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Movie World new ride: JUSTICE LEAGUE: Alien Invasion 3D.


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Having a mother and my partners mother and his 2 aunties as teachers i think i have a fair idea of the goings on of your everyday teacher, but thank-you for the heads up.As far as keeping up your registration i can say first hand that as far as psychologist go it's pay your fees every 12 months or you cannot practice, no client free days here.

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as for his disappointment, aren't we still saying 'technical rehearsals' ??? You can't judge them while that signs up there - thats like a get-out-of-jail-free-card

I think the dissapointment may stem from knowing he might not get a chance for the full experience till a trip in the future (Maybe a year or so away?). Though I do think complaining that the ride is the "slowest" is a bit dumb, because it cant really be much faster or it would be too hard to hit the targets and you'd fly by the 3d screens in a matter of seconds. Edited by Gazza
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I think he was implying that he doesnt get much time outside school holidays to head up to queensland. Being a teacher is hard work, you spend a lot of those 'holidays' building your professional development, marking assignments and tests, and preparing classes for upcoming terms. As for the complaint, well, i think its justified. I know all you technical heads can appreciate the money and effort that has gone into this attraction. But the bottom line is that the ride just isnt meeting peoples expectations. People want to expereience some sort of thrill factor on a ride and to be fair there really isnt any. obviously like gazza said, you couldnt have shooting segments of the ride fast, but maybe parts inbetween segments could be a little more thrilling. And i stand by my last comment, Movieworld has not done themselves ANY favours running technical rehearsals during school holidays. And i do not believe they should be advertising this as a thrill ride.

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I think there are plenty of people who don't care about the thrill factor of a ride. Problem is, it's marketing suggests its a thrill ride, and people are dissapointed it's not. Flip side of the coin, the people who are its target market are scared off by the way it's being referred to as a thrill ride rather than a family ride. That's a marketing problem not a problem with the ride. As for the ride itself, it's clearly good, but it's not ready yet. Audio levels need to be worked out so you can hear and make out what's going on, the guns need to work and the timing needs fixing. After that all happens I think it'll knock the dissapointed reviews on the head.

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I think there are plenty of people who don't care about the thrill factor of a ride. Problem is, it's marketing suggests its a thrill ride, and people are dissapointed it's not. Flip side of the coin, the people who are its target market are scared off by the way it's being referred to as a thrill ride rather than a family ride. That's a marketing problem not a problem with the ride. As for the ride itself, it's clearly good, but it's not ready yet. Audio levels need to be worked out so you can hear and make out what's going on, the guns need to work and the timing needs fixing. After that all happens I think it'll knock the dissapointed reviews on the head.

And once again we're back to issues with marketing. How frustrating. I'd sack the whole marketing department and re-hire the people they had back in the 90's. Call me harsh if you will
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As for the complaint, well, i think its justified. I know all you technical heads can appreciate the money and effort that has gone into this attraction. But the bottom line is that the ride just isnt meeting peoples expectations. People want to expereience some sort of thrill factor on a ride and to be fair there really isnt any. obviously like gazza said, you couldnt have shooting segments of the ride fast, but maybe parts inbetween segments could be a little more thrilling. And i stand by my last comment, Movieworld has not done themselves ANY favours running technical rehearsals during school holidays. And i do not believe they should be advertising this as a thrill ride.

Agreed - I didn't expect it to be Green Lantern or Superman Escape, but for an end-of-the-world style simulation, I didn't feel any rush or panic.

as for his disappointment, aren't we still saying 'technical rehearsals' ??? You can't judge them while that signs up there - thats like a get-out-of-jail-free-card

I didn't see any signs up, maybe I didn't look hard enough.

Limited time! you get 3-4 months off a year! the rest of us get 3-4 weeks! if were lucky ,and then you get pupil free days, i wish i could get customer free days and still get paid.

I think you'll find it's just under 3 months. Of which I spend about 1 month reviewing assessments and planning and generally I spend most of the rest of it working at school holiday programs. Personally I'd survive without Pupil Free Days - rather than getting to spend time with the kids (which is what I got into the job for) I have to spend the whole day doing professional development; listening to leading teachers get excited over performance data or hearing about the latest way to teach a kid to count. People need to get over this idea they have of the glorious relaxing teacher job. I love it, but it's *** exhausting.
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I got to ride JL Monday - along with half the rest of south East QLD.. Seriously MW need to work on their operational requirements on a day-to-day basis. There must have been something like 10 thousand people in the park and not nearly enough units operating or staff on to adequately cope with this kind of crowd. 1 hour plus waits everywhere and JL didnt open till after 11, while superman 1130 odd.. Testing should be taking place hours before park opening like it used to but the attitude up top seems to have little concern for customer satisfaction? I guess inadequate staffing keeps many out of the rides and in the shops? I hope this will not remain the norm Anyway I was fortunate enough to walk into the park when JL was about to open so pretty much walked straight on. The pre show/queue look great, atmosphere, lighting and new animatronic at the load area certainly sets an exciting expectation for the ride! I was lucky enough to see pretty much everything up and running as intended on this first time on the ride. As it appeared I share the sentiment of others in that for me too overall the ride missed the mark. What I liked: - entry queue/anticipation and atmosphere - 1st animatronic (load) is this the old Batman unit reskined? Hmm - lighting throughout the ride - projection effects, fog and fog screen - family an interraction - some of the larger screens What didnt work: - audio throughout ride (muffled and confusing) granted this is being worked on - mannequins in street scene wtf? - smaller 3d screens just not very effective - starfish/aliens just looks so fake. I dunno - needs some WOW factor to give the show scenes more oomph. Stuff like more fog, wind, vibration or other sensory effects that involve the audience more with the show and perhaps create a creepiness that the ride suggests at the onset - I wanted a more satisfying finale rather than just a heat lamp turning on briefly above. Perhaps add strobe lighting and intense wind blasts to the end so people come off voing "wow that was awesome" - rather than "that was cute" which seems to be more of the response right now

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The issue with MWs ride categories is that they only have two for the rides: -Thrills -Kids Fun And then 'Family Entertainment', but this is just the shows....This forces anything not in the looney tunes are basically into the thrills category. Meanwhile, Alton Towers has 3 categories for rides, which all make total sense: http://www.altontowers.com/rides-and-attractions/ -Thrill Rides -Laughs & Frights -Young Fun Plus "Attractions" for things like shows, Ice Age 4D (They have it too), the SeaLife Aquarium etc. Laughs and frights is the important one. If we had that category at MW, Scooby, WWF and JL3D would sit firmly within it.

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Also, sally have released a good POV of their own, with proper audio: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6brIAEoC0Ig

is this the old Batman unit reskined? Hmm

Doubt it, this one can move around a bit more, particularly the arms, The best the batman one could do was tilt his head a bit right? Edited by Gazza
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Also, sally have released a good POV of their own, with proper audio: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6brIAEoC0Ig

That's such a great POV, I'm surprised more people haven't commented on it. Clearly the most obvious thing is how much better the ambient sound effects and narration are in this video compared to the actual ride itself (I'm assuming because Sally added them in in post production?). Is there any actual Batman narration on the ride itself? Or is this still yet to be installed? It certainly helps the ride make more sense. I also noticed most of the animatronics in the city scene are now activated, including the shopkeeper (or whatever he is) actually opening the door. I also really like the giant Starro spore in the spaceship. I hadn't really seen it before and I notice it is animated with proper moving parts. Reminds me of the giant alien at the end of MiB at Universal
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So I've avoided this thread since the ride opened until I got the chance to ride it for myself, which happened today. The park was fairly busy for a Monday, I'm not sure why there were so many families, I'm not aware of any states still being on school holidays and the student free day isn't until next week. Superman lineup was somewhere around 30-45 minutes, although I jumped about four rows (hurray for single rider). Rode Justice League twice, back to back, first wait was about 5 minutes, second was walk on. First ride everything seemed to be synched, although the street scene was very static, nothing like in the video above. I got off wishing there was some type of feedback in the guns so you could tell if you hit something. Was then surprised on the second ride to find out the guns are actually meant to vibrate. My main issue is with the 3D screens, apart from when you're meant to focus on a particular spot (ie. face/chest) I had no idea if I was actually managing to hit anything (lack of vibration the first time round not helping). Even more so with the smaller ones, it felt like they were just for decoration rather than interactivity. Had sync problems on the second ride too, on the final screen everyone just stood around like stunned mullets. The invisible person beside me managed to score about 4,000 each time. I'd like to see at the end a summary of everyone's scores, I have no idea how I went against the people behind me. I hate to compare it to Midway Mania! given the difference in cost, but the screen interaction and scoring is handled so much better. Still, if they can get all the animatronics and other effects working it's a welcome addition to the park. I did notice one lady who was worried about riding, all the warning signs do make it look more thrilling than what it is. Ice Age 4D is more violent with motion yet most people don't hesitate watching it. Didn't notice any technical rehearsal sign but then I wasn't looking for one.

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Just adding that the pov posted by Sally is a different ride to the one I rode during the media event. I would like to ride it again with all the audio working. It has been noted here numerous times that the marketing for this attraction is wrong and I have to agree. It is not a thrill ride and should not be marketed as such. The segment of the audience interested in thrill rides leave disapointed and those that are to scared to ride thrill rides are missing out on something which may be up their alley.

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As entering park today staff were asking people if they were likely to go on the ride as they were handing out the wrist bracelets for the photos. Issue with this is that when loading onto the ride the attendant is not informing people to scan the bracelet so no one is being able to use this system properly. Went on the ride twice, both walk on. All animatronics were moving around instead of static. Screens seemed a lot better and synced with the carriages going past. Scores for today: ride 1 = 89,720... ride 2 = 103,395 both were with 2 other people in the carriage. There is no signage stating technical rehearsals, however, I noticed that a fair few people were walking up to the area outside the ride and stating, thats an amazing building or it looks just like the one from the cartoon and then walking away... I looked around and noted that although the Batwing and Green Lantern have huge signage, there is none for the JL ride. Went to guest services and queried if they would be putting in some sort of signage as being walk on twice during the day while no shows are running while SE and GL have 30 min wait times was weird. Was informed that it is still in its technical period but it is definately something they will have to look at as they had received a few enquiries today about the location of the new ride.

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No signage is not fixed. It currently states: GREAT RIDE Batman Adventure Batwing Spaceshot. There is no signage whatsoever informing of the JL ride. I actually had someone in front of me in the "lego" room who when they saw the carriages commented, "I thought it was a walkthrough" and also someone when picking up the glasses state "Oh my God, it's 3d, this should be cool." Guessing these people have not seen the tv spots. Other comments though outside were nothing but praise for the ride and experience before dragging others on that originally didn't go on it.

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I agree it is a moderate family thrill ride and as I have stated before (yes I am an old scratched record) it is an excellent and much needed addition to the park. However, surely those supporters can recognise that the marketing is wrong. Those chasing a thrill are disappointed, and those to scared of thrills are missing out on a great attraction.

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