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  • 7 months later...

When I used the Q4U last time I was in the park I did think it was excellent. If the park is busy I think its a really good tool to help you get through the rides. In regards to which rides it is more beneficial I would advise those rides with lower capacity are the best. TOT2 being the only one that is standing out in my mind atm. The Q4u advises what the wait time is on the rides prior to you booking one in, but a little tip I have is if you show up a little bit early to your next ride sometimes the attendants will clear it and let you book in the next attraction. so you might have 5-10 minutes to wait at TOT2 in the standby queue to ride, but you could already be virtually waiting for the claw.

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^I started disliking fastpass when. -It took me 30 minutes to get on DCAs Toy Story Mania...No fastpass, just a standby queue they pumped through. -It took me 70 minutes to get on DHSs Toy Story Mania...Due to half the capacity being taken up by fastpass, making the standby wait stupidly slow moving.

And if fastpass didn't exist you wouldn't have an alternative to the standby line :P Think of it this way, though, if there was no fastpass line, wouldn't all the people who were in it just be in front of you in standby anyway?
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No it's pretty much been proven that without fast past the wait times are MUCH shorter. Exact reasons why many rides had it removed a it was actually CAUSING a line. You take a ride like pirates at DL which when running a full capacity basically has a continuously moving line and you start to see the holes in fast pass.

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One question I have is with Q4U if the system wasn't in place at Dreamworld would they have still built a low capacity ride (Buzzsaw) or would they have opted for something with higher. If you build something that can chew through a large number of people quickly then a system like Q4U loses value even on busy days. The system works well there as it is a park with predominantly low capacity rides. There is only one line that can help speed things up and that is a single rider line, not a fast pass/Q-bot line. For your Dreamworld trip best bet is to see what the park is like at 11am. By then you will have a good idea if you will require the use of Q4U.

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