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Movie World new ride: JUSTICE LEAGUE: Alien Invasion 3D.


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Starro is a villain from the DC universe: http://www.google.co...iw=1212&bih=633

I'm aware of that, unlike a lot of people here I actually read JL, and Starro was one of the worst International villains, even though he was decent in Green Lantern. There's so many good Villains from JL, even if you restrict it to New Earth: Uxas Prometheus Roland Cyrus Gold Arthur Light I could go on and on even without branching off to sub series villains I actually assumed they'd be going off against a string of series-specific villains since Starro was in Green Lantern, but I find it annoying that he's the entire focus of the ride. I'm looking forward to the effects and overall experience and can't wait to see animatronic Cyborg, but seriously, Starro's a horrible choice.
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There's so many good Villains from JL, even if you restrict it to New Earth:

So if you were doing a shooting ride where you have to have say 100 targets or so, what villain would you use for the 100? Does Arthur light have minions or whatever you could scatter throughout the ride? Edited by Gazza
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So if you were doing a shooting ride where you have to have say 100 targets or so, what villain would you use for the 100? Does Arthur light have minions or whatever you could scatter throughout the ride?

Uxas. Truth be told, I'd prefer big targets with many weak points (lots of main villains, as anti-canon as that would be) than a bunch of little targets, but Parademons>Starfish
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So if you were doing a shooting ride where you have to have say 100 targets or so, what villain would you use for the 100? Does Arthur light have minions or whatever you could scatter throughout the ride?

Also think about the fact it is a family ride... Much easier to explain to kids, shoot the stars rather than, shoot the extraterrestrial humanoid...
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^I think thats spot on. With the starros, it's easy to stick them on walls, on the faces of infected humans etc. And yes, it helps avoid confusion since people know what is a target and what is not. Just look for the starro spores! It also makes the ride story easy to establish. If they used a bunch of main villains people might not know who all of them are. Starro might not be a well known character, but in the context of a shooting dark ride it was a logical choice....churn out a bunch of stars, put em everywhere, and you're set.


But its not the same. You cant make 100 little Uxas and put them on a wall.
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people might not know who all of them are.

If they are high-popularity villains such as Lex Luthor there's a higher chance of knowing who they are than friggin Starro. I understand the Starro choice was for cost purposes, that doesn't mean it wasn't a bad choice for the experience of the ride. Scrap the mist projection and use the Parademons would be my mindset whilst making the ride.
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I'm really impressed by the lighting in this ride and some of the effects such as the Green Lantern projection and corresponding spaceship doors opening. It looks like a really great dark ride and so nice to see Movie World back to its old standard. I just sincerely hope Movie World keeps on top of the maintenance - this includes ensuring all those great lighting effects etc. don't die a bit further down the track!

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It's hilarious to hear some of the comments in this thread. A couple go pro videos and people are already saying what they are disappointed in. Basically it's the greatest themed attraction this country has ever seen and bloody up there on an international one. What were people expecting I wonder? And how about actually go ride it before judging. Because without the immersive sound and effects, 3D video and physical experience it's basically like watching a concert on a iPhone shot video really. I am actually genuinely shocked to read anything but raving comments from even the tiny glimpses on here. I know I can't wait to ride it. And I laughed a lot at the negative 'starfish comments' when people didn't even know who Starro is.

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It's hilarious to hear some of the comments in this thread. A couple go pro videos and people are already saying what they are disappointed in. Basically it's the greatest themed attraction this country has ever seen and bloody up there on an international one. What were people expecting I wonder? And how about actually go ride it before judging. Because without the immersive sound and effects, 3D video and physical experience it's basically like watching a concert on a iPhone shot video really. I am actually genuinely shocked to read anything but raving comments from even the tiny glimpses on here. I know I can't wait to ride it. And I laughed a lot at the negative 'starfish comments' when people didn't even know who Starro is.

You know I read these comments before and just thought, do some people just complain for the sake of complaining without even experiencing first before passing judgement?? I'm not going to pass any judgement on it, until I get to experience it first hand... But it does look completely awesome and really want to get back to the coast asap to experience it!! :) Edited by Original
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Yeah let's be serious here for a moment - this attraction looks REALLY fantastic and brings Movie World back to its original very high theming standard. We can certainly thank Sally for that. While this may not be a thrill ride that appeals to older teens looking to be thrown all over the place, my bet is this is going to be a HIT with families. And just remember these comments are coming from me and I'm normally one of the picky ones

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Agreed!! Basing an opinion without experiencing first hand all the immersive effects this magnificent ride has to offer is beyond comprehension- its just plain ill informed!! A few people in this thread should feel that egg on their face sliding inexorably down.... It will be a while before I can experience this ride but I am looking forward to when this day arrives with much fervor!!

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Further to what everyone is saying, let me make my opinion clearer. As someone who was able to ride this morning I think this is a great family addition to the park. On a thrill scale of 1-10 it is about a 2, so don't go into it expecting that. The first 3D screen blew my mind away. It was extremely clear and I think the choice of villain is perfect. Movieworld have done a great job with the theming and this is a positive replacement to Batride.

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