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Gremlins Ride POV


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K, Gazza boy that would have taken You long to write out. Must've had you up late a few nights eh comrade? I'll post something I found. Just because you asked so nicely and frankly, I find you extremely charming and witty. What are you doing for new years? Behold. Aussie Gremlin's ride.

BTW. I love this thread that you've done up for me, I know some of it's probably taking pod shots at me...but I appreciate it somehow, It's kind of awesome. Thanks.
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See, this is actually awesome, thanks. I've only ever seen that other POV of the German version with Alf, but bloody hell ours had good theming...Getting pretty close to Disney/Universal standard for sure. It's easy to see how kids would have gotten scared on it though.

Edited by Gazza
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See, this is actually awesome, thanks. I've only ever seen that other POV of the German version with Alf, but bloody hell ours had good theming...Getting pretty close to Disney/Universal standard for sure. It's easy to see how kids would have gotten scared on it though.

Gazza - you never got a chance to go on it? It was truly awesome. Definitely without a doubt Disney/Universal standard. There was just so much going on in the ride and all the animatronics were great. It was pretty freaky and you could really feel the tension build up as soon as the Gremlins started taking over the pre-show cinema part. One of the highlights was the final room with all of the Gremlins spraying water from their hoses. Great stuff
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This is probably one of the best amateur POV's I've seen for a dark ride. Particularly impressive considering the age of the video. They managed to capture the experience nicely and got most of the important parts. Very rare! Anyway... this brings back good memories and reminds me of why Movie World was always my favourite park. These immersive international standard dark rides were like nothing we had seen in Australia before (except for maybe Lassiters Lost Mine at Sea World). They really transported you into the adventure. I just really hope that, despite their new focus on budget, the days of top quality themed attractions such as this are not behind Movie World

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Wow, awesome trick back down memory lane. the last time i went on Gremlins i think i was 7 or 8 - very nostalgic watching that. Never saw Young Einsteins Gravity Homestead or Lassiters Lost Mine despite going to both parks when they were there. Strange does anyone have any footage at all of YEGH or LLM ?? Know of any youtubes? i've searched and found about 15secs of Lassiters but thats it

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If only movieworld kept that level of theming. I honesty feel that the standard of theming in the park has severely dropped over the years. For example with the lack of the fog in the roller coaster section of Scooby. It just feels strange how everything is so themed then all of a sudden you appear in a warehouse. The change from Police Academy to HSD. Then the major lacking of theming in Green Lantern. I am not say the rides are bad, I am just saying how Movieworld has severely lost there standards of theming since the park opened and I am hope the eventual replacements of LT and BM will return MW to the quality of the old days or the early days od Scooby. I wish I was older when this existed, as the only memory I have of this ride was getting wet from a gremlin spraying some water over us.

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Man that really is cool. I forgot the majority of this ride due to me being completely freaked out by it as I was only really young when I first went on it. As Wyncenuros said I too wish Scooby and Gremlins could have co-existed, they both excellent rides; I really like as well how the ride ops really get into their role and play along with the guests, they do more than just stand there and push a button. I'm really hoping we can something like this return for LT and Batman.

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I have to agree that is simply amazing. The level of detail is fantastic. If you ever get a chance to experience a Scooby evac from the main room using the stairwell that takes you down to the gift shop area you will get the chance to pass the unload area for this attraction. There is no theming or track ect but you can clearly see where you would get off, directly behind the western facades. I would also like to just add the staff operating this attraction were incredible. Its disappointing that parks like Movie World and Sea World literally have no attractions left that allow staff to conduct themselves in a theatrical manor. These days our parks are after "Attraction Attendants" bubbly, safety conscious people that now have to sit a group interview. Back in those days you were Auditioning for the role as a "Attractions Presenter" were you would have to literally audition to get the job. Our parks havn't dropped the ball or standard when it comes to looking for new employees, but they have stopped allowing them to explore the opportunity put on a show!!!

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