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Pretty much no progress has been made. Although I may one day go back to it I have stopped working on it for now (you told me this would happen). With Christmas then holidays and now school I haven't had the time. Also with the release of no limits 2 I have been kept busy. I look forward to TPS which should be out in the next month or so when I might try to make WBMW or maybe DW. So yeah, nothing really to show unless I create a one off ride or something along those lines. I know the recreations I have started have had potential but they take a lot of time and patience which I haven't had recently. Let's look ahead to the release of TPS!

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That's a shame, you were doing so well. I know what you mean about not getting around to things though. I've had the plans for an arcade machine I'm making sitting here for about 2 months now and still haven't gotten around to getting it done.

TPS I'd say we're looking at March, but I hope we see it sooner

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