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Theme Park food prices


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Has anyone else noticed the amount of complaint about the price of food being too high Dreamworld's Facebook page lately? It looks like everyone is just following the first kid who managed to get over 4k likes on the post. Do you guys agree with the complaints? Do you think that the public is being too greedy?

Edited by kujotess
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I think thats it, I don't mind if food costs more (Everyone tends to automatically compare with McDonalds/Hungry Jacks, even though there are plenty of mainstream chains which charge more...Grill'd, Nandos, MosBurger etc) But what is important is value for money. If it's expensive, it should be good quality.

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I have the stunt driver drink/popcorn refill cups from a year or two ago that I still use at MW, and I'm positive the price has dropped - last time we were there it was $3 each for a popcorn and frozen coke, and I'm sure I was paying more than that last year. My only slight gripe would be the kids meals are way better value than the adult ones - same size burger, chips plus a small drink, but they cost less. I'd like to see them add a drink to the adults meals at the least.

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I would rather buy a $15 good quality meal at a theme park then a $5 rushed meal at Mcdonalds. But most of the time I can't afford it, still I wouldn't go all out and post a complaint on the theme parks Facebook page, I think those people just want some likes.

You'll be surprised that the worst suburbs actually have the better Maccas food.... For example, you can't ever go wrong with Blacktown station's Maccas; perfectly made and better taste cause its not shit....
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This is really ridiculous, you really have to check out Dreamworld's Facebook to see the amount of try hard complainers fishing for likes all with the same complaint. 7 food related complaints in just 3 quarters of a day. Also another with over 4k likes. Oh and here's a quick laugh at how pathetic this one is... Fake or not. post-29097-0-20395100-1348905184_thumb.p

Edited by kujotess
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This is really ridiculous, you really have to check out Dreamworld's Facebook to see the amount of try hard complainers fishing for likes all with the same complaint. 7 food related complaints in just 3 quarters of a day. Also another with over 4k likes. Oh and here's a quick laugh at how pathetic this one is... Fake or not. post-29097-0-20395100-1348905184_thumb.p

I just lost my shit and posted this.

You inconsiderate little kid. We need to respect animals, not the other way round. This bird is obviously not fully imprinted to humans yet, and where i work in sydney, we heal injured wild animals from attacks by idiots like you and every now and then we get imprinted animals like emus's, hawks, owls, roo's and more. And our job is to reverse the imprinting to release them. The emu did the right thing because even if it was imprinted and didn't do that; as soon as you got the feather it would attack, and emu's attack just the same as their deadly cousin, the cassowary. So the wrist bending is just a warning cause hey, it could of been worse, and even the tamest of animals can flip in seconds. In my TAFE class we are taught bout the "FFF's" Fright, Flight, and Fight. The emu's attack is the margin between flight and fight, because its currently used to humans-almost. To add to it birds have some of the hardest emotions to judge aswell. This is not the parks fault- its your stupid selves. And lastly- harden the fuck up- i get bitten weekly by cockatoos and its not even the test bites....

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I mean - he seriously thought it would be ok to pull a feather out of the Emu for his little brother... and when it attacked him for trying, he's complaining? That would be like undoing your harness in the middle of a ride, falling out, getting the crap smashed out of you, and then telling dreamworld they should remove the ride because of his own stupidity... (although if you can undo your harness, something probably SHOULD be done about it). What does he expect dreamworld to say in response... "Yeah sure - it's totally ok to pluck feathers out of our birds... everyone does it! Last week - we had a busload of asian tourists - and they all took one! It's fine really - doesn't hurt the bird at all - and when they get bald, we just swap it out with another one we've got out the back... it only takes a week for the bird to regrow it's entire plumage!!! We have an endless supply! We're really sorry about your wrist by the way - here, have 5 tickets to next week's eviction show!"

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I would rather buy a $15 good quality meal at a theme park then a $5 rushed meal at Mcdonalds.

That's rather presumptuous, the only thing that makes Mcdonald's "rushed" is the factory pre-prepared food. Ive had some good maccas food, Ive had some bad maccas food, Ive had some good MW food, I've had some atrocious MW food, Edited by BemaniAK
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That's rather presumptuous, the only thing that makes Mcdonald's "rushed" is the factory pre-prepared food. Ive had some good maccas food, Ive had some bad maccas food, Ive had some good MW food, I've had some atrocious MW food,

At least MW makes things correctly and to order. I bought a quarter pounder a couple of weeks back and they put a lamb patty on it that was half cooked. Meanwhile everytime I go to MW I ask for no salsa on fully loaded nachos and it is right everytime. Maccas can't get a staple of the restaurant correct but MW can get a special order right... That isn't presumptuous, that's fact.
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^Will concur with that. I'm one of those pain in the backside customers that will do a grill order basically every time I come in (Even if its just ordering without pickles). And I hate to be one of those customers that says "You mess up my order every time", and its not every time (Maybe closer to 1 in 2 visits) But the rate of errors is stilll way too high considering a printed slip is stuck to the box saying exactly what i want (And I do look at the order screen to see that the request was punched in properly, so the problem isn't with the order taker). Just shits me.

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Oh and here's a quick laugh at how pathetic this one is... Fake or not. post-29097-0-20395100-1348905184_thumb.p

It's fake. There's posts like this on heaps of 'complaints' like that on other pages. Such as people having lightsaber fights with children in toy stores and complaining the staff kicked them out/etc.

I just lost my shit and posted this.

I mean - he seriously thought it would be ok to pull a feather out of the Emu for his little brother... and when it attacked him for trying, he's complaining? What does he expect dreamworld to say in response... "Yeah sure - it's totally ok to pluck feathers out of our birds... everyone does it! Last week - we had a busload of asian tourists - and they all took one! It's fine really - doesn't hurt the bird at all - and when they get bald, we just swap it out with another one we've got out the back... it only takes a week for the bird to regrow it's entire plumage!!! We have an endless supply! We're really sorry about your wrist by the way - here, have 5 tickets to next week's eviction show!"

If this is real, there is going to be a law suit next week

It won't get past a directions hearing.

^^^ trolled
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At least MW makes things correctly and to order. I bought a quarter pounder a couple of weeks back and they put a lamb patty on it that was half cooked. Meanwhile everytime I go to MW I ask for no salsa on fully loaded nachos and it is right everytime. Maccas can't get a staple of the restaurant correct but MW can get a special order right... That isn't presumptuous, that's fact.

That's beside his point, I won't argue that a lot of staff at Mcdonalds are completely inept and they make mistakes all the damn time (Especially the one outside MW) but that's not what he said, he said "rushed" which is simply untrue, the staff are not urged to go as fast as possible because their pre-preparation methods and kitchen layout are the reason they are so fast, they're on a mass production line. With that said, my very worst ever food experience still came from Rick's and I haven't been since.
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