, wouldn't pay $10. All it is they show you a camera run on the TV then you 'self-tour' to the studio where the Evictions and Sonia cant host and stuffs up! Just to look and get your photo's taken. So basically it is all about them taking photo's on the stage and them talking about the control room..

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In the past, (while the show was running, not just after seasons concluded) you could walk around the auditorium and on the stage, you could watch through the window to the control room, watch a live feed on monitors, jump in a replica diary room chair etc. On some Sundays you could even watch (from a distance) rehearsals for the evictions. Except for seeing a camera run on a monitor, what else do you get for the $10? It seems they have just slapped a charge on all this previously free stuff because they can...

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