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Best Ride at Movie world


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I think its better to go on rides in order of queue length, rather than the 'best' ones first. So I'd do something like -Turn up at opening. -Scooby Doo -Wild West Falls (Purely because it's nearby) -Hollywood Stunt Driver (First show is best because the arena faces west, so the afternoon shows cop more sun) -Then Superman/Green Lantern/Arkham depending on what you feel like. It remains to be seen how popular JL:AI3D will be and how quick the lines will move, so insert that somewhere in there.

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Superman is by far the best ride at the park. With that said ALL the rides are fantastic and can easily all be done in a single day even when it's fairly busy if you show up at 9:30 and leave at 5:30 (Queue up for a ride at 4:55 and you can still get on) I'd definitely follow Gazza's list, however I'd put Green lantern below Arkham and Superman purely because of personal experience with queue times, I've never seen Green Lantern queues go past 30 minutes while on the same days Superman and Arkham have ranged anywhere from 30-90 minutes, however someone correct me if I'm wrong. If you're really into thrill rides and want to make sure you fit them all in, I'd also most likely skip Wild West falls, it's a great ride don't get me wrong but if you're a rollercoaster hoon it's worth skipping for the others if you don't think you can fit it in.

Edited by BemaniAK
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  On 22/08/2012 at 12:39 PM, 'BemaniAK said:

I haven't even had time to soak in the theming just before the bridge :P

In the early days, I once waited about 2 hours for GL. It was so hot and I was about to die..then they told us they were putting another car on so the line would be faster. So that was another 30 minute wait, but the worst part was that they used to play the in line audio every 10 - 20 seconds. And yep surely enough I was stuck under the one that said, 'AHAHAHA GIVE IN TO YOUR FEARS!" Nearly everyone around me was about to kill themselves.. Well theres my story for ya ;) One of the worst line ups of my parks experience haha
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When I went to ride GL the week it opened I queued an hour in line while it continuously broke down every five minutes, which meant only 1/5 cars they ran through had people on it, the rest were test cars. We got to the point of the queue right under Parallax and after another half hour were informed the ride wouldn't open for the rest of the day.

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  On 23/08/2012 at 12:37 AM, 'RichardWilliamCollins said:

You didn't go on the same day I did do you? Sometime in early January? that would be kinda of cool if we were in the same exact queue that got told by that ride attendant to mention his name and come back later? I also got to about Parralax(the second time I tried to ride it)! Last time I was up there Green Lantern broke down three to four times while I was waiting in the queue. All up, I waited for 30mins the first time then said "to hell with this" and went on the Spaceshot, after it broke down again... then I came back for a second go in the afternoon when I saw it was back up, but it broke down again and it was near the end of the day... So I ended up skipping it(made a mental note to go on it on my next trip). Ended up costing me at least $4 in locker fees for a ride I didn't get to go on(should have complained in hindsight).... Still had a kick ass day anyway as I got to ride all the other rides(cept Lethal Weapon which was still that in January and which I've been on many times before). My favourites: 1. Wild West Falls Adventure Ride(Wild Wild West as I still like calling it!), whoever said you should skip this isn't correct at all(you need to ride this, especially if it's a hot day, it'll cool you right off).... after all these years It's my favourite ride still!!! You should fit it in right in the middle of your roller coaster binge to give yourself a "break". This is the kind of ride that really gives Movie World it's edge over other theme parks in this country. It's a unique experience that you can only really experience there. I'm a roller coaster Hoon, but as a genuine "bringing something Disney-like to our shores" nothing beats this ride. Not even Superman. 2. Superman Escape... nuff said about this one. Kick ass coaster ride with a great theme(both story and of cause John William's kickass tune to the Reeves' film)! 3. Scooby Doo Spooky Coaster - Love it when MXPX's cover of the theme comes on as you go backwards! I bought the soundtrack recently at an Op Shop, currently anyone who gets into my car better be prepared for when track 13 comes on!!!! "GOOOO!"(Cue foot to accellarator on freeway!) Still love this ride, although I think they should redo the pre-ride video, as the "making of" is making the ride look old. They should replace it with a specially written short animated cartoons setting up the ride's story(As it already is). 4. I've not been on Arkham Asylum, but Lethal Weapon was about here for me. I loved the ride, but choose to skip it last time(as I've been on it roughly 5 times already, and it was still Lethal).. I'll make sure to ride it after Green Lantern and Justice League on the next trip. 5. Batwing Spaceshot.... the ride isn't that bad, but also not exactly a stellar attraction on it's own. Still an enjoyable ride though. One that would seem more at home at Dreamworld though rather than Movie World. It's not a ride, but you have to fit in some of the street shows, and Hollywood Stunt Driver too. P.S. If you're a real Roller Coaster nut working on a budget and just want to go to the best coasters in the country, skip Dreamworld and visit SeaWorld instead. Sea Viper is an 80s classic, and Jet Rescue is rather suprisingly the second best coaster in Australia.....

Is Arkham Asylum still as bad as Lethal Weapon? Oh, and there is no problem about going to the parks. We are only going to Movie World anyway. We all love rides, and my friend is kind of sceptical about how good Aussie rides are. We want to show him that they are just as good. Thanks all of you for the help, and we may not go on Wild West Falls only because we don't want to get wet. Oh, and is it worth it buying the ride pictures? How much are they? I have also thought about something else for a few years. This is the possibility of making models of rides that you can take home to relive your experience. It could be $100 and I would still buy it. I don't know about the rest of you but is there are reason this doesn't happen?
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If you're really into thrill rides and want to make sure you fit them all in, I'd also most likely skip Wild West falls, it's a great ride don't get me wrong but if you're a rollercoaster hoon it's worth skipping for the others if you don't think you can fit it in.

Incorrect. Even on the busiest days, its possible to ride everything, so no need to skip Wild West Falls.
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  On 23/08/2012 at 1:33 AM, 'RichardWilliamCollins said:

you don't get that wet.... Dreamworld's River Rapids is alot worse in terms of how wet you get.....K'nex is already utilising that idea of yours:

Have to disagree on that point. I've never got more than mildly wet on River Rapids. You generally get soaked on WWF. At least of WWF everyone gets a least a little wet. Due to the tyre having no set rotation etc on River Rapids it's no uncommon that 2 ppl get wet And the other riders are bone dry at the end
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  On 23/08/2012 at 8:25 AM, 'joz said:

Not much love for Scooby in this thread...

Well, just in case it got missed, everyone should aim to ride this first, purely because its wide appeal and central location can mean long queues (Plus it's unmissable). If it's got a short queue, go for it! Edited by Gazza
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All the rides are awesome therefore get to the most popular rides first :D

See, that's a really good point these days...With Justice League opening (Turfing out a dated simulator I had little love for) and with Lethal Weapon "fixed up" I can't think of a single attraction that I wouldn't want to ride on a given visit. Edited by Gazza
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  On 23/08/2012 at 1:33 PM, 'Gazza said:

See, that's a really good point these days...With Justice League opening (Turfing out a dated simulator I had little love for) and with Lethal Weapon "fixed up" I can't think of a single attraction that I wouldn't want to ride on a given visit.

Who could miss those Tweety Bird Teacups.
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