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New Kids Ride for Movie World


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Just letting you guys know that Movie World has gutted out the old LTRR building for the new ride. Don't believe me? Here's proof! http://cdn.parkz.com...05415_thumb.png Picture taken near the exit for the ride or near that old marvin rocket ride. Plus when i went they were demolishing the marvin ride!


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Can't see the whole building from that only the exit, which I however agree that it does look worked on. I wonder if the ride zips in and out of the building? Like part of it is inside(the main street section?) and part of it is outside where the Marvin ride was? Kind of like a suped up version of a kids traffic school(and the traditional tunnel section could zip into the building, down "main street" and back out another exit! Would be cool for the kids if it did.... Just speculating. Ride queue could be near the other WB kids rides if it did, could start in the old Marvin ride location. And there could still be room for a second attraction in the building using the original queue.

Edited by colliric_855
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Can't see the whole building from that only the exit, which I agree does look worked on. I wonder if the ride zips in and out of the building? Like part of it is inside(the main street section?) and part of it is outside where the Marvin ride was? Would be cool for the kids if it did.... Just speculating. Ride queue could be near the other WB kids rides if it did, could start in the old Marvin ride location. And there could still be room for a second attraction in the building using the original queue.

Im pretty sure all of the building should be GUTTED but yes we can only see the exit
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Im pretty sure all of the building should be GUTTED but yes we can only see the exit

However if they demolished the Marvin ride, that means this is most likely an indoor AND outdoor attraction(that goes into the building probably for the "mini main street" and comes back outside for a traditional section, if you can understand that this attraction is REALLY a kids driving school but done on a "Movie World" scale. As you've noted in your other thread, it appears What's up Rock is "gone".... You don't think there could be a correlation? Perhaps IT could be the second attraction, and they're converting it into a Show Stage in one part, and a enclosed section of the driving school in another part of the Building? JUST SAYIN! Someone has to! Edited by colliric_855
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However if they demolished the Marvin ride, that means this is most likely an indoor AND outdoor attraction(that goes into the building probably for the "mini main street" and comes back outside for a traditional section, if you can understand that this attraction is REALLY a kids driving school but done on a "Movie World" scale. As you've noted in your other thread, it appears What's up Rock is "gone".... You don't think there could be a correlation? Perhaps IT could be the second attraction, and they're converting it into a Show Stage in one part, and a enclosed section of the driving school in another part of the Building? JUST SAYIN! Someone has to!

They WIILL NOT put a ride a show stage (Show Stage) is not going to be used for rides! They nearly did a soaring of calforina there but it got cancelled
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They WIILL NOT put a ride a show stage (Show Stage) is not going to be used for rides! They nearly did a soaring of calforina there but it got cancelled

What are you on about? Your post doesn't make sense. I think you misread what I wrote? I never said the Show stage would be converted to a ride. There's plenty of things that could happen... I was just saying there's a Distinct possiblity the LTRR Building could be refurbished to house both a stage area for a show, and at the back of it have an enclosed section of the Cars ride's Circuit/Track. And that's just my two-cents. I never said they would put a ride in the Show Stage area... Who knows? Perhaps they might just shut it off! I don't give a shit... I was talking about the LTRR building. Edited by colliric_855
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What are you on about? Your post doesn't make sense. I think you misread what I wrote? I never said the Show stage would be converted to a ride. There's plenty of things that could happen... I was just saying there's a Distinct possiblity the LTRR Building could be refurbished to house both a stage area for a show, and at the back of it have an enclosed section of the Cars ride's Circuit/Track. And that's just my two-cents. I never said they would put a ride in the Show Stage area... Who knows? Perhaps they might just shut it off! I don't give a shit... I was talking about the LTRR building.

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Most or all indoor rides are in soundstages, including scooby, justice league and the new demolished LTRR.. I don't think anyone doubted that, but this particular "sound stage" has been setup to be a "show stage", with the seating and lighting and control box and stage, this has been brought up in previous threads but the cost of removing all that to put in a ride probably shows more cons than pros in the matter.. (I think that's the point ninja was trying to make by saying they won't put a ride in a "show" stage) It still is a versatile venue (clearly) having run mazes and shows (TV shows included) since the western town showdown began around park opening.. Just needs the effort put back into it at the standards of Maverick for example

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Who's saying they couldn't do a ride in a showstage, it's definitely possible considering they did one where Scooby is. Ninja, no offence, but don't say something unless it's 100% possible.

So then why are you saying it is possible, without 100% proof? The point is, the building Scooby is in, is just a big shed with a flat floor...A box really that you can stick anything in, and it just so happened a fairly standard wild mouse layout fitted in perfectly. Big open sheds are quite good for building rides in you know: http://rcdb.com/1041.htm?p=10162 Similarly, the conversion from Batman to Justice League also showed how adaptable the building type is....Take out the simulator pods, fill in the pits where the hydraulics were, and all of sudden you have a nice flat floorcan fit a dark ride in there. Same goes for the Kids driving school. On the other hand, the show stage is build on an earthen hillside (Was originally an outdoor arena for the Western horse show, that was enclosed) with tiered seating, so by the time you get to the back row you've only got 3m of overhead clearance...It's a bit like trying to build a ride on the tiered seating area of the Stunt Driver arena. If you can do a quick cross section showing a strategy for the type of ride you could put in there, fine, but as it stands all it seems good for is: -A show. -Squeezing a Halloween maze on the flat bit of floor at the botttom. -Possibly something like some indoor waterslides, to make use of the apparent slope and the flat landing area at the bottom, but that would be stupid at MW. And its not like Storm Coaster, where the building is big enough to just drive earth movers inside and do what needs doing. Access is a major consideration in any adaptive reuse project.
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So then why are you saying it is possible, without 100% proof? The point is, the building Scooby is in, is just a big shed with a flat floor...A box really that you can stick anything in, and it just so happened a fairly standard wild mouse layout fitted in perfectly. Big open sheds are quite good for building rides in you know: http://rcdb.com/1041.htm?p=10162 Similarly, the conversion from Batman to Justice League also showed how adaptable the building type is....Take out the simulator pods, fill in the pits where the hydraulics were, and all of sudden you have a nice flat floorcan fit a dark ride in there. Same goes for the Kids driving school. On the other hand, the show stage is build on an earthen hillside (Was originally an outdoor arena for the Western horse show, that was enclosed) with tiered seating, so by the time you get to the back row you've only got 3m of overhead clearance...It's a bit like trying to build a ride on the tiered seating area of the Stunt Driver arena. If you can do a quick cross section showing a strategy for the type of ride you could put in there, fine, but as it stands all it seems good for is: -A show. -Squeezing a Halloween maze on the flat bit of floor at the botttom. -Possibly something like some indoor waterslides, to make use of the apparent slope and the flat landing area at the bottom, but that would be stupid at MW. And its not like Storm Coaster, where the building is big enough to just drive earth movers inside and do what needs doing. Access is a major consideration in any adaptive reuse project.

If this is a soundstage, as everyone says it is, it is MADE to fit giant pieces of set through it, those that are larger than an average earth mover. For all I care, put dingo's in there and do it that way... it would still make it possible. Even if it has been made to be a "show stage," does that mean what was once a showstage is now not. If you can actually 100% prove that there cannot be anything done to it other than another show, I will stand down my argument, but regardless of whether Movie World actually put a ride in there or not, it can still be done.
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Personally I would keep and shift What's up Rock to a new WBKids dedicated theatre in the Kids area in the old LTRR building, share it with the Cars ride(would be walled off). Then put an entirely new show on the original Show Stage to do with either DC Characters or bring back a new updated version of the Movie Magic demonstration show(I think that would be a fantastic idea, doesn't have to use the same name if they don't want to!). Use the Show stage for a few different shows if possible, and put on more elaborate short SFX shows than the Main Street ones. I think 3 dedicated show areas in each front Hub of the park is a good idea. One in the Kids zone in LTRR, Stunt Driver, and the Show stage(which isn't too far from the DC Hub or the old "Movies" themed area). I'm not that worried about "losing one ride building" unlike other users, as after all it would still house a major dark section of the mini-cars ride anyway. And it is one of their biggest ride buildings, it could house a dedicated kids show theatre(needed really) and even possibly the entire mini-cars ride, without an outdoor section?

Edited by colliric_855
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What I'm concerned with is the fact that the LTTR ride building is about 70 meters long, but with the addition of Marvin, it's about 100. The main thing that i'm questioning is that even if they use all of or part of the floor area, what's gong to happen with the upper half? The building is about 20-30 meters tall and you'd only need about 4 or 5 of that for this. When it was LTTR, it utilized the building in its entirety, with sky high sets plus the slope needed to actually run a water ride even if it is only like a meter in total. So I hope that this isn't the only plan for the building as it would be a MAJOR waste of space.

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Ride confirmed and "Mini Cars Driving School"From Website "Big fun for mini guests will be driving into Movie World this September with the opening of the exciting new MINI CARS DRIVING SCHOOL. Complete with its very own Mini Main St, mini cars and a whole lot of fun for mini guests as they drive around town in their own special cars.post-29245-0-20058200-1367999746_thumb.j

Edited by the12thworld
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What I'm concerned with is the fact that the LTTR ride building is about 70 meters long, but with the addition of Marvin, it's about 100. The main thing that i'm questioning is that even if they use all of or part of the floor area, what's gong to happen with the upper half? The building is about 20-30 meters tall and you'd only need about 4 or 5 of that for this. When it was LTTR, it utilized the building in its entirety, with sky high sets plus the slope needed to actually run a water ride even if it is only like a meter in total. So I hope that this isn't the only plan for the building as it would be a MAJOR waste of space.

Yes I agree... Could they make it two levels? Or just share it(cars ride one side, show theatre on another?). A Show theatre doesn't need that much space at all. Maybe seating for 300-500 people and a medium sized stage area. Being indoors would certainly help the What's Up Rock show, not harm it. And they could use it for more than 1 kids show. Would turn it back into a major Looney Tunes hub in my opinion, with the Cars ride also using tunes or KidsWB characters in it. ....unless the mini-cars ride isn't as mini as it sounds? Like the sets could be really elaborate and multileveled? But I doubt that somehow. Edited by colliric_855
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Yes I agree... Could they make it two levels? Or just share it(cars ride one side, show theatre on another?). A Show theatre doesn't need that much space at all. Maybe seating for 300-500 people and a medium sized stage area. Being indoors would certainly help the What's Up Rock show, not harm it. And they could use it for more than 1 kids show. Would turn it back into a major Looney Tunes hub in my opinion, with the Cars ride also using tunes or KidsWB characters in it. ....unless the mini-cars ride isn't as mini as it sounds? Like the sets could be really elaborate and multileveled? But I doubt that somehow.

Going off how low the Legoland ones are, i'm going to say that multi levels won't be as practical as one would think. Think of it like a carpark situation, how much trouble does that Skyline have getting up the most simplest of ramps?
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Going off how low the Legoland ones are, i'm going to say that multi levels won't be as practical as one would think. Think of it like a carpark situation, how much trouble does that Skyline have getting up the most simplest of ramps?

Got it... If they did use all the Building for the ride(I doubt it), then likely the sets will be elaborate like before.
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