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Captain Sturt Closed at Dreamworld


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^^ The situation was this, he was let go on wednesday and I was informed by trusted people but asked not to mention it until such a time that Goldie or the park released it. TZA/TZI posted it yesterday prior to Goldie officially announcing it and as such I sent the owner a message basically saying I have no right to ask you do so but for Goldie's sake please remove it as it is not yet public info. I cannot speak for any other pages but I am 19 I am certainly already able to vote, age is not always an accurate indication of maturity, I am trying to raise the level of these pages. I personally never try to "one up" and if I have an issue with something I do send private messeges. Also whilst the Facebook pages can be childish as hell, so can Parkz. ^ Never ending cycle ;)

Edited by One day holiday
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If I was in charge of Dreamworld, I would demolish the Studios and tell Big Brother to fuck off to Movie World.... I would specifically say "Like the Thunderbolt and Mine ride, it was an outdated attraction with high matenence costs" Then I'd spend $12 -15 million or so building a Kingda Ka replica out near Tiger Island(or wherever it would fit, with a track to it going through Tiger Island), and another $15 million to demolish AND rebuild the Mine Ride as a more modern take on the Mine Rollercoaster dark ride over a period of several years. I'd also shop around to see if 20th Century fox was interested in lending a few more "themes" to the park other than the AVP one. Star Wars would obviously be the one I'd be in the hunt for. If I did get it, Star Tours 2 would replace Big Brother.....

there is a better chance of a flying pig exhibit than DW getting a Kingda Ka replica. Also no chance in hell DW would be able to afford the Star Wars licence for an ongoing ride IMO. Edited by Brad2912
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Is that what we really want though? Another one trick pony? All Kingda Ka is go really fast straight up and come back down. They already have ToT and GD is only a tiny bit shorter than it. Look at the coaster polls out there, the ride isn't number one. People want rides with a bit of substantiality, pull some G's, give some airtime, maybe go upside down a couple of times (although even then rides that go upside down heaps also don't rate as number one). I would much rather have SE over Kingda Ka any day (although I haven't ridden the latter). Doesn't everyone complain DW is full of one trick pony rides, how will this fix it? I'm not even going to the point that 15 million dollars will nowhere near close enough to build it either. Also, no more movie licenses for parks, we already have one themed movie park in Australia and that is enough, considering we only have a few parks that are all grouped together. DW needs to be an alternative with a point of difference, which for them is Australia, lets just keep it that way; or hope management do. Its actually interesting to read back before all the other points that people remember about DW, and the extra charm and touches it used to have that are now gone that even I had completely forgot about. My point I guess, is that people do notice, and it does impact on peoples experience, even if they can't put their finger on it. It then creates bad word of mouth; my suggestion to the park is go back to old days, or find a new direction, give it everything you've got and stick to it. I just remembered a few more as well: I remember when the park had a show filled with singing animatronic Australian animals. I remember the roar the Thunderbolt used to make as it went through the loops and could be heard all the way across the M1 from my school. I remember watching my family on Thunderbolt and not being able to wait till I was tall enough to do and watching in fascination as it went around and around. I remember standing outside the park on boxing day morning and looking up as the GD would slowly make its way to the top, looking how tall it was and going "NO WAY", then watching someone from the family do it and coming off looking like a ghost. I remember when the mountain that housed Angry Beavers Spooty Spin actually had a working waterfall. I do also remember the Votex, but that has some bad memories attached :P , so I thought I might leave it off!

Edited by Original
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Then I'd spend $12 -15 million or so building a Kingda Ka replica out near Tiger Island

TOT was built $16 Mil in 1997 dollars. And you're expecting to build a Kingda Ka replica for cheaper than that in 2013 dollars? Top Thrill Dragster was $25 Mil, so you're looking at at least that amount.... Edited by Gazza
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Is that what we really want though? Another one trick pony? All Kingda Ka is go really fast straight up and come back down.

Well I know I don't want that either, but the general public don't mind. And that's all that matters. To most of the GP, Dreamworld is known as the 'balls to the wall' thrill park on the coast. Management have marketed the park this way, ever since they made the shift years ago, with the first 'big 5 thrill rides' adverts. People don't care about the classic attractions such as the paddle wheeler, goldie the clown or an animatronic show anymore. That's why they have all disappeared. I thought Dreamworld were going in the right direction with the success of the Dreamworks re-theme. But then they go and close down the paddle wheeler for good, and sack the clown. It's so hard to keep faith when things like that happen :/ Edited by Luke
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Well I know I don't want that either, but the general public don't mind. And that's all that matters. To most of the GP, Dreamworld is known as the 'balls to the wall' thrill park on the coast.

</div> <div>But a Kingda Ka clone (Which wouldn't even be the fastest due to Formula Rossa) is the only way to achieve this?</div> <div> </div> <div>Buzzsaw might have dissapointed some, but at the same time that doesn't mean going to the other outer extreme and building a record breaking thrill ride in a park that only gets 1.3 Million visitors per year.</div> <div> </div> <div>There are plenty of &quot;middle of the road&quot; thrill rides that many parks have.</div> <div> </div> <div>Heck, even in our own backyard we have examples. Superman Escape...Not too big, not to small, but ticks all the boxes and retains it's popularity to this day.</div> <div>If Dreamworld did something around that scale I'm sure it would be enough to satisfy the public and fans alike.</div> <div> </div> <div>But talking about Kingda Ka's etc is just blatant foaming.</div>
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Dreamworld needs a good solid addition to bring back the attention on itself from Movieworld. The most effective way to do this would be to introduce a "first of its type in Australia" ride. Like DjRappa said, it does not have to be a world record breaker, but a decent FULL circuit coaster. I would favour a flying coaster but a standup , floorless or hyper with great airtime would work just as well!! Of course, the introduction of a large new woodie would also make people sit up and take notice!! A Kingda Ka clone would be too cost prohibitive and I reckon there are far better options for less money! Hopefully they also decide to do something with the Eureka Mine car site and soon. A replacement ride for this section and then a larger coaster addition 12-18 months on would go a long way with restoring Dreamworld's reputation!! Lets hope they do not take Movieworlds's challenge lightly!!! The next 12 months will be a critical time in Dreamworlds life....and this makes it very interesting times for enthusiasts like us!! :)

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I think Movieworld has done a sneaky job when they have advertised their new rides as Australian First & World first rides. Yes, Green lantern was an Australian first having a 120 degree drop..but the ride was basically like any other ride, just with a steeper drop at the start. Also with Arkham, They advertised this as a World First..but this was just the worlds first ride based on the game. Clever Movieworld, Clever.

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I love it too! Especially Friday Night Live! The games are so funny to watch haha

Nothing better then Rima last Big Brother!
Oh and when Rima falls and breaks her leg - "Aww, down the slippery dip" - Kyle Sandilands Or it could've been Fitzy, but it makes more sense coming from Kyle. Edited by kujotess
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Thing about the Captain Sturt is that back in the old days you felt like you were going on an adventure. There was no telling what was around the next river bend. Before you got to the show the Captain Sturt took you right into the middle of bush; exactly where you'd expect to find bushrangers. The escapism was really so complete, even the occasional glimpse of the train through the trees added to the overall 'illusion'. Gradually over time that illusion broke down (as it was bound to); instead of passing Model T Fords driving around you passed a yellow roller coaster with a modern theme, with the 120meter tall Giant Drop tower behind it. Impenetrable bushland gave way to the modern Billabong Cafe, and other trees were removed which revealed that rather from in the middle of thick bushland, there was in fact a sporting field just over the fence line. It became possible (and quicker) to walk around the entire 'Murrisippi' river, there stopped being any mystery or interest for the paddle wheeler. In the end it died a death by a thousand cuts. I think it's sad they never tried to re-invent the ride (aside from painting it those horrible colours), maybe putting an exhibition about Dreamworld's history, or some characters on board or just speeding it up. Everyone on here gives there $0.02cents on what they'd like to see happen, so to that end here's my take: If they're not going to bring it back, I'd like to see them paint it neutral colours, and park it around near the Australian Wildlife Experience and leave it open to the public so guests can still have a look around. It'd fit much better there and would allow them to fix the old Rivertown area properly (which starts with the retheme/removal MDMC or letting what's left of the Rivertown theme go). On the upside, the demise of the paddle wheeler does bring up the possibility of putting something on the island. FWIW I don't think a mega coaster because of how it would affect AWE, but you've got to admit a well designed custom Vekoma mine train could sit on the island quite well. As for the other matter in this thread; I'm sad that Goldie and Dreamworld are parting ways; he's one of the great little things that make/made the park great. I won't comment further because for all I know it was Goldie's decision to retire after all these years. If however it turns out however that it was purely a management decision, it's pretty disgraceful.

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I was thinking it was about the same as Superman Escape which was, from what I recall, $16 million(it was listed as $12 mill on Wikipedia, but that's wrong).

Mate, just stop being stupid!....Kingda Ka is 950m long and 140m high. But Superman is only 760m long and 40m high. So Kingda Ka had to have an extra] 190m of trackage, and the structure is a whopping 100m higher....Plus it is launching trains twice as fast (Which means a big scale up in the Hydraulic launch system, and we can do all this extra stuff for the same price as Superman? http://cache.rcdb.com/dcabh1c800091i16d7gpgn.jpg It doesn't matter what you thought one was going to cost, but you can't do twice as much for the same price! Surely that should have raised a little flag in your head when posting. :mellow::blink::wacko:
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I would like to see them use the lake for effects of a ride. I would like to see the effects like Manta at Seaworld Orlando. I don't know..just thinking this because none of our rides seem to go over water or use water effects. Or is it just too costly or pointless because they stopped using water effects on Surfrider and they took the water out of Wipeout. I just think now Captain Sturt has closed down, they should use that space to advantage.

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Everyone on here gives there $0.02cents on what they'd like to see happen, so to that end here's my take: If they're not going to bring it back, I'd like to see them paint it neutral colours, and park it around near the Australian Wildlife Experience and leave it open to the public so guests can still have a look around. It'd fit much better there and would allow them to fix the old Rivertown area properly (which starts with the retheme/removal MDMC or letting what's left of the Rivertown theme go).

I'm pretty much in agreeance with you here Joz. If it was repainted and relocated to AWE, a museum featuring the history of Dreamworld that you mentioned could work well.
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