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Luna Park Sydney - the future with Wet'n'Wild


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Luna Park then has third hand HUSS rides? Where did they originate? They do seem old when looking at it.

The Tango will probably be first on the chopping block, considering how often it goes into maintenance. LPS have done a great job maintaining the old boys since 1995 including the Flying Saucer and Wild Mouse. But the latter ain't going anywhere anytime soon.

Tail Spin type ride? Air Race? Power Surge? Disk O? Who knows what could happen.

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I've said it once I'll say it again, the Wild Mouse isn't going anywhere. The HUSS rides are going.

Neither will Coney Island or Crystal Palace.

I'm suggesting the Tango Train is going next because it shuts so often.

Then the Tumble Bug?

Then the Ranger and Spider? The latter three I don't know when they will go.

Maybe the rumoured new Big Dipper could be sitting in Maloneys Corner.

Anything regarding the future of the Rotor? Or the Ferris Wheel?

Time will tell what will happen.

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What follows is a mixture of what I have heard from some contacts who know some people at the Park and mu own personal opinion:

Rotor: not going anywhere. Looking a little tatty in places but it's seen some paint so it's not too bad.

Something to replace the Flying Saucer next year. Don't know what but in my opinion it won't be a Powersurge.

Ferris Wheel is not going anywhere. Just had a refurb - all cars removed and refurbed, wheel painted, new lights etc. They have changed to all-white lights to match the face, Crystal Palace. Looks better than the coloured ones that were there before.

Tango: surely they must be planning to retire the old girl soon. Spends a lot of time closed and also they don't seem to be doing any cosmetic improvements on it (as other rides have had recently) which suggests it's days are numbered.

Hair Raiser is getting a light package. Signage, shading, queue set up all in place and looking very nice indeed.

Tumble Bug - still turning but like the Tango appears as though they are nursing it along a bit. Hopefully the rumoured return of the Big Dipper is on the cards… wouldn't it be nice. But no word from my contacts on this so it is sadly just speculation I think.

Maze Runner Adventure will be on until 1 November. Apparently very well done.

Halloscream (LPS' halloween event) will be on 2 nights this year. Apparently last year there was a big light show on the buildings which was quite spectacular and it is happening again this year, along with various teen celebrity appearances etc (according the email from LPS) - included free with the annual pass if you buy before end of September.

They have also changed the Mirror Maze in Coney Island to a scare version with actors which is apparently good also.

Edited by Ranger Dude
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Anything regarding the future of the Ranger and Spider? Maybe they have had some cosmetic improvements. Maybe the Tumble Bug will go after the Tango. My prediction is that the Tango Train will be gone by the end of 2015 at the latest. I'll be getting my last pictures at the end of this year, assuming its still in operation.

I can then predict the Ranger will go after the Tumble Bug, and lastly the Spider.


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Bit premature to be quoting Tango Train as going? Lets wait for an official announcement or at least something more concrete than "your opinion". Tango is an old ride though. It first appeared in the 1980's incarnation of the park and has remained ever since.

Rotor or Ferris Wheel are obviously going nowhere as well. Rotor falls into the historical aspect and is unique to LPS history. Its place is

assured in the park's ride lineup.

Wild Mouse and Coney Island, as has been explained numerous times on these boards, are heritage listed.

So that just leaves the remaining HUSS rides. I've said it once and I will say it again, you do not have to be a genius to see that these rides are getting old and are ripe for replacing, especially if its already been stated on these boards before.

I am very cynical about any new Dipper rumour and will believe it when I see it.

What intrigues me is the upcoming replacement for the Flying Saucer. Its such a unique position that it is important that any ride placed there utilises its potential to its utmost. A Powersurge would work well but I hope LPS get something a little different, especially considering LPM have just installed one earlier in the year.

My preference is still to move Tumblebug to this position, freeing up this space for a larger attraction.

Moon Ranger? I predict this ride to go next actually. It is looking tired and is quite loud. It had modifications fitted to it a number of years ago in the shape of a large box structure around its central gear mechanism. This was because it was subject to noise complaints from nearby residents. Thankfully, this cannot occur again.

Spider just needs some love-it is still running fine, albeit a little slower than it COULD run. I think it will be the last HUSS ride to be replaced . It requires its fantastic "Spider" bridge from the 90's restored. Same for the Tumble bug's. Would go a long way to injecting some much needed atmosphere in Maloney's corner and less random "plonking".

Edited by Jobe
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The Moon Ranger: It never has lines and it sounds like it's going to fall apart but I still think they will retire the tango train first just because they keep having to maintain it. It's the same thing that happened to flying saucer, too much maintenance. It's sad but I hope they put some fun attractions in the spots of these huss attractions.

What could be at the flying saucer area? I think it could be a a pretty awesome ride.

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The Spider is going to go last. It's still looking good and running faster than in previous years.

Remember a few years ago the Ranger got a massive refurb but it is looking worn out.

I still believe the Tango will go first, just look at its downtime. It was even worse than the Flying Saucer, of which the same problems killed it.

I'm unsure about the Tumble Bug at the moment.

I'll pop in to LPS in December and take some photos.

I thought the Wild Mouse wasn't heritage listed?

It's not an ACE Coaster Classic either.

It's still staying no matter what, it's still very popular and enjoyable.

All in all, LPS have done a fantastic job maintaining the old boys for the past decade.

Now we have awesome rides to look forward to for the next 5 years.

Last note, when are they going to get rid of that bloody Big Dipper entrance if the Big Dipper rumour doesn't occur?

Edited by XxMrYoshixX
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Instead of Tango Luna park should remove the Tumble Bug instead, Recently Huss stopped making Troikas which will make it very hard to fix and buy spares.

Also removing it would free up space for a station and centre section for a roller coaster (Big Dipper Mk.3)

however I still wouldn't be surprised if Tango went first, I'm just saying it would be a better decision to remove Tumble Bug instead.

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The Spider is going to go last. It's still looking good and running faster than in previous years.

Remember a few years ago the Ranger got a massive refurb but it is looking worn out.

I still believe the Tango will go first, just look at its downtime. It was even worse than the Flying Saucer, of which the same problems killed it.

I'm unsure about the Tumble Bug at the moment.

I'll pop in to LPS in December and take some photos.

I thought the Wild Mouse wasn't heritage listed?

It's not an ACE Coaster Classic either.

It's still staying no matter what, it's still very popular and enjoyable.

All in all, LPS have done a fantastic job maintaining the old boys for the past decade.

Now we have awesome rides to look forward to for the next 5 years.

Last note, when are they going to get rid of that bloody Big Dipper entrance if the Big Dipper rumour doesn't occur?

Spider is running at exactly the same speed it always has. It is designed to operate much faster. It is not really looking that great either-it has not had a refurb since 2005.

The only refit Moon Ranger has had was in 2005, and again when they attached the sound proofing device over its main gear shaft-as I stated in my previous post. It had a name change to Moon Ranger 2 years ago with a new backdrop added-is this what you are referring to?

Trust me on this-Wild Mouse is heritage listed and protected.

The Big Dipper Entrance adds to the overall ambience and theming of the place-why would they tear it down? That would be a silly idea at this stage especially since LPS retain the rights to the name "Big Dipper".

Lastly one question-are you and MrMe still in school?- just curious.

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And also not to double post but Jobe I was referring to the name change.

My predicted retirement order for anyone:

Flying Saucer (already retired), Tango Train (to be retired between the end of the year- mid 2015) Ranger (late 2015- mid 2016), Tumble Bug (2017) and finally the Spider (2018?)

And also, yes I am still in school.

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I would support a new coaster in Maloney's Corner but consideration has to be given on its size. Maloney's corner is a very valuable piece of real estate for LPS to be taken over by one ride only. There would be very little room to relocate the other rides within the park. That is why the Tumblebug slab would be the preferred option for any new coaster IMHO- it would leave more room for other attractions and allow more flexibility. It's another reason that I feel that a smaller compact coaster would be successful.

A Skycoaster replacing Flying Saucer?

What a positively horrible idea.

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