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In your opinion, what is the most intense ride on the Gold Coast?

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What do you personally consider to be the most intense ride on the Gold Coast? I expect to see a lot of people saying either Giant Drop or Superman Escape but I actually consider the AquaLoop water slide to more intense, standing on that trap door and awaiting the drop is terrifying (but the anticipation is half the fun), and then there is the actual drop and the loop.

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Apparently some people get stuck on the AquaLoop right after the trap door release rather than not making it around the loop

I'm happy to admit if i'm wrong, but I call bullshit on this one. I just don't see how the laws of physics would work here - unless their can was too big to fit through the chute...

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Most intense ride in my opinion would have to be either the Cyclone or Arkham Asykum both rattle you around like crazy!

Personally, the Cyclone is a bit boring at times, but it does give you a good rattle!

I usually don't get sick on rollercoasters, but after riding Arkham (back when it was Lethal Weapon) I did feel a little bit sick.

giant drop nothing beats it

Giant drop closely follows Arkham for me

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I'm happy to admit if i'm wrong, but I call bullshit on this one. I just don't see how the laws of physics would work here - unless their can was too big to fit through the chute...

I find it hard to believe myself, it's just something i've been told and it could be a possibility for a larger person as the AquaLoop tubes are smaller than those of a regular enclosed water slide.

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^...hence why the maximum weight limit of around 130kg (it varies between parks) was imposed.

I'm still struggling to figure out how this is even believeable. Short of some 'simpsons-esque' type situation, nobody is getting stuck. For starters - the launch tube is around the same size as the rest of the slide. Secondly - they weigh you before you get on.

The only way someone is getting stuck on it is if they are morbidly obese, and all operators are blind and not paying attention - and then maybe.. just MAYBE someone might jam up - but i still call bullshit. this is hypothetical, and not even feasible hypothetical.

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Gravity pushes u back down? Technically that is 'just falling' Intense is such loose term that every person would have a different description of, especially when it comes to rides. I wouldn't consider BW to be intense in the slightest. The launch of SE is intense, but the rest of the ride isn't. Arkham would probably be the most continually intense ride for mine, though I don't consider it to be the best coaster, nor my favourite. Wipeout can be quite intense when it's throwing u around on the spins.

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Superman Escape for me. I almost always grey out at the bottom of Superman's top hat up into the first camelback hill.

However, for pure positive G's I'd actually say Arkham Asylum. I had no idea SLCs were so intense until I finally rode one without having to brace myself against a torrent of headbanging at every transition.

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