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Fright Night 2013


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Well its no lie. Although it was on the day of the event, and they may have had it covered earlier during the day (I saw it around 2-3pm)... But still, I was there as a day guest and it surely wasn't covered when I walked by it. By the way, this was in front of the superman sign, they had a set up with cars and helicopters from PA with blood and bloody people scattered on them and the spider that is now in Scooby with a dead person in it's mouth. This was in 2008. Photos here - http://www.themeparkreview.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=47341. Believe what you want..

Edited by kujotess
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I just think its odd you're seemingly fine going to fright nights, but a helicopter and car with some plastic dummies on it in, just sitting there in broad daylight (that youd be able to see from a decent walking distance away on approach) "scared the living shit" out of you.

Edited by Gazza
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No new information here, but the media alert came in...

This year’s Fright Nights at Movie World is set to be the scariest yet with the first of seven events starting on Saturday 5 October.

Guests are invited to experience Movie World’s dark side as an evil presence is cast over the park and the dead, the demons and psychopathic maniacs are woken.

Once darkness falls, they’ll lock everyone in, make them run for their lives, and challenge them to take on some of the most horrifying mazes they’ll ever experience.

This year’s Fright Nights will feature four mazes that are set to scare even the most experienced thrill-seekers, including an all-new Walking Dead Maze, Evil Dead Maze, Hillbilly Slasher II Maze and The Darkness Maze.

Expect to see some coverage on FB pages/traditional media outlets tomorrow.

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I think it just says Maze at the bottom, so 6 mazes in total. To be honest I think Jake Thrupp is a terrible reporter in those Fright Nights videos. He talks too slow and is pretty uninteresting.

I agree with you about Jake Thrupp. Personally, I would much rather see the behind the scenes videos done by one of the designers of the event. What I don't agree with you is that there will be six mazes. Firstly, we know that Carnevil is a show because of the videos, dropping the number down to "5".Also, when the mini-site was finally updated, the maze list only went up to four. So it looks like four mazes and two shows.

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I think it just says Maze at the bottom, so 6 mazes in total.

Yeah... You're actually very wrong there mate. As for jake thrupp, i reckon he's very awkward in the interviews, movie world are obviously using him because he's Cody simpson's friend and he has 100k+ followers on all his social networking sights. I don't know if you all would know who this guy is but jake's been asking other popular people like Kurt Coleman to tell people to go to fright night on Saturday night. Fame > Talent. Edited by kujotess
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Does anyone know what time the opening of fright nights start ? Also I am guessing we will be seeing the thriller dance again this year.


If anyone goes to Fright Night tomorrow night can they post their thoughts on it and whether it is worth going to this year.

Having previewed Evil Dead, Walking Dead and speaking to staff... YES! Worth it :)

Movie World just posted this pic on their Facebook. Looks like Evil Dead will be über gory and following closely to the film!

Very faithful to the film and "über gory"

Fright Night 2013 Media Preview - A few pictures from inside Walking Dead and Evil Dead

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Just came back from the event!! Did all 4 mazes!! Hillbilly- Very good maze there's only one new scene and the rest is the same from last year. Walking Dead- Good maze and lots of scares in it. Very good maze. Evil Dead- Same as Walking Dead good maze and lots of scares but I think Walking Dead is better Darkness- Disspointed with this nothing really to see in the maze compared to other mazes all you see is just black in there (I think that's why it's called the darkeness) and yeah that was it That's all what i had to say for this year!! THE END. Oh p.s I twisted my leg in The Walking Dead Maze coming out of the caravan :(

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Anyone that went last night, how long were the lines and how busy was the event?

Yes I went. Queue lines were not that bad I waited 5 mins for Hillbilly. 20 mins for Darkness, 50 mins for Walking Dead when I came out it was an hour and a half wait. 25 mins for Evil Dead. and yes it was busy. PS If you go to the park before 5:00pm you will get a wistbrand that allows you to stay in the park while the rest of the people wait outside the entrance.. If anyone is going to event I suggest to head to Hillbilly or Walking Dead first the queue lines were massive. When carnevil or space cowboy is on that's a good time to do all the mazes when shows is on progress... Edited by The_Ninja_59
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Does anyone have a more detailed and logical review on last night?

^Yep went through evil dead, lots of scares, went though walking dead, lots of scares, went through darkness, was pretty dark though, went through Hillbilly slasher, lots of scares. Was good.

Overall the night was good and had lots of scares.

Edited by Gazza
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Okay I've been excited all year for the 2013 Fright Nights, I've been to 2012 and 2011 Fright Nights so excited about this one after hearing so much news about it all year. Anyway I'm going 26th of October, the second last night its on, but I was wondering if there were any iconic horror icons this year like the previous years. Since I know someone's gone to Fright Nights last night I was just wondering because all I've seen are the undead, the three mascots and some other creatures.

But I also want the main ones to be throughout Movie World scaring people, so were there any horror icons there? I did find it a bit depressing how Hillbilly Slasher II hasn't been expanded upon greatly I mean all I've heard is that its just the same maze except with an added scene. Did the actor's get an improvement from last year to at least top this? Last years scare actors for the Hillbilly Slasher maze were a bit off and not entirely scary whatsoever so they better have improved to justify adding one simple scene to the maze, is the new scene worth it?

Well only 20 days to go until I get to go to Fright Nights!

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