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Movie World new ride: JUSTICE LEAGUE: Alien Invasion 3D.


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Deleted because to be honest it has no relevance whatsoever and a post shouldn't be wasted on someone's stupidity. So, back on topic guys? I haven't checked the thread in a while, has there been any confirmation of the capacity of this ride?

Edited by Bmull19
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from what I have read their will be 20 pods and the ride takes about 5 minutes. The pods on these type of rides only usually fit 2-4 people. Someone with better maths skills will be able to work it out better than I, but if running at full capacity it would be 1 pod ride = 5 minutes load/unload = 1 minute guesstimate so each pod can do a full rotation of the ride every 6 minutes, meaning 10 trips an hour. meaning 10 trips an hour by 20 pods is 200 trips total at full capacity. with a capacity of 2-4 in each pod that would mean 400-800 capacity an hour. This does not sounds right to me :( anyone else care to give the maths a try?

Edited by aussienetman
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^ Sounds right to me. And that would probably be if it was running at perfect capacity/operation, which is probably a bit of a stretch. The capacity could be increased if they have a station similar to Scooby's where two pods load at a time. It'd almost halve that '1 minute' load/unload and take it to a reasonable 870 or so. I'd be happy with that. We never know what they'll do yet. If capacity sucks, then hopefully the queue makes up for it and has a lot of theming to keep you interested.

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There are other ways of doing preshows too that allow for a continuous flow of guests. Think like test track. You have a second queue after the preshow and they just run enough preshows so that there is a constant "supply" of guests ready to be loaded. The queue in the boarding area holds a few preshows worth of guests... By the time you are halfway through the 2nd queue another preshow group is filtering in behind you....always a buffer basically. Actually, lots of Disney rides with continuous loading use this method... Haunted mansion being the prime example, with the "stretching room" preshow... The pods on that ride are like Buzz, and never stop moving. TOT works like this too...Main queue, preshow in the library, then 2nd queue in the boiler room. Doing guests as "blocks" of 30 or so would be inefficient on this style of ride.

Edited by Gazza
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The Sally Corp press release seems to indicate the two-stage preshow which seems to have a very similar structure to the Batman Adventure preshow:

The exterior of the 2,000 square meter building is themed as the Hall of Justice. As they enter, visitors are immediately immersed in the story of the alien attack via a "live" newscast anchored by Vicki Vale, who urges viewers to take shelter at Justice League embassies worldwide, and to help defend Earth against the alien threat. Passing through a high-tech scanning device into the pre-show area, guests discover the impressive animatronic Cyborg in his test lab, and Batman beaming in from the Justice League Watchtower Command Center, in orbit around the Earth.

http://sallycorp.com...ews-Release.pdf In saying this though, this doesn't confirm the two parts to the preshow being in the two rooms that they used to be in nor does it definitively state that there are two rooms.
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I really don't know why people are quoting their ideas on what will happen as fact and then arguing with others that challenge them. The pretty release is vague at best and these assumptions people are making could be right or wrong.

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I agree DJ. I really don't think it will operate how richardsilliamcollins stated above.... I mean, take a look at the closed river ride. They had a few preshow rooms but it didn't mean all of the guests were loaded into the boats prior to the next group arriving... I also believe that the whole building has been gutted and the interior is going to be set up very differently. A difference of opinion is fun, and it's good to hear people's ideas, but declaring your way as THE only way it will be is a little premature based on the facts we have so far and the way similar attractions re dealt with overseas.

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Hey guys, I had to join your community here at Parkz as I have been following this topic for a few months now as a guest and am really loving all of the back and forth. I am the lead designer of the Justice League: Alien Invasion 3D dark ride...! I'm the Senior Designer for Sally Corporation in Jacksonville, Florida. I was very impressed by some of you who guessed what the attraction would be early on...it was fun hearing everyone going back and forth with their ideas of what it could or should be (and still is fun!). Obviously I can't answer any questions or give you all any specific insight...I just wanted to poke my head in and say "Thanks!" for being fans of the project (and if your aren't a fan yet, hoping you will be once you ride the ride!). It is an amazing project, one of Sally's largest and most high profile to date. Hoping to see you all at the opening (specific date to be announced later)...if you see me, say "Hey"! -Rich Hill

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Welcome to the boards Rich!! It's fantastic to know that someone from the other side of the industry regularly reads these boards!! The discussions can get quite heated at times but amongst the dross there are some quite passionate and knowledgable contributors and some great relevant discussion!! Hope to see you contributing further in the future!! Can we expect some "insider" knowledge of the JLA ride or some Parkz exclusives?? ( I understand that your employment may inhibit that of course!! )

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Hi Rich, I hope this is the first of many Sally Rides built in this country.... look forward to riding it...

I thought this was their first time here too, but a little while ago someone else pointed out on here they have worked with MW before, which I believe was Looney Tunes River Ride, which is why I'm really looking to this since LT was such a great family attraction. I have no doubt this ride is going to be executed great and people visiting the park are really going to take to this ride, but what I really want to know next is what sort of capacity is this thing looking at. MW tend to build rides that are people eaters (I still say AA needs that second train), so I'm hoping this ride is no different and will be much needed to help spread out those big holiday crowds. Also, I'll get on the bandwagon here and say 'Hi', I love it when people directly involved with the parks or rides take the time to come on here!! Edited by Original
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Hey guys, I had to join your community here at Parkz as I have been following this topic for a few months now as a guest and am really loving all of the back and forth. I am the lead designer of the Justice League: Alien Invasion 3D dark ride...! I'm the Senior Designer for Sally Corporation in Jacksonville, Florida. I was very impressed by some of you who guessed what the attraction would be early on...it was fun hearing everyone going back and forth with their ideas of what it could or should be (and still is fun!). Obviously I can't answer any questions or give you all any specific insight...I just wanted to poke my head in and say "Thanks!" for being fans of the project (and if your aren't a fan yet, hoping you will be once you ride the ride!). It is an amazing project, one of Sally's largest and most high profile to date. Hoping to see you all at the opening (specific date to be announced later)...if you see me, say "Hey"! -Rich Hill

I think it's awesome that the lead designer of this attraction has jumped on here to say hi to us. A big hi back to you Rich! And THANK YOU for bringing us what it sounds like is going to be an incredible ride. Many of us were disappointed with the closures of the Looney Tunes & Bermuda Triangle dark rides. It didn't leave us with much left in terms of that style of attraction. That's why it was so great to hear the news about Justice League: Alien Invasion! I personally would love to see ongoing Sally Corp involvement at the Warner Village parks. Bring on the dark rides!
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I popped in today for a few hours after a quiet day at Wet N Wild, and while going to the Green Lantern queue area I noticed that the old Batman ride queue area and the old batman building are blocked off, and pieces of the batman building are being removed. Hopefully a new building comes with some more specific info on the ride, can't wait to see it.

Edited by BemaniAK
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I popped in today for a few hours after a quiet day at Wet N Wild, and while going to the Green Lantern queue area I noticed that the old Batman ride queue area and the old batman building are blocked off, and pieces of the batman building are being removed. Hopefully a new building comes with some more specific info on the ride, can't wait to see it.

Are you talking about pieces of the Wayne manor facade being removed or the actual simulator building? I'm hoping they will change the existing facade and not just leave it as is Edited by GoGoBoy
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I thought this was their first time here too, but a little while ago someone else pointed out on here they have worked with MW before, which I believe was Looney Tunes River Ride, which is why I'm really looking to this since LT was such a great family attraction.

Wasn't Sally Corp involved in the original construction of the park? Didn't they do some facade work on main street, young einstein gravity, and some PASS vehicles???
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I have some pics from this and will update latter

It was quite a nostalgic sight, Batman ride was one of my favourites since I was a kid and Batman ride 2 became another favourite when I was a bit older. I'm pretty sure they only started working on it that day since it was untouched in the morning.
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