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Movie World new ride: JUSTICE LEAGUE: Alien Invasion 3D.


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Not having been on any ride such as this, can anyone who has give us some insight as to how they stack up as an attraction??

Buzz Lightyear is good in that you can move the vehicle around as it makes its way through the sets and there's actual props to aim and shoot at. Sometimes it can be frustrating when you feel you're aiming direct at a target but it's not registering. Midway Mania just moves from screen to screen but the interactivity is obviously greater. It takes a little while to get used to aiming but doesn't take long to get the hang of it. Both have tremendous re-rideability as mentioned before so JL should be very popular. Problem with Batman Adventure was there wasn't much incentive to ride again (something Star Tours 2 has fixed).
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Joz I totally agree. I was a pretty vocal opponent of MW closing LTRR and BTR together without replacement. It is indeed gratifying to see the superb plans that they now have with the Justice League dark ride. This will be a family friendly, totally re-rideable and overall excellent addition to the park. I am sure that whatever plans are in store for the LTRR site that they will be well considered and will equally blow our minds. In short I have had my faith renewed and its great to see MW come back with an Australian first. :) Not having been on any ride such as this, can anyone who has give us some insight as to how they stack up as an attraction?? I am pretty sure that they will sort this situation out- lets wait and see the finished product and queue placement before we jump the gun!! :)

This type of ride is extremely popular, as it is a really fun ride to go on over and over and over again, with many people trying to beat their best score. The best one I have been on is Men In Black Alien Invasion. I would believe that this ride is a cross between MIB and Toy Story Midway Mania. I am willing to bet that the 3D screens are being used to bring the costs down, hopefully the ride ends up being like Transformers/spiderman having 3D screens mixed with physical sets.

Thanks for this guys....the only info I have is what I have read rather than real life experiences..Good stuff!!! VERY excited now!! Should be a blast!!
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All the more reason for them to sort the situation out Reanimated!! You would like to think that given the situation you described being as bad as it is, that with the strategic planning for Justice League Alien Attack that SOME consideration would be given to queue placement and the potential impacts on nearby attractions.

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Don't get me wrong, I'd love to think that, but at present... wait let me just show on a map.... Green will be where logic dictates the queue should be, red will be the present arrangement, purple can be batwing. (At least it was the days I was there)


Edited by reanimated35
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I don't think Ghost Hunters will be comparable to the new Justice League Ride. 3D Shooter - Australian First Justice League Shooter - World First I personally think that its going to be amazeballs! I really hope that it is a combination of screens and real live props, but I'm thinking it's probably going to be more like midway mania. I don't know why people are worried about space. If they keep the queue outside when you really look at the amount of space that's available. Library, walkway, indoor sorting rails, batcave and finally the simulator building that size is quite big... It will easily fit an amazing attraction.

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Jobe - my original comment on the announcement was congratulatory to all who had suggested, guessed, or secretly knew about the possibility of this type of ride coming to this location. I in no way suggested I was the first one, or that people should trust me because I 'predicted it'. For Wyn to claim 'the fame' of being the one who 'predicted it' when in fact TWO people had posted the same suggestion at least 4 months earlier is what elicited my response to him. You'll also note that I still did not claim to be 'the first' in that post either. I will say though that I agree with Joz it is surprising just how many people had an 'inside track' on this, and kept their mouths shut to the degree that they did. As for the attractions, I've been on ghost hunters, but don't remember much about it. I have ridden Buzz-L-A-B and find it amazing for re-rideability as your score is never the same. The use of screens is indicating that control over the direction of the gondola won't be there like Buzz, because there will be sections where the gondola must face the screen. Buzz' added bonus was that you could in effect have a 'spin-n-spew' ride, or an extremely placid one. Try shooting whilst someone beside you unpredictably moves the gondola in random directions... As has been said also - the ability to post your score (rather than the more traditional "phone camera shot of the display screen") is also a desirable one. As for the size - as Netman said - from library to simulator is a rather large area. You also need to remember that the batcave exited both left and right. From memory there were six simulators - if you look at the spacing between each doorway it gives a rough idea of the length of the building. Buzz' style layout looped back on itself a couple of times, and there were times when you could see the cars ahead. This doesn't spoil the effect at all, and allows for space saving sections where you almost entirely circle a particular target (ala Zerg). One thing I don't see mentioned yet though is the extremely high capacity potential of this ride. If it is a 'doom buggy' style train of gondolas, continuous flow, continuous load, then it should, at all times, run at maximum capacity, and soak up incredible numbers throughout the day.

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Just clearing up a few points. I in no way attempted to "claim the fame" as you put it. I never read any other comment prior to my original post in regards to the type of ride that would be replacing BATR. I was however pointing out the fact that my posts are not all negative, that I have active positive involvement, but somehow this always is overlooked. I am sorry that you misinterpreted my comment but rest assured I do not believe that I alone predicted what was to happen with this particular area. I will also mention I had no "inside track" (not that you said I did, just clearing it up), therefore was not saying anything I shouldn't as I was not told anything. Back to topic. Really looking forward to this attraction as although I have seen footage of these rides will be fun to experience it first hand.

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AMAZING WORK MW! and its guna be ready just in time for my visit :D WIll the cars be slow moving like they are on buzz or will it have a bit of thrill factor too? Either way this ride is going to be fantastic.

As it is 3D I would assume that the cars would be slow when they actually do move. Having a moving vehicle and 3D screens doesn't really work that well unless a lot of time and money has been put into it (spiderman and transformers).
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A post from 2005:

Its the sort of ride system that I can imagine Movieworld would be able to do something really good with, and it wouldn't be too hard to come up with a concept based on the movies (Like you are the newest member of the Justice League and have to help them defeat the bad guys). I hope they do well, and hopefully the smaller scale installation at DW will help showcase their product.

Go Joz!

As it is 3D I would assume that the cars would be slow when they actually do move. Having a moving vehicle and 3D screens doesn't really work that well unless a lot of time and money has been put into it (spiderman and transformers).

I think all that matters is that the vehicle is slow/stopped when in front of a screen. It could be as fast as it wanted between screens. Edited by Gazza
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For anyone who has never seen this type of system before here are some videos of the three major ones in the US The most known, Buzz Lightyear Astroblasters. It uses an omnimover system, and has different shaped targets each shape is worth a different amount.

One that uses 3D: Toy Story Midway Mania, goes from 3D screen to 3D screen. This ride does make your arms sore by the end because of the firing system.
The best one: MIB Alien Attack (Ride starts at 2:20) basically you shoot the aliens and you get points. It has two tracks, and at one point you are told to fire at the car on the other track.
Edited by Cruiseshipfan
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Dude... History Lesson: Sega World Sydney had Ghost Hunters, the same type of ride, which means this isn't really "an Australian first".... http://www.parkz.com...st_Hunters.html It was good enough an experience for me to be grateful a ride like it will be built with a bigger budget and better theme at Movie World. I hope it's track is at least a bit longer than the Segaworld one, because it was pretty short, and noticible that it returned for a second go round the same track. I wonder if, when thinking what would fit in the Batman building, the ride designers thought fondly of Segaworld and remembered what great rides that managed to have for it's rather small space? Still my favourite ride at Segaworld was the indoor "dark ride wild mouse" Rail Chase, which is still one of my favourite ever rollercoasters. I hope we get another roller coaster like it one day either in Sydney or Melbourne(I know Scooby Doo is pretty much a bigger better version of the same ride... but I'd want Rail Chase to live on at more closer theme parks one day). Surely as a concept it would suit one of the Luna Parks.... I still feel a little dissapointed Luna Park Melbourne didn't pick it, or Ghost Hunters.

RichardWilliamCollins I certainly did not forget Ghost Hunters at Segaworld. I think it has already been established that it really bears nothing in common with the Justice League Alien Attack Ride except for the fact that they both have shooting elements. I was really referring to it being an Australian 1st because of the manufacturer and type of ride-.ie this will be the first Sallycorp dark shooter in Australia. Hope that clarifies this for you. I agree that Railchase should have been picked up by either Luna Parks- it would have been perfect fit for either!! I only visited Segaworld once and rode it and found it an enjoyable ride. Its a shame that this ride was removed from the country- is anyone sure of its eventual fate or resting place? :o

Jobe - my original comment on the announcement was congratulatory to all who had suggested, guessed, or secretly knew about the possibility of this type of ride coming to this location. I in no way suggested I was the first one, or that people should trust me because I 'predicted it'. For Wyn to claim 'the fame' of being the one who 'predicted it' when in fact TWO people had posted the same suggestion at least 4 months earlier is what elicited my response to him. You'll also note that I still did not claim to be 'the first' in that post either.

AlexB I understand and actually agree with what you are trying to say. I did not , however support your personal attack on Wycenuros and thought it completely over the top. I didnt feel that what he said warranted the vitriol that you spouted. I am sure you could have got your point across without being so personal. To me, it was a transgression of the community guidelines, and I am completely surprised that a moderator didnt pull you up on it. To me, this is far more important than highlighting any "spelling errors" which is usually jumped on at every opportunity and really only serves to add fuel to the concept that there are people on this board more equal than others. I do not have any personal issues with you at all,you are obviously very intelligent and knowledgable, but I do not like seeing anyone getting bullied or receiving unwarranted nastiness. I hope you can see where I am coming in regards to this. <_<
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