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Luna Park Sydney - the future with Wet'n'Wild


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3 hours ago, smitty said:

First time poster long time reader here. Was doing my weekly theme park stalk and somehow ended up on a site that sells carnival/theme park rides (New and used). Clicked on one and to my surprise found the Tango train from Luna park for sale on the site!

Has anyone seen this before? I had read that something was going to happen with the tango train but thouht it was interesting to have it for sale (link below).


Interesting! It was about time's up for Tango train anyway...

I watched a POV of the coaster DWP discovered, it's awesome but waaay too short.

Edited by XxMrYoshixX
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A zipper and a Falling Star would be good (realistic) additions to Luna Park, and maybe a Round-up as well. I can remember the original Luna Park just before the fire, at the front there was a Round-up on the harbour side and a zipper on the cliff side.

A narrow-footprint Morgan mini-hyper would good, squeezed in against the cliff line - but I'm just dreaming there. Some rich people won't let that happen. Get RMC to re-do the wild mouse LOL.

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3 hours ago, Wil_i_am_not said:

Well, it was about time for the Tango Train but it always seemed to be broken down when I've been, managed to get on it once but that's about it. It's sad to see an old favourite go but this is really promising for the future. I'm praying for a coaster xD


Don't get your hopes in this case for a coaster.Sources from the park have confirmed that they will be making an announcement shortly on the fate of the Tango train and their plans for the site. They ended cryptically with "this change wont be signalling the "last tango" at Luna Park. Perhaps they are replacing it with a newer model or a similar ride.

As for the Flying Saucer space, they were equally as cryptic about this well. Whilst stopping short of saying that their future plans would definitely be for a new ride, they said that the space will be put to the best possible use for an amusement park.Hopefully they agree with the rest of us that the space and the park requires and needs another ride badly.

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As an aside also, it is interesting to note that Mystery Manor appears to be extending its tenure at the park. LPS own Mystery Manor , it is not a third party's attraction. It has been a great success since its introduction and has been quite popular so the decsion has been made to keep the attraction indefinitely.  Time will tell if it becomes a permanent attraction but it is great to see the park  develop in house attractions such as this.


I went through Mystery Manor for the first time last Saturday.  It is recommended for ages 12 and up and you must be a yellow band holder, although they will accept 10 years and over with an adult. We were there with a collecfive group of  5 x 10 year old boys and they were very keen to do it. After completing the walk thru,  not one could be cajoled back for a return visit.  A full day wrist band entitles you to 2 passes through Mystery Manor.

I was very surprised at the level of detail inside-there were 3 performers inside and they were excellent with the crowd. They were certainly interacting well and the level of scares was good. Inside the walk thru,  it was pleasantly air conditioned and you are certainly monitored on CCTV throughout the walk through,  as you would expect. 

The only real issue with Mystery Manor is its terrible through put. Although quite short, only groups of 4 were let in at any given time. Whilst the lines were not terribly large, it was the attraction that invoked the longest queue waiting times of the day. LPS will need to work on this if it is to become a permanent addition. The attraction was run with 3 performers and one ride attendant,  which is quite efficient for an attraction of this genre.

Overall it is an excellent addition to LPS lineup. However I am not convinced it will have the legs or the buzz factor to be nothing more than a semi permanent , seasonal addition. Of course, having the ability to change the layout , scares and actors will help keep the attraction fresh. It would be brilliant as a Ghost train type attraction if it was mated to a ride system but this may not be a particularly popular idea, considering LPS tragic history with its former Ghost train. If they did however,  and they kept it similar to the spirit of this attraction, it would have the potential to be one of Australia's Haunted attractions. Definitely an idea for the park to muse over!

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^It's a fantastic attraction, I was so pleasantly surprised.

As far as capacity goes, they might need to tweak that unless they don't mind serious waits. Perhaps have a group in the first room while another group is going through, and see if they can squeeze six into a group, or at least to make an effort get five in a group. Last time I was there, if there was 3 in a group they didn't bother trying to find a pair (they only did this if there was 2 on their own going in).

This is a great example of a small addition that can add enormous value to the experience at the park.

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Hey everyone! I went to LPS today so I just thought I'd post a bit of a Trip Repot.

I got a sampler pass (because I wasn't trying everything today, it was just a quick visit) and headed straight to Maloney's corner and because Freak Out was there, I jumped on for a ride. WORST. RIDE. EVER. Once the ride got up to full speed, we went up around 4 times before we stopped so my ride lasted 40 seconds. I thought it was going to start back up again but no, the safety bars unlocked and we walked out. So, basically, $10 for a 40 second ride. :(


Next I checked out Mystery Manor and WOW, was I impressed! Me and another guy walked in and not to spoil anything, but the man in the room sat there and stared at us for a long time and we talked about Sushi with him, lol. The actors were amazing and got really up close in your face and the theming was brilliant! Not very long but still amazing.

Nothing new to report with the Flying Saucer area except a sign that said we're working on the area. Tango Train was working well but definitely showing its age. I took some photo's but please excuse the crappy quality as they were taken on my phone. Thanks :)





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  • 4 weeks later...

I visited LPS today and noticed this underway at the old Big Dipper station. Entrance for the Tumble Bug was via some stairs that are in the staff only area, which has been kind of sectioned off for the public to use. A large area on the platform beside the Tumble Bug was also fenced off. Probably just building works, but wouldn't it be nice if.....


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^^I went on Friday after work. They might doing some restoration as well. The tumble bug entry has been re-routed via the Dodgem Cars entrance.

Did a couple of laps of Mystery Manor, as always I was impressed and they were fogging it up, which I haven't seen in there before on previous visits. Important note for visitors, Mystery Manor is not open the entire time the park is open on some days. For example on Friday, it was open 12-3pm and then from 6pm to 10pm.

Hair Raiser doesn't smash you at the bottom like it used to. I noticed this last time I was there, and thought it might have been an anomaly, but it does seem smoother.

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