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Wet 'n' Wild Sydney Construction

Guest lozzie

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Thinking about it a bit more I think they may be wording it that way due to only running a limited season with those hours, but it also could mean separate ticketing - which would hurt. Re: retrospective, they have added it to the Season Pass FAQ on the website.

That is very generous of them. Most companies would just say "too bad you missed out". The complaining families SHOULD be grateful for this. But we know they won't be
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This night-time illuminations means the varied and haphazard colour patterns we were seeing on the slides makes a lot more sense...

Retrospective changes to the pricing admits they got it wrong. I personally don't believe they did, but I guess buy 3 get one free is the same as up here for the VIP pass, and it's still $130 a ticket... so better than nothing really.

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I've got a feeling there may be a separate ticket at a highly reduced price to come in at night (like $5 after 5pm at Wonderland but obviously more expensive), but I can't see them somehow clearing all the 'day ticket people' out of the pools and the slides while leaving the passholders where they are.

If the park is open 10-10, then a day ticket holder should be entitled to stay for the full session time, being that they pay by far the highest price for a day at the park.

Short of emptying the entire park to close at, say - 5pm, and then reopening at 5.30 (which would really piss off all the passholders for having to get out and then go back in), I think this is just a 'reduced price afternoon ticket' deal, which I personally think is a very good idea. It further appeases the locals by offering discounted admission at various times (which may result in further passholder purchases), and given their shortened operating season, bringing in additional guests for an afternoon after workschool on a weekday is a brilliant idea to add to their revenue...

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Sorry Zacsta, these guys just can't understand what a debilitating illness laziness really is.

You'll be walking around 6kms. In the summer heat, you'll undo all the refreshing coolness you'd get from swimming.

You're also walking through about 3 or 4 suburbs. It's only 6ks... pay for a taxi - it'll only cost about $10 to blacktown station, or (as will most likely happen) catch the bus they will put on for that purpose. If you're going to catch a train from Wollongong, whats a bus as well?


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AlexB, the irony of the situation is that even if there was a station within walking distance of the park zacsta_1997 would still need to consult google maps in order to find the walking route, so I'm unsure why he didn't just spend a few seconds looking it up rather than wasting someone elses time?

On the WnW FB page they have said that at the very least there will be a bus from Parra, with negotations with other bus operators still ongoing.

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AlexB, the irony of the situation is that even if there was a station within walking distance of the park zacsta_1997 would still need to consult google maps in order to find the walking route, so I'm unsure why he didn't just spend a few seconds looking it up rather than wasting someone elses time?

On the WnW FB page they have said that at the very least there will be a bus from Parra, with negotations with other bus operators still ongoing.

Gazza, I wasn't having pity on him, and I wasn't criticising you. My reply was tongue in cheek - because you weren't being sensitive to his disability - because if he couldn't google it himself, he must have a disability that prevents him from doing so....

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So I asked people who have been there before.

Yep I've been to WnW Sydney before. My favorite slide was the "mudpit river", and "dirt splashdown" :P

I asked for help and none of you are helping me

But I have never been near the site of WNWS before.

I'd never been to Perth before, and got to Adventure World on the train & bus by just looking it up.

Similarly, i got to the Orlando theme parks, SFMM, Disneyland, Knotts all by using the LA commuter trains and a bit of walking (Well, 4km in the case of SFMM)

And when I've been down to Melboure I made my way out to a couple of the aquatic centers because I felt like trying out the new waterslides...Again using buses an trains.

And I got to a number of parks in the UK using the trains there.

All it takes is a few minutes of your time to check the official park websites and the transport authority websites....I mean, the Wet n Wild Sydney website has a page called "Getting Here"...Isn't that enough?

Edited by Gazza
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Similarly, i got to the Orlando theme parks, SFMM, Disneyland, Knotts all by using the LA commuter trains and a bit of walking (Well, 4km in the case of SFMM)

I didn't know Orlando was on the west coast :D

You could've been a little more sensitive to the situation, AlexB. You don't just go around calling someone disabled just because they wanted the opinions of forum members, he did also look at Google Maps...

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AlexB you seem to always be on the end of negativity in these forums. It would have been a lot easier and more welcoming to assist a fellow member with an answer to a question rather than constant nitpicking. If you didn't have anything valuable to contribute to the discussion in this post my suggestion would be not to contribute at all instead of being a big man and attacking from behind a keyboard. On top of that I think that your use of words should be better used and perhaps understand that the term 'disabled' might offend some.

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Yes, I was the big man, who attacked from behind a keyboard by making a tongue in cheek comment to the guys who had been critical of him, and then provided Zacsta with a google map link that answered his question.

Gazza misunderstood my tongue-in-cheek comment, so I explained it. My comment referred to Laziness as a debilitating illness - or a disability. I didn't say he was disabled, I said he must have had a disability that prevented him from googling it himself.

If being called Lazy offends him, perhaps he should try google before asking a silly question. If he was prevented from googling something himself, then it must mean he is impaired in someway - simple as that. So slip out of the saddle and dismount that high horse of yours. You've made three bloody posts on this forum and one of them is to tell me off for having a bloody joke? You obviously don't know me well enough to pass comment.

I still helped him, which is more than anyone else has done so far. Personally I wouldn't recommend the walk, and suggest a bus or taxi from blacktown station.

As for how to get there, trains run from wollongong to central, upon which a western line transfer will be required to get him to blacktown. You can catch a blue-mountains mt victoria train which is an express train, and shouldn't take more than 45 minutes or so from central.

I had a look at timings for this weekend just as a guide, and you could get a train arriving at blacktown just before 10am, but you'd be leaving wollongong station at 7am. Unfortunately this weekend isn't a great example due to trackwork, so a weekend without trackwork would probably decrease the travel time from 3 hours to something a little more reasonable.

You can do this yourself at www.131500.info by using the trip planner. Once the bus services to WnWS are set up and have timetables, these will probably be added to this page also.

As for the others spouting how helpful the american theme park forums are should try whining at people like Robb Alvey about things they don't like on TPR and see what his response is... usually its something along the lines of GTFO.

So don't attack me for being negative and unhelpful when i'm the only one who actually provided answers.

Simply because I had an laugh about the absurdity of it at the same time doesn't make me the bad guy - the request WAS absurd.

Edited by AlexB
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