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Fright Night 2013


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Have just bought a Fast Track pass for Friday. Decided it was worth the 40 odd dollars because I'm only going one night this year and might as well make use of it. How much shorter are the wait times for the Fast Track? Say Hillybilly 2 is something like 40-50 minutes would Fast Track just be 10-15 minutes wait?

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  On 21/10/2013 at 8:51 PM, Bmull19 said:

Yeah, you obviously went in when wristbands were still being given out, but when you came back it just clocked over to the park being clear of daytime visitors (therefore, no need for wristbands). The guy was only doing his job.

Yes of course I went in when wristbands were being handed out.... they were being handed out all night. The park was being cleared of vistiors as I walked in, as I stood around for 10 minutes, as I spoke to 2 different staff members, as I walked back and got my wristband, and for around 30 minutes after that. Not sure what your point is there.

Some of you need to learn the difference between a complaint and a comment. Let's recap

First night I went, no wristband needed. No problems from anyone all night.

Second night I went, entered park at the same time as night one, no wristband given, politely asked by one lady why we didn't have them on, explained we were not provided them and didn't need them night one, showed the SP ticket, "no problem, just keep the ticket with you".

Stopped by that guy who was in charge, explained everything to him, he tells us to please go get a wristband from the front.

Walked to turnstyle, asked for wristband

Was told we don't need one with SP tickets

Asked for one anyway and explained what happened and was given wristband

Went back and gave the boss guy a heads up that turnstyle staff didn't know SP holders needed wristband

Boss guy was too busy telling idiots to gtfo on the other side of the rope and walk around the fountain to seem to care.

No problems with that, he could have been more of a 'people person' considering his role, but he probably is, and was just pissed at idiots who can't comprehend simple instructions.

  On 21/10/2013 at 9:25 PM, Linus1995 said:

Have just bought a Fast Track pass for Friday. Decided it was worth the 40 odd dollars because I'm only going one night this year and might as well make use of it. How much shorter are the wait times for the Fast Track? Say Hillybilly 2 is something like 40-50 minutes would Fast Track just be 10-15 minutes wait?

ED queue without fastpass ~30 minutes

ED queue with fastpass ~3 minutes

All mazes can be done in one night, and you may be able to fit in a SE ride as well if you skip food and plan it right.

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Well since we're going to do descriptions since we're going this Saturday might as well. Besides the one holding a phone filming the whole thing I will be the one wearing dark shorts and dark T-Shirt, just for interest. BTW I'm a teenager, not an adult...just for interest. Who knows, maybe I'll see you guys there in a glimpse, perhaps not. Only two more days to go until Saturday!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cannot wait, been waiting all year for this year's Fright Nights.

See you there :)

  On 21/10/2013 at 11:21 AM, reanimated35 said:

I will be going friday and saturday

I'll be the guy in the shirt and shorts with the dark brown hair.

Oh and last description of me I also have dark brown hair but mainly in sunlight, at night...well its going to be black since my dark brown hair is a bit too dark. Anyway I will go and do all four mazes even though from what I've heard, Darkness isn't so great but the fact you can't see anything is enough for me to go. Anyway thanks for all of the information as its been giving me great coverage and ideas of the night and by the sounds and looks of it, this year's Fright Night will be the best yet :)

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Yes of course I went in when wristbands were being handed out.... they were being handed out all night. The park was being cleared of vistiors as I walked in, as I stood around for 10 minutes, as I spoke to 2 different staff members, as I walked back and got my wristband, and for around 30 minutes after that. Not sure what your point is there.

Definitely not giving out wristbands all night. Only up until about 5:20-5:25ish until day time visitors are clear.

But sorry, didn't realise you worked in admissions for Village. I'll be sure to take note of that next time ;)

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  On 23/10/2013 at 8:27 AM, Bmull19 said:

Definitely not giving out wristbands all night. Only up until about 5:20-5:25ish until day time visitors are clear.

But sorry, didn't realise you worked in admissions for Village. I'll be sure to take note of that next time ;)

Your apology is accepted

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Just got back from fright nights an hour ago and had an awesome night once again! I started off the night with Green Lantern and Batwing Spaceshot and both were pretty awesome at night especially Batwing! Then we grabbed our fast tracks but headed over to Scooby Doo first, we were the next group to be put through (via the extension queue) but they had technical difficulties, we decided to hang around for a bit but that was 15 to 20 minutes, so we decided to leave and head over to the darkness maze. Since I had fast track, I had got to go at the front and that was pretty scary yet awesome, the actors got right up in your face and everything, (8.5/10). After the darkness we went over to the soundstage mazes and went on Walking Dead first, this was diffently upped the anti since two weeks ago, heaps of scares and great scenery, (9/10). After WD, we went on ED and was a bit of a let down from last time, first of all, Mia wasn't at the first scene, second of all, the girl with the electric cutting knife wasn't there (guessing on her break) and lastly the girl with the chainsawn was awesome, (8/10). After ED, we headed over to the HS2, I also got the front on this one and once again and was awesome! The scene with the pig woman in the cage, it reaked of feces!!! but thats all, otherwise it was great, (8.5/10).

All in all, I would recommend buying a fast track as we got all the mazes done, saw Carnevil and did two rides all before 9:30 :) and also, Carnevil was pretty awesome, but pretty short in my opinion. Thanks for reading my review :)

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Well Saturday is here and I cannot wait to go. Already preparing for the big night ahead. I will take pictures (maybe) and hopefully film the whole thing on my android phone. I will make sure to get through all four mazes without fast track (I have a plan) and go on some rides. From all the reviews tonight will be great. All in all I think the actors get better each night which will make tonight spectacular.

See You There (very unlikely but meh.) :)

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  On 25/10/2013 at 10:23 PM, Hdutt2 said:

Well Saturday is here and I cannot wait to go. Already preparing for the big night ahead. I will take pictures (maybe) and hopefully film the whole thing on my android phone. I will make sure to get through all four mazes without fast track (I have a plan) and go on some rides. From all the reviews tonight will be great. All in all I think the actors get better each night which will make tonight spectacular. See You There (very unlikely but meh.) :)

i recomnd to do Hillbilly or Walking Dead first
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I went last night so I guess its only far that I post a review. Sorry for the length of it!

The Darkness

This was my first maze of the night, and I gotta say it was quite suspenseful. I do agree that the maze was not up to the standard of the others, but for a quick “warm-up” to get the heart rate up, it was definitely fun. Most of the scares were quite weak, especially how you could easily see most of the actors that were meant to be disguised. I would not recommend a wait over 30 mins for this.

The Walking Dead

TWD was the second maze of the night for me and the first soundstage, and I gotta say I was quite impressed. The effort that was put into the sets were just astonishing, especially the RV. The only problems I really had with the maze was long gaps without scares. The were just certain times were you had a break and could admire the scenery that could have had a very effective scare. I only went on with fast track so I can’t exactly say how long the queue was, but I did see in down the road.

The Evil Dead

Evil Dead has got to be my favourite of the night. Just like TWD, ED had some amazing sets, and some very effective scares. I wouldn’t say it was a beautiful or astonishing as TWD, but just the fact that you walk in almost pitch-black darkness up to the cabin with your heart-pumping was just the best feeling. If you do go through, just try to admire some of the scares, such as the scrim towards the beginning, the Gillie suit and the finale. Once again, I did check how long the line was but it was definitely shorter than TWD.

Hillbilly Slasher 2

I didn’t get to go through this maze last year, but I am so glad that it was brought back. I do agree that the sewer tube did feel a little hard to work through, but that was made up with the all the theming and originality in this maze. There were some very effective scares in this maze, especially if your at the back. If you are, just constantly look behind you because you never know who will follow you home. I didn’t get to check the wait time of this, but it was definitely around Dirty Harry’s.

What could be improved…

People touching the actors was one of my biggest peeves, especially during TWD. A group of about three people obviously had not read the signs scattered throughout the queue and were giving a couple of zombies a hug and tried to literally pull someone of his pedestal. They got their just desserts when one zombie growled back and said “DON’T TOUCH ME”. For the rest of the maze they were just confused and angry that they couldn’t touch the actors. For the safety of the staff, please put signs around the queue and say a safety spiel as you walk through.

The next thing is little kids. Personally, I’m fine with kids going to the event as long as they are mature. If a 12yr old can watch Nightmare on Elm and not have nightmares and wants to go, let him. But what really pisses me off is parents that take their 8yr olds. Please, please next year implement an actual age restriction were you could be turned back if you are underage age. Seeing little kids crying as they leave Evil Dead just makes me feel so sorry for the youngsters.

Finally, please fix the queues. Although the queue set up was good, they didn't anticipate the amount of people in each queue which lead to a lot of confusing. You know when people cant find the Fast Track entry and when people get confused between the queue for Hillbilly and Scooby, something has gone wrong.

All in all, it was an amazing night and I cannot wait for next year. I think the Golden Age of Aussie Haunts is about to begin!

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  On 26/10/2013 at 1:12 AM, Zanstabar said:

The only problems I really had with the maze was long gaps without scares. The were just certain times were you had a break and could admire the scenery that could have had a very effective scare.

The next thing is little kids. Personally, I’m fine with kids going to the event as long as they are mature. If a 12yr old can watch Nightmare on Elm and not have nightmares and wants to go, let him. But what really pisses me off is parents that take their 8yr olds. Please, please next year implement an actual age restriction were you could be turned back if you are underage age. Seeing little kids crying as they leave Evil Dead just makes me feel so sorry for the youngsters.

I've found that the 'long gaps without scares' work well - if you go through the mazes with scare after scare after scare, you hear them ahead of you and you anticipate it.

When you walk through for a while, you get the feeling theres a scare coming, but not sure what, or where, it builds fear, and makes the sudden shockscare even worse.

That said, when we went through HS last year, we were at a point where there were no scares, and the anticipation on another scare coming kept building and building until... we walked out the exit without any other scare... that was a bit disappointing...

As for kids - it's my biggest pet peeve for HFN - they tried with warnings about unsuitable content last year but it didn't work.

The problem is there is no differentiation in VIP passes between adults and children, so those with FN tickets included (gold) which were all upgraded for free anyhow, want to use them - because they're free.

So just like when you see an adult carrying a child onto a ride that they are obviously too scared to go on, and watching the adult force the child on - this is exactly the same with FN, because the adult doesn't want to have wasted the time queueing free ticket.

Even if it's the same price, they shouldn't issue an 'adult' VIP pass to children who would qualify for a child's ticket if they paid for a one day entry. ID should be required and anyone who meets the admission criteria for 'child' should have a slightly different VIP ticket - even if it's $5 less, that doesn't include fright nights.

Edited by AlexB
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So I went to tonight's event after walking around at the Gold Coast 600 all afternoon, and damn my legs are sore, and I'm sunburnt.

Tonight I felt just wasn't as good as the last few nights. Evil Dead had changed a few of their actors and they just didn't seem to pull it off as well as usual. In saying that, it might have just been because I've now done the maze about 5 or 6 times.

Lined up for GL, took about 30mins or so. The queue was only back to the banana teeth guy. Got a ride with audio and the logo on the front of the car pulsing.

Went over to Walking Dead - thank god I'd seen it the first night - it wasn't that late - only about 9:15 when we went through - 90% of the actors were missing. Saw maybe 6 in the entire maze. None near the cars at all - there was probably about 4 just in that area alone last time.

Walking out of there, saw 2 of the chicks from ED leaving for the night (carrying their bags and heading out). As we were heading back through the park, it was probably about 9:30/9:45, the stage gone from main street, saw 2 of the Darkness guys presumably leaving (heading over towards WWF). As we were in the line for Scooby (blah blah, it's the same at night - yes, but we'd done the mazes and wanted one last ride before we left) we saw yet another Darkness guy wander up the street a little towards WWF, but then stop and just sit on the bench opposite the Scooby queue. I mean sure, it's late, but the mazes were still open - that means there's people who still want to see stuff - don't send you staff home at 9/9:30 when there's still at least an hour and a half to go.

Hopefully they learn from this year (not a chance) and realise they shouldn't let so many bloody people into the park. They were doing groups of 14 through WD to try to move the queue faster and the staff looked really rushed. Not to mention you can't walk 3 steps without almost walking into someone.

Overall the event is great, but it would benefit so much more with a few hundred less people allowed in.

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I have a things to say about last nights event I was disappointed that the group before kept slowing down making us looking like we are meant to do the hands on shoulders thing. The actor in hillbilly before you enter said "We are gonna eat you tonight since there's so many of you!" The only maze that I thought was good was the darkness because the maze isn't that lot long and plus we wouldn't have to be the 1meter away from them. As rest for the other three mazes? Yes they kinda sucked Walking Dead was horrible because 5 teenagers were behind me kicking me on and not doing the hands shoulders thing and caught to the group in front of us . Evil Dead was horrible as well as I went the maze twice (ONE WITH FAST TRACK) if group before us kept slowing down making things complicated. Hillbilly Slasher was not bad until we reached the house with newspapers. Once we went in the house the group thought they can back off and slow down like ED the actor in the cage wasn't there... Before you enter any mazes expect The Darkness there's a sign that to not touch the actors inside the maze the signs well hidden in TWD and ED but i got a picture of sign outside the entrance of Hillbilly Slasher

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I attended last night as well, and for me, yes there were crowds, but having attended a few of these events now, an empty park is not what I expect when entering, and honestly, whilst it was busy, except for the queue for Hillbilly slasher, the queues for every other maze and the show was bearable and acceptable. With the exception of not seeing the Main Street show, I was able to see and experience every attraction once, and that included long periods of sitting and relaxing, and leaving earlier well before park closing.

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Hey guys :) Okay for starters I loved the event as a whole, the theming of the park was great and the mist was heavy and Club Blood, Main Street and the Fountain near Superman Escape were just as spectacular as ever. Firstly there was a lot of people and I mean a lot of people last night, it was chaos. The opening show was good, introducing the people that were going to scare us and the Ringmaster who's laugh was just a mimic from the one coming from the speakers. Anyway loved the end of the opening because literally an army of scare actors walked towards us since we got the front of the middle of the street for the best view of the opening. Leatherface got right in my face with his chainsaw and I swear I got a few drops of water or petrol or whatever it was coming from that thing. Pigface guy went under and literally pushed through my sister who wasn't expecting that whilst filming. And just when we thought it was safe down goes the rope and there goes the actors who start chasing everyone in the mist, brilliant.

Headed down to Hillbilly Slasher II first and was surprised that even after being at the front and being at Movie World early (went into Fright Nights at 5:00) there was still a 30min wait for the maze...but it was worth it.

Hillbilly Slasher II: Okay so this was much better than the previous experience and scarier but still felt the same but oh well, the actors were much better than last time. Okay so firstly we went through the new sewer entrance part of the maze which really set up the scene well with the Hillbilly guy yelling and screaming at us about cutting our face and all sorts of nonsense and of course eyeballing us down before approaching the forest. A scare actor jumped out at us in the forest part but I felt there should have been someone else near the end of it as you walk past the car crash scene, someone could have been there. Then we approach the home where this woman (who mind you my Sister said "Look its your future wife!" which I just laughed at as the woman went to my sister and told her that she was pretty and to not let anyone cut her face to pieces.) She then stalked us for a while as we went past boxes and crates which I swear could have had someone in it for a scare but didn't. Then we went past an afro hillbilly with a large knife who tried to get up in my face before my dad told him he looked like Sam Thaiday and the actor just laughed. Afterwards there were hallways and then the caves with the pigmen who really got in my sisters face with only one paying attention to me. I just told them they ripped it off Saw before we got out. It was scary but not terrifying, however it had good theming throughout.

Continued on our way and me and my sister went on Superman Escape (20 min wait) before heading down past the burlesque vampire women in the cages and went to Evil Dead. Now this was when I think people started to lose their patience. Firstly the line was bloody long, I mean it was a 90-100min wait just to get in the maze. And then you just see the Fast Track people going along enjoying their time, what torture. At least you hd the soothing sound of chainsaws and people screaming to tell you the maze is going to be good. Although what they should have had was the actual film just playing on a large screen since it would have been finsihed by the time we got in there. It was the length of the film. But after a long wait we finally made it in and it was my fav for the night.

Evil Dead: Okay from the get go you walk through a forest and head into the flashing lights of the dim cabin where the infamous line from the book is written on the walls amongst other explicit lines. After that you head down a couple of hallways and then one of the walls move to reveal a woman in the window with a piercing scream which literally would have damaged my ears if I was right next to it...but it helped set up the mood. After that we walked to the tree rape scene where my sister got her first jump scare of the night as a scare actor in really well done camoflague burst out of the forest and got right in her face. After that we walked through the shed and into the below attic of the sinister cabin with the dead pigs all along the walls. This is when things got interesting. Firstly going into the lounge room was good, looked down to see a mechanical Mia trapped in the trap door like the film before the guy with the glasses rushed right at me and I got a good scare for I did not expect that one bit. Afterwards was the bathroom where out of the shower came the chick with the screwed up mouth holding the electric knife and in the next bathroom was a lady covered in blood with a knife on her knees right by my legs. Didn't notice her at all until I looked down, good scare. Afterwards was the part which again got my sister and my dad too a good scare when another actor got the nail gun and shot at us. Then came the last part through an elaborate door where we were faced with Mia holding a chainsaw and almost running us out of the maze. Almost the entire group sped up at that part. All in all it had the best theming, good recreated scenes from the film and good actors, it was scary and heart thumping and I loved it.

Afterwards went to watch Carnevil which was good in my opinion but was way too short for the build up. Afterwards it was getting late and the maze lines were ridiculous so we just went on scooby which was an even longer wait than Evil Dead. Went in the line at 9:30, got on at 10:50, second last ride for the night. Afterwards the place was literally empty and it was time to go. Overall it was a fun night but shame we couldn't go in all the mazes. Way too many people on the night, was sold out but was still the best Fright Nights I've been to. Next year will go again but this time with fast track...definitely.

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  On 26/10/2013 at 4:37 PM, djrappa said:

Well something would have to give. Less people means less money so you'd either have to have A) a lesser experience, theming, actors, etc B) higher entry price to compensate What are people's thoughts on which way to go? Or is it fine the way it is now??

TBH, I'd rather pay the higher entry fee.

As I said, the event as a whole was great, it didn't seem as bad the first few nights, but last night it felt like they'd let a lot more people in, and sent a lot more staff home early.

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