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thunderbolt update


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I'd say as they were built somewhat differently maybe getting rid of the loops was a bit more involved than simply driving a piece of machinery through them :-) That's probably while they ended up leaving them for so long i guess :-) Or perhaps someone bought the loops and plans to turn them into some kind of shuttle coaster HEHEHE

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The wheels, i will be getting one off the train from Dreamworld, I contacted them two weeks ago and i pay $5.50 for postage and packing and i get a wheel and certificate of authenticity.
The wheel arnt the ones that are on the trains. They are just spares that they had. I was told by email that they were then when i rang i was told that they are the "spares" and come with a certificate of authenticity. Anyway i hope you actually get a "real one" that wason the train
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just a quick note, i was at dreams today, how true this is i dont know, but was told by two of my friends there that those loop were indeed to stay! Apparently there was a mix up and the folks pulling the thing down were not advised, or were not informed at the time they tore them down. Take that as true or not but thats the word going around DW. Supervisors turned up at the thunderbolt site to see the loops ripped down? So they r gone for good now LIKE IT OR NOT:) :(

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Daniel - that's pretty spot-on. The wheels are all the same and were more than likely used on the ride. Their collection of spare wheels didn't consist of too many unused wheels. kennykoala, a bit too far-fetched for my liking. If there was any intentions of keeping the loops, then they'd still be there. A mix-up might sound good for your Dippin' Dots buddies, but it's a bit of a flimsy excuse. Needless to say, I for one like the fact that they're gone. :)

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Once again ppl, im just telling you what i have heard, like all my post i give u after my weekly visit on sunday. That is what the staff are all saying at present. And whats (dippin dots buddies????) if youre talking about my sources, need i remind u that everything i have told u has been true, and about the loops, i told u last week, even bob(engineering) said that they would keep the loops? so why they have gone is anybodys guess. once again im just telling u what i have heard. If u would rather me not tell u all about the info and going ons at the park, just tell me. but i seem to be the only one constantly giving dreamworld info. please ppl come to my defence:(

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kennykoala - no one's taking jabs at you. By all means, if you don't want us to discuss things you bring up in a level-headed way, then don't come here posting things! You come here and repeat things that you've obviously heard around Dreamworld. We then discuss what you've said, adding our opinions and whatnot. You then come back and think somehow that because we're not saying "WOW! THAT'S COOL!!!!!!" we don't appreciate what you've said. Seriously, just calm down and don't get so defensive about everything.

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Where did I come up with Obstructure? It's a name. Where did you come up with Daniel? Just thought I would share with you all some information, perhaps this MAY build up some credibility so djrappa is satisfied :D Apparently (rumour says) the thunderbolt loops were taken down because they reconsidered keeping them and it wasn't worth it, instead they've kept part of the track and the cars, for a memorial kind of thing. That's what I got told today when I went in there for a play. I asked a few staff members in the shops/stands and that is what they told me. Probably took them down because they might have been rusty like the rest of the track was, and they might not have been worth the hassle of restoring.

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You really know how to make a good impression don't you Obstructure? Don't be so defensive. Lighten up and you might get some respect around here. For your information, I was simply asking about your name as there is no such word. You stated in another post you didn't come here to make enemies, but you seem to be going out of your way. How about you start all over again and we'll see how we go? I've got no problem at all with you stating how you think things work or your opinion, this is what this is for, but I suggest you revise your tactics and give it another crack. Lighten up you dolt.

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