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Adventure World New Coaster - Abyss


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I think it's safe to say that it looks almost identical... I wonder if the outside section will be to.

I'm guessing the outdoor bit won't be a direct clone, because the main outdoor bit of saw kind of extends to the left of the indoor section (See Google Earth), and Adventure World the hillside and park boundary is in the way if you wanted to do that,

That's not to say they haven't at least recycled the indoor section...If it fits a good amount of a track into a small space, why not do it?

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Yeah I noticed that wouldn't work Gazza. Which means we'll still be getting an awesome custom outdoor section with a recycled version of Saw's awesome, and surprisingly intense, indoor section.

I'm planning to head to Perth this Summer holidays once the coaster is open. Perth's a city I've considered visiting for quite some time and this has just given me more motivation to go.

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I'm planning to head to Perth this Summer holidays once the coaster is open. Perth's a city I've considered visiting for quite some time and this has just given me more motivation to go.

If you want to avoid the chance of me being there also, I'm up on Jan 9th and back on the 18th. Just in case! I was told the Coaster would definitely be open before that(they said specifically it would be open "Hopefully before Christmas"). Edited by colliric_855
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Based on what you have stated, i'd guess their point was "we're aiming for christmas, but can't guarantee it as there are too many unknowns and variables" rather than "it'll definitely be open before 2014" which is what you've tried to imply.

Personally, I hope severe weather prevents it from opening until the Australia Day long weekend.

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Based on what you have stated, i'd guess their point was "we're aiming for christmas, but can't guarantee it as there are too many unknowns and variables" rather than "it'll definitely be open before 2014" which is what you've tried to imply. Personally, I hope severe weather prevents it from opening until the Australia Day long weekend.

Doubt it, Seasonal Park, so I think they'll push for a November Opening, December at the latest. It is after all teased as "Summer 2013" not "2014".
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And here you are yet again reading into something what you want to hear, and then arguing it as fact. Not to mention - your story keeps changing...

I'm up on Jan 9th and back on the 18th. I was told the Coaster would definitely be open before that(they said specifically it would be open "Hopefully before Christmas").

So it's definitely open by Jan 9th.... but hopefully before Christmas.

Got the impression that was a pretty late date, it's July and a large section is already built. It'll be open before 2014.. That was their point I guess.

Then YOU got the 'impression' that it'll be open before 2014, and 'you guess' that was their point....

Doubt it, Seasonal Park, so I think they'll push for a November Opening, December at the latest. It is after all teased as "Summer 2013" not "2014".

Then you THINK they'll push for a November opening.

You said that the information you had was 'definitely by January 9th, and 'hopefully' by Christmas... then all of a sudden - you're throwing November into the mix?

What the?

Now... Here's the thing - if it's teased as 'Summer' it won't be November... since that is 'Spring'... But still... it's a 'teaser' for December. Although not as complex, a well known documentary following the construction of Tatsu saw the original opening date (late spring) pushed back and back and back, and from memory - it didn't open until the middle of summer.

Just because it's 'teased' to open in a certain season - if you're going to call December "summer 2013" then 'technically' January and February 2014 would be part of 'Summer 2013' as January February are part of the same season as December.

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. Just because it's 'teased' to open in a certain season - if you're going to call December "summer 2013" then 'technically' January and February 2014 would be part of 'Summer 2013' as January February are part of the same season as December.

Nah... January is Summer 2014, as in "post-New Year". Nice try though. Seriously though, you think the "announcement" coming up will give the date? Or just formally announce what we all know(that it's a Eurofighter)?
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This is looking great so far. And apparently it's $12m.... more than the GC parks normally spend on an attraction! Interesting that Adventure World is suddenly stepping up to the plate. Maybe they've just been saving up lots of money over the last few years to make this thing happen.

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According to the official page there will be a story on the new ride on Perths today tonight...tonight. Anyone want to record it?

Doesn't matter. Channel Seven posts all their news stories onto their YouTube channel, inc Today Tonight. And looks like Adventure World is also. Edited by colliric_855
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