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What should MW and DW's next roller coasters be?


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Something like this. I know the chances of getting something anywhere near it are extremely low but it would be nice to see a smaller version built.

For those of you going to complain about it looking like it is rough, stfu. It is a wooden coaster. It can be expected and to be honest is part of the experience of a fast and "out of control" wooden coaster.
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  On 05/07/2012 at 3:15 PM, 'pin142 said:

Something like this. I know the chances of getting something anywhere near it are extremely low but it would be nice to see a smaller version built. http://youtu.be/WDvvexOp2xk For those of you going to complain about it looking like it is rough, stfu. It is a wooden coaster. It can be expected and to be honest is part of the experience of a fast and "out of control" wooden coaster.

Im confused..Is it a backwards POV or is it just going backwards?
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  On 05/07/2012 at 3:15 PM, 'pin142 said:

For those of you going to complain about it looking like it is rough, stfu. It is a wooden coaster. It can be expected and to be honest is part of the experience of a fast and "out of control" wooden coaster.

I know some roughness on a woodie is good, but Voyage is really quite brutal beyond what's acceptable.
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  On 05/07/2012 at 3:15 PM, 'pin142 said:

Something like this. I know the chances of getting something anywhere near it are extremely low but it would be nice to see a smaller version built. http://youtu.be/WDvvexOp2xk For those of you going to complain about it looking like it is rough, stfu. It is a wooden coaster. It can be expected and to be honest is part of the experience of a fast and "out of control" wooden coaster.

Because that's what people love about roller coasters. No, that's just you, so shut up.
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  On 07/07/2012 at 8:25 AM, 'kujotess said:

Because that's what people love about roller coasters. No, that's just you, so shut up.

Kujotess, I want to know more about you. I get the impression you're female, and about 12-15 years old. That isn't intended to be an insult, and I apologise if my impression is incorrect, but it's just how you behave. First of all - what people love about roller coasters varies. If you go back and read some of the older threads on here about 'truly' good woodies, you will see that many people expect woodies to be a little rough, fast and 'out of control'. It's the adrenaline, the thrill that makes them so great. Steel coasters are (mostly) smooth, and they give thrills by quick segways and inversions or high speed. Woodies are more about the 'unstable, out of control' feeling - the feeling that you could fall out, that you're thrown about like a rag doll, all whilst remaining perfectly safe. You have obviously never ridden a wooden coaster - so until you actually have - your opinions are baseless. So shut up. ] Edited by djrappa
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I agree with AlexB, Pin142 and others. Wooden coasters are uniquely amazing, the 'Gold Coast' doesn't know what its missing out on. Going by the current construction of a fair few wooden coasters in world-class theme parks all around the globe, to say they aren't popular with this 'generation' is a very biased/erroneous based opinion. Yes our chances of receiving one on the coast in the near future are pretty slim but never say never. ;)

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Well I rode some woodies on my UK trip. Grand National was very rough (though it's airtime made up for it). However, it's neighboring wooden coasters Big Dipper and Nickelodeon Streak were much smoother yet still retained that classic woodie feel. Now I haven't been on Voyage, but from what I hear it could really do with being smoother (though they have done trackwork on it and plan to, someday, maybe, but timberliners on it). My point is, a wooden coaster can be a good wooden coaster without beating you to death. Just my opinion. :) By the way, if we ever get a woodie it'll likely be a GCI which are supposedly very smooth.

Edited by alex_1
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  On 25/06/2012 at 9:15 AM, 'Cruiseshipfan said:

So weeds and plants growing through the track and pieces of the supports rotted completely through (and nothing done to replace it causing a safety issue) is not bad upkeep.

Supports rotted through?? This is complete exaggeration!! I was last in the park 6 months ago and I can assure you that the fairly recent restoration of the ride has left it in excellent working order. I most certainly did not see ANY "rotting supports" and would reasonably assume that the Scenic Railway would not be functioning if they were. Safety inspections would deem this as being totally unfit for opening if this were indeed the case. The Scenic Railway is the jewel in LPM's crown and historically, is one of the most important coasters in the world. LPM management, The Victorian Government nor the Friends Of Luna Park would never,ever let the ride fall into the state of decay that you described. Baseless exaggerations like this serve no purpose.
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  On 12/07/2012 at 1:00 PM, 'Jobe said:

Supports rotted through?? This is complete exaggeration!! I was last in the park 6 months ago and I can assure you that the fairly recent restoration of the ride has left it in excellent working order. I most certainly did not see ANY "rotting supports" and would reasonably assume that the Scenic Railway would not be functioning if they were. Safety inspections would deem this as being totally unfit for opening if this were indeed the case. The Scenic Railway is the jewel in LPM's crown and historically, is one of the most important coasters in the world. LPM management, The Victorian Government nor the Friends Of Luna Park would never,ever let the ride fall into the state of decay that you described. Baseless exaggerations like this serve no purpose.

I promise you this is no exaggeration, I wish I took my camera. The main area of issue was down the back of the park.
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  On 13/07/2012 at 1:23 AM, 'Cruiseshipfan said:

I promise you this is no exaggeration, I wish I took my camera. The main area of issue was down the back of the park.

I am not disputing the fact that you may have seen some evidence of weathering in the Scenic Railway.I am still, however, calling this exaggeration on your part. What I dont think you understand is that this IS a 100 year old ride located in a seaside suburb right next to the ocean. It is quite understandable that there would be deterioration observable in some part along the length of the ride. This would be normal in a 20 or 30 year old wooden coaster in this same position, let alone one that is close to celebrating its centenary!!! A Wooden coaster, as has been pointed out many times on these boards, are quite maintenance and labour intensive throughout the course of their lifespan. What I do find distateful, is the fact that you cite this ONE unconfirmed incident as an example of the park letting the Scenic Railway fall into disrepair. This is most certainly NOT the case. As I have pointed out to you on a number of occasions, there are several governing bodies which simply would NOT allow this ride to fall into the state you have described. Dreamland Margate in the UK has asked and been given copies of the original blueprints for the Railways trains to replace their own which were lost in a tragic fire. The Scenic Railway's trains themselves have undergone intensive restoration quite recently and the park itself is committed to continually working on and restoring the the park's historic items. Do these actions sound like a park that would let one of their major historical drawcards fall into a state of disrepair?? I think not. LPM's Scenic Railway will continue to be the vitally important historic icon that it has become for many generations to follow and enjoy.
  On 13/07/2012 at 8:01 AM, 'RichardWilliamCollins said:

I looked at the whole ride, did not see this at all(in fact the ride looks better than when I first rode it in the 90s!). Either they fixed it and replaced/reinforced the supports, or it's not intergral to the overall safety of the ride as it's not likely to collapse, etc. When I was there they maintained the ride would not operate under certain conditions and even took notice of the wind.

Exactly. I neither saw any evidence of a state of decay or disrepair or general lack of caring...in fact as you state quite the opposite!! The ride was looking excellent, the paintwork was looking quite good, the station I thought looked absolutely exceptional!! Of course this was 6 months ago when I last visted but I hardly think that conditions could have changed to the "reported" sad state of affairs in that short amount of time.
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Wait wait wait. I said the whole park was in disrepair. I also listed (for the scenic railway) grass/weeds growing up through the track. You can see this at the start of the ride just before the lift hill. Metro or whatever the other roller coaster is in the park had some issue with the seats (they may of been ripped i cant remember exactly what it was.) It also would of been nice if the staff members working on the ride removed the rubbish that lazy guests left behind so we didnt have to remove it every time we went on it.

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  On 25/06/2012 at 7:30 AM, 'Cruiseshipfan said:

Except not Ghost Rider at Knotts Berry Farm. That is an example of the upkeep needed for Wooden roller coasters. As well as the Scenic railway at LPM which is falling apart due to lack of upkeep.

  On 25/06/2012 at 9:15 AM, 'Cruiseshipfan said:

So weeds and plants growing through the track and pieces of the supports rotted completely through (and nothing done to replace it causing a safety issue) is not bad upkeep.

  On 13/07/2012 at 1:38 PM, 'Cruiseshipfan said:

Wait wait wait. I said the whole park was in disrepair. I also listed (for the scenic railway) grass/weeds growing up through the track. You can see this at the start of the ride just before the lift hill. Metro or whatever the other roller coaster is in the park had some issue with the seats (they may of been ripped i cant remember exactly what it was.) It also would of been nice if the staff members working on the ride removed the rubbish that lazy guests left behind so we didnt have to remove it every time we went on it.

No. You specifically targeted The Scenic Railway as being an example of bad upkeep for a wooden Roller coaster. You cited that you have seen rotting timbers on the ride. I and RichardWilliamCollins disputed your claim. At NO time did you mention the park as a whole or even the Metropolis , as stated in your last post. The fact is that The Scenic Railway is NOT in the poor condition that you claim. We have both given you many examples of why it isnt in this state and we have our own observations to back this up. Please do not try to backtrack and cloud the issue. You made a statement. It has been refuted. Now if you believe that you are right then so be it. I cannot alter this. But I have put forward my own opinion and arguments backing this up as I firmly believe you are wrong in this instance.
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  On 14/07/2012 at 4:39 AM, 'RichardWilliamCollins said:

It was the lap bars that are ripped, I saw it the other week. The seats were fine.

This was some months ago. I apologise I am currently being very annoyed by one person on this forum, who think he knows everything, and I have said something like this before and I included the park. So being on my phone and not in the mood to look back I assumed I had said that. Yes they may of fixed the issues but you would agree if you saw what I saw the ride was not in good condition and why are you telling me that I didn't see what I saw. I know what I saw and it was weeds growing through the track and piece of wood in the support rotting (past an acceptable point). I really get annoyed when people tell me what I saw was wrong, like I imagined it or something.
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On the topic of getting annoyed - i'm getting annoyed at your whiny assed bitch of a moan. Please provide us with your qualifications and credentials as a structural engineer that provides you with the knowledge, training and keen eye to determine that a piece of wood has 'rotted past an acceptable point' ? The timbers used in older roller coasters are treated with all sorts of gnarly chemicals. Arsenic is one. Timber can be affected by weather, water, and many other things on the outside, but still bear a strong, structural core. Not to mention, that the latticework arrangement of timbers on a wooden roller coaster means you could generally take out a few of the supporting timbers without the structure being deemed unsafe. It's called 'overengineering'. Now i'm no expert in wood construction (although my partner works for a construction company, and her father is a structural engineer), but I can tell you as a core skills trainer for the state emergency service that the ropes we use for rescue situations have a safety factor of 8 built into them - that is - the safe working load for us to use these ropes is one-eighth of the ropes overall breaking strength. This is done to ensure that we never go near the limits of the system. You think people building this type of attraction would do any less? You made observations - but the problem is that you stated them as being beyond an acceptable safe level... and reinforced that with your most recent post (past an acceptable point)... yet you state this as proof that you are correct. Everyone is welcome to voice opinion on this forum. Observations FROM A LAYPERSON on what they saw is also fine... but you can say 'the seats were ripped, and the wooden supports looked like they were weathered, damaged or otherwise not 100%... but trying to argue that an amusement park would keep attractions in such a state of disrepair as to be UNSAFE? they wouldn't be permitted to operate! they'd be shut down quicker than you could say 'what will I be attacked for in this thread?'. As I said in another thread - stop acting like a child and grow the fuck up. noone is interested in your whiny assed cry-baby opinion. act mature, be reasonable in what you say (especially if someone PROVES you wrong) and maybe we can all get along. Now, what should MW and DW's next roller coaster be?

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