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Dreamworld 5 year plan - a challenge

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I thought this was Parkz, not one of the many Facebook pages that shines a dull light on our otherwise lovely enthusiast community? JacobSibbald, ignoring the silly banter regarding authenticity and taking a light-hearted/adult approach to your post, your rumour is at least an interesting, and if true, would make for a possibly sizeable investment for a thrill ride. What does everybody think would go in? Would you actually like to see go in?

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Now this is the type of conversation I was after, thanks Slick :) Personally I believe an Intamin Mega-Lite would suit incredibly well and RCDB lists it at $15 million, which leaves $10 million if the information is true. That 10 million can go to an amazing kids ride, but personally, I think Dreamworld have enough of them at the minute.

Edited by JacobSibbald
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Hmm, I heard Mack were refurbishing the Eureka mountain mine ride, I have it from a very good source, but don't tell anyone as they said to keep it a secret.... Yeah, sorry. As much as we would and hope said here-say from this lifeguard is true, lets be realistic, until such time as the rumblings get more intense, or some sort of announcement is made, lets read nothing into it. Sorry to burst everyone's bubble.

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What if I and the staff member had a level of trust and the staff member knew what Parkz was?

So what you're saying is you went up to said life-slightly-prolonger-person (lifeguard? come on, she wouldn't take a bullet for me) and said "Hi I use/represent the online forum parkz. Could you please give me some insider info about the park next door which I promise not to tell anyone else about on said forum". (Thereby making the whole "I know about Parkz" thing completely irrelevant).

I thought this was Parkz, not one of the many Facebook pages that shines a dull light on our otherwise lovely enthusiast community? JacobSibbald, ignoring the silly banter regarding authenticity and taking a light-hearted/adult approach to your post, your rumour is at least an interesting, and if true, would make for a possibly sizeable investment for a thrill ride. What does everybody think would go in? Would you actually like to see go in?

Come on, don't be THAT guy, no one likes THAT guy. Pushbutton tried to be THAT guy, now he's gone and blocked 50% of the active members on here.

Lets just say that what Jacob said is getting on in years and leave it at that.

Only if down the track more genuine information becomes available and we can say we had MACK restore the rumour.
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I concur with pushbutton, thank you Jacob. If anything Jacob has provided an interesting point of discussion that is much needed in our comparatively quiet industry. If he doesn't want to disclose the full details of what he knows to protect other people, that's fine. He could've kept the information to himself and I'm sure he, along with other members, will do so in the future knowing that half of us will strike them down. I personally think that's a shame and will eventually lead to a community that no one will enjoy being part of.

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Yes I agree, ThmPks r srs bsns!Just have a decent back up to your argument. Don't be a RWC.Hell even Joz, (or at least I think it's Joz, it's one of you with the little orange title) can be a dick sometimes and post stuff about rumours he can't say anything else about, but he (she? who knows on the internet) but presents it in a more believable way than a rumor from a lifeguard who just happens to know about a themepark forum on the internet. edit - too much but

Edited by reanimated35
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Me? I'm lovely to everyone! FWIW, if this turns out to be true, feel free to bring our attention to this thread and point out how right you were, and we'll even believe what you say in the future because of it too. In the meantime though, I don't believe it. Nothing personal, just seems like a fanciful story to me. Myself and Djrappa and others often have occasions where we can't reveal our sources, but 90% of the time we're right, and even when we're wrong it's often because plans changed (I know I can't prove that but believe me it's happened). That's why people listen when we say stuff. There are many other posters on here who have the same respect from me, and that's just the way forums work. Don't feel bad about it, just accept it, and if you're continually right people will believe you in the future too.

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I like how suddenly when a community leader posts, thanks Flea, everyone changes their opinion about the subject. There is no other way I can present it without telling you the other piece of information, I know I'm starting to sound like RWC and I wish I wasn't but why can't you just take a rumour and think about it, think about what they could put in for $25 million. Sorry for starting this.

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Hang on, I want to 'add' to the rumor (this is legitimate, please do not take this as a sarcastic post). My source? Good friend is the wife of an engineer over at Dreamworld. Apparently there have been murmurs of new ride(s) over there and that they recognize they need a "Kick-Ass Roller Coaster" (as it was described to me). At least they recognize their faults.

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Come on, don't be THAT guy, no one likes THAT guy.

Are you aware of the irony? My apologies for trying to keep the train on the rails. My opinion? If JacobSibbald has heard a rumour, cool. Should we question his authenticity? Absolutely. Should we be constructive about it and positive rather then negative, condescending and derail an entire thread so the opinions of few can be found to be right and justified? I don't enjoy reading pages of unsubstantiated junk just as much as the next guy. But this isn't the first time everyone's jumped on some poor sod who's just tried to participate. Hell, I remember being the guy with crazy rumours at one point. So let's be adults, yeah? Maybe then the lurkers, the google searchers, the new enthusiasts will actually want to register and post too, and that way we'll have a forum for likeminded peeps who want to share with other likeminded peeps, instead of the two/three thread race filled with the same people bickering like we have currently. /end rant. With the exception of Green Lantern, i'd dare say we're a little inversion poor. Has anyone else been on Takabisha, in Fuji-Q Highlands? I found it very intense and quite amazeballs to ride, particuarly with the hidden barrel roll and the 120 degree drop. Would this make a good fit? It's marketable, it's the right capacity and i'd dare say the right price too (roughly). If dreams came true i'd kill for a B&M Batman Clone. If fantasies were actually possible (some of them are, technically, if you know what I mean) a 4D Coaster much like Dinoconda would actually put Dreamworld on the map again for another 15 years (considering that's what TOT/GD did afterall). ALSO, I don't think Dreamworld's done anything truly commendable since The Claw in 2004. Even Tower of Terror 2 was bastardised to a certain degree, with more of the same lacklustre themeing and questionable extended tunnel blocking off half the park, and let's not go into:
  • [*]how putting Flowrider in a dry park is a smart idea with water park next door [*]ripping out one of the better family attractions to put in a wad of concrete in called MDMC [*]stopping the boat people (Paddlewheeler) [*]Shockwave (remember the "blue green-ocean themeing" turning out to be spraypainted wood chips?) [*]ripping out the helipad for an obversation deck of the car park and BuzzSaw [*]Mine Ride. Yeah. [*]AVPX in Ocean Parade (Yes, I get it works well for corporate nights to put all your shit in one area. But its still a bad idea) [*]Taking the water out from underneath Wipeout [*]The Main Street Roof. Oh god, the Main Street Roof. [*]IMAX? What IMAX?
    • [*]being illusive about the Looney Tunes Ride replacement timeframe.
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I think a Eurofighter would be compared to Green Lantern by the GP. We as super nerds will know there is a difference between the two, and the Eurofighter will likely be the superior ride, but DW needs to invest in something that breaks the "rules" of a traditional coaster. Djrappa has said it all along - a stand up or flyer would be highly marketable as the domestic market has only ever experienced standard sit down trains. The majority of the population have no idea that stand ups/flyers exist.

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There is no other way I can present it without telling you the other piece of information, I know I'm starting to sound like RWC and I wish I wasn't but why can't you just take a rumour and think about it, think about what they could put in for $25 million. Sorry for starting this.

I've already suggested to you how to present it. Usually, when i'm presenting information from a source I have within the parks who needs to be protected, I will do one of two things. I will say something like 'i have a reliable source within XXXX park who i've known for quite a while, and they've indicated to me that this is possible.' I've also been known to drop (hindsight-obvious) hints in a thread already discussing these things where a trusted person has provided me with inside information, knowing I will find the right way to let the cat out of the bag without making it obvious that it's come from an inside source. Others have done this too - you might remember the comments of 'you'd have to be crazy' or 'el-loco' during the rumor construction threads for green lantern. The point is, your original post was very much an 'i know something you don't know' comment - which naturally leads people to ask where the info came from and what specifics it was. You presented information such as 'this year' only to be shot down by ASX reports. Then when you finally do reveal a little more information as to your source, the implication suggestion is that this was a random staff member - not somebody known to you personally, someone you've worked with before or have great respect for - but a random cast member. Sorry to burst your bubble - but we have a name for the 'random cast member told me' rumors - and it starts with the words 'Dippin Dots'. If the person is known to you for a good period of time, either because they're a member of the boards and have been for a while, or because they're a family friend and have worked for the parks for years - of course, keep their identity secret, but explain why you have the confidences you have. If it's a random cast member - then say so. I usually add something to the effect of 'heres the latest from the park rumor mill by a cast member this weekend gone'... sure, it won't be as credible, but you've put your disclaimer on there, and by doing so, you're stating that you don't know it to be a fact, or that you don't have 'insider' information... just that this is what you've heard. And if you try with that sort of disclaimer when you post something thats unheard of, slightly unbelieveable or both, it will be treated by all accordingly. If it turns out to be right - you get to trace back through the thread, quote your original post, and show everyone how awesome you were. If it doesn't, most people will probably forget about it before it comes time to prove it... unless it gets blown out of all proportion like this. I think the hardest thing to believe was that it was happening this year within 12 months etc... as this would need to be in the investment information for Ardent with that large a CAPEX. I think it's easily believeable that they'd spend $25M over 3-4 years... because thats already happened in the past. $25M on TWO attractions only... thats a little bigger... definitely worth a mention, but not within the timeframes you originally suggested.
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I completely understand where everyone is coming from and I totally realise that I am in the wrong. I will take all of this advice on board for the future and wish I had've presented it the way you are talking about. I honestly am sorry and I realise the info is sketchy so I will be treating it like a rumour also. I hope that settles everything.

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Are you aware of the irony?]

I like me.

Hang on, I want to 'add' to the rumor (this is legitimate, please do not take this as a sarcastic post). My source? Good friend is the wife of an engineer over at Dreamworld. Apparently there have been murmurs of new ride(s) over there and that they recognize they need a "Kick-Ass Roller Coaster" (as it was described to me). At least they recognize their faults.

Only now? :P Let's assume this is true (which it might be) if you were in a position of ownership in the company/director/shareholder, wouldn't you be even just a little pissed it's taken them this long to realise they need more decent full size coasters?
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Went to Dreamworld today and I won't be returning....unless they do some drastic improvements. For some stupid reason the Log Ride and Thunder River Rapids closed at 4pm - they only had thrill rides open. I thought the park was susposed to close at 5pm not 4pm! The Motorcoaster is the WORST RIDE EVER! It hurt the top of my legs and I was in gret pain during the whole ride. GET RID OF IT and put the vintage cars back how they were! New rollercoaster please! There is no great coasters at Dreamworld - go to Movie World insted. BAD FOOD! I had a chiros which was doube the size of Movie Worlds but tasted foul!Movie World is on top again! Pandamodum is way too thrilling it makes you feel sick. TRIP HAZARD! Tower of Terror queue line just before last room and Wipeout. When I was boarding the Wipeout I tripeed and it seemed the staff nearby just laughed at me - not good customer service! ROTTING DREAMWORLD! The old paddle steamer and mine ride have seen better dys. The old mine ride is in so much disrepair it one day will fall on top of the Thunder River Rapids. There is one good thing about Dreamworld. Loose item storage. Maybe Movie World and Sea World could learn from the storage solution at the Motorcoaster - the only good thing about that ride...

Edited by Gary86
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