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Sea World - No Entry train crossing


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It is a bit ridiculous (no it's not how I get there). It's the biggest and best 'reveal' approach to Storm - they absolutely ruin it by forcing people through the retail plaza.

Along with Wild, I think Sea World need to completely rework the area around the old train track. They've obviously decided it's not coming back as they've covered over the tracks in several places, so it's time they filled in the gaps, concreted or laid bitumen over the top, lifted the fences as shown in this picture and also across the bridge, and make it usable walkway space.

The area shown in this picture would potentially make a good 'drop tower' spot, or something similar - provided suitable clearance from the skyway, and of course, height restriction limitation or relaxation.

Can I also add to the wishlist to do something with the 'info kiosk' hut as shown in the above picture also? Make it a retail outlet. Sell sno cones (anything is better than a gazillion trolley carts driven by kids without manners or customer service skills) - otherwise - give it to the holiday club people. let them sit inside the booth and spruik from there - that would surely be reason to then open the railway gates and let people once again use that pathway.

Sea World can no longer pretend that these gates are in anyway necessary for anything - as they were once able to do for the train.

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I put the photo on Sea World's facebook page but they didn't respond. (I think they are trying to pretend it's not there). They even have the train stored below the Sea Viper. (If you sit on the right hand side look down just before the train enters the station). I rode the Skyway to get to the Storm but had to climb the fence to get to Sea Viper. Didn't ride Jet Rescue locker hire lines were too long (another issue that need fixing). Not a good spot for a ride but the gate needs to be opened to make it way easier top navigate through the park. Sell the train to pay for the path repair.

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Sea world have just placed benches in the train station. They should just knock it down and put in a shop or two. They should then just take out the train track and turn the rest of it into garden beds. Where the track crosses over the bridge near jet rescue, they should just open it up and turn it into a large pathway were benches could be placed to look over the water or sea viper. If they are going to keep that gate closed they should have signs or fence the area further back so that people will just a walk through the food area.

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Where the track crosses over the bridge near jet rescue, they should just open it up and turn it into a large pathway were benches could be placed to look over the water or sea viper. If they are going to keep that gate closed they should have signs or fence the area further back so that people will just a walk through the food area.

There is no water near Jet Rescue they are filling it in. They should revove the train track on that bridge though since you can get a good view of Jet Rescue. I don't know why they even have the train still. They should sell it to make money for the path repair.
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There are a few issues with that area. Firstly, you need to know why the gates closed. I think the reason is pretty clear but just in case you're unsure I'll just spell it out: It's to get people to go past the shops. Pretty straight forward. You also have to understand that the gate can't be turned into a different type of roadblock because heavy/tall vehicles can't go through the plaza due to the Monorail track, so that means no new ride or extensive garden blocking the road. Also pretty straight forward. It has always been an issue with the layout of the park, but I think an operating train ride through the middle made it a little more forgivable to most guests. Now it's clearly just a cynical money making ploy. Given so many people jump it it's probably an OH&S issue too.

For me the solution would be rather simple; since they've apparently decided that they aren't going to bring back the train (sigh), that whole area simply needs to be reworked. Expand the plaza to include the area on the other side of the train tracks, and rebuild the cheap and nasty games further back, so basically they're still forcing people though the plaza, but without making guests detour quite as much. Use some of the extra space for extra seating, some for more cheap and nasty skill games, and some for more retail space and I think they'd be on a winner.

Edited by joz
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For me the solution would be rather simple; since they've apparently decided that they aren't going to bring back the train (sigh), that whole area simply needs to be reworked. Expand the plaza to include the area on the other side of the train tracks, and rebuild the cheap and nasty games further back, so basically they're still forcing people though the plaza, but without making guests detour quite as much. Use some of the extra space for extra seating, some for more cheap and nasty skill games, and some for more retail space and I think they'd be on a winner.

While I agree with the rest of this, one thing none of the parks need is more bloody arcade/skill/fair games.

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I'm very much in the same category, I hate the sort of crappy games that are common at local shows being in proper theme parks. I particularly hate when they're installed cheaply and in an unimaginative way, like is that case at both SW and DW. My suggestion isn't for more games, it's to move the existing ones to improve crowd flow. Having said all that, I accept that as much as I hate them, they're here to stay, and there are other issues more worthy of my online ire.

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Use some of the extra space for extra seating, some for more cheap and nasty skill games, and some for more retail space and I think they'd be on a winner.

Fair enough, that's where the confusion was coming from.

Sure, they're here to stay (sadly). Can't say I've ever seen any of them being used in any of the parks. (With the exception of the actual arcade - if it's still there - at Dreamworld). IMO they'd be better off with an extra food stall or merch site. That way they'll probably rake in a bit more cash.

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Yeah I can see why you're confused now, that'll happen when I don't pay attention to what I'm typing and end up saying two completely different things :P FWIW when I say they could build more games, what I mean is by pushing the games back from their current location it'd open up more space so they could add an extra game or 2 to the plaza. When I say I oppose new games I mean I think the games shouldn't spread to other areas of the park. #back-pedalling

Edited by joz
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So glad this has been raised now. The timing is perfect for Management to finally have a few good reasons to pull their finger out and actually do something about what really can be a simple and cheap fix by following a few quick and easy steps: * remove the stupid gate * rework the entire plaza menu and look outside the square and offer some more perhaps healthier and/or 'enticing' dining options * fill the shops with more stuff that people want to buy, like tasteful and useful souvenirs that wont wind up on mantels covered in dust or boxes in forgotten about There was once a time when that gate only closed when the train rolled by. The plaza has been there since before Lassiters and was part of a master project that was hatched to float SW property trust shares. At the time this was bundled with the resort next door together with SW aviation and other emerging projects up the road at the then failed Oxenford studios and "Folkworld" theme park projects..The other part "Seaworld Wharf" was never built - Shark bay wound up there many years later, thankfully.. My point is that so much has changed since they locked that gate.. ( back in the mid 90s? ) that how on earth could they possibly know removing it 20 odd years later WONT affect their precious retail and food sales? If they were that concerned they should stop worrying about a stupid gate and think about more pressing issues like giving visitors a reason to open their wallets and spend - make them want to rather than feel like they have to. I last visited a few months ago. It was a sunday and the park was busy. We decided to eat at the same time everyone else did and spent the last hour of our day basically shunted slowly back to the front gate because there was literally nowhere to sit in the plaza, dockside or entry dining places. It would take 5 minutes to walk up and get an overpriced burger meal but where do u sit and try to enjoy it??? For 20 bucks u atleast want a table and chairs.. Fed up, we left and grabbed some maccas on the way home.. Yes this was a busier than average day granted but VIP passes have certainly done their job in keeping turnstiles spinning out record profits year in/ year out for vtps. I think its high time they take a closer look at the way their parks flow operationally and respond more appropriately to the changes that they are ultimately responsible for. Perhaps management needs some new blood in the ranks before the dinosoars become extinct

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I'm very much in the same category, I hate the sort of crappy games that are common at local shows being in proper theme parks. I particularly hate when they're installed cheaply and in an unimaginative way, like is that case at both SW and DW. My suggestion isn't for more games, it's to move the existing ones to improve crowd flow. Having said all that, I accept that as much as I hate them, they're here to stay, and there are other issues more worthy of my online ire.

I notice they even had some at California Adventure last time I was there! I think most guests just ignore the carny games. Of course, if Sea World went all out and really made the games look like they belonged in the park, put some theming around them etc, it would be a different matter. But kind of annoying that the park is paying people to staff those booths when just one extra ride op on Jet Rescue or Sea Viper would make a huge difference to wait times.

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I get why there's this 'hate' culture towards the skill games. They (in all the parks) have been executed poorly. They don't 'fit' within the parks.

But I want to take you back to a park that opened 28 years ago... of course i'm talking about Australia's Wonderland Sydney.

By my count around the time most of us remember (2000-2004), there were 20 skill games in that park. There used to be a couple more. Some of the 20 only opened in peak periods, so on a general trading day, it was likely closer to 15.

These games were EXTREMELY profitable. Judging by the fact that most of the games in our GC parks are not open for a full day, or even at all suggests to me that they probably aren't.

Having been involved in the training of the Wonderland crews from time to time, theres a couple of reasons why (in my opinion):

  • Microphones. Each and every game at Wonderland had a microphone. Spieling was a big part of the cast member's job. We trained our people to go nutso-skitso excited when someone won a major prize.
  • Making it exciting and fun. For the same reason (use of microphones and going crazy) being a winner was actually something fun, worthy of recognition. The game op would announce the winner loudly and proudly and wave the prize everywhere to show everyone how lucky the winner was (this of course also had the effect of enticing more players)
  • Game Variance. Wonderland had one bushell ball game, and one 'shoot the water pistol at the target' game. I'm pretty sure that both SW and MW have both. If you play the game at one park, why would you play the same game at the other? They know that most people who visit one park will visit both because of the group-park pass deals, so why offer the same product everywhere?
  • Prize Variance. Although some prizes found there way to multiple games - some easier to win than others, there were many different prizes at many different levels that you could win.
  • Desirable Prizes. While the park had a lot of variety in both games and prizes, the biggest giant prizes (think of a 6 foot tall Pooh Bear) were the games that were hardest to win - get a $1 coin on a glass table. Get all 1's or all 5's in the laughing clowns.
  • Lastly - the cast members were all a young, enthusiastic bunch who were motivated by their supervisors to try and hit revenue targets or sales records with rewards or other prizes... ones that the staff wanted to get (i don't know if the GC parks do this, but judging by the lack of motivation, probably not)

In wonderland, you could walk around all day and see people everywhere carrying a 'stuffed toy'... and big ones too. School groups were big on playing them when they came to town as well... This is something you don't see at the GC parks very much... which implies one of two things - either nobody is playing them, or nobody is winning. If the park were smarter, they'd make the games easier to win - give away a few more prizes, and when people see them around the park, they'll see the games and think 'that 8 year old won that big teddy - surely I can'...

And by letting more people win, less people will view them as 'nasty skill games' because if they win, it's something that they like.

Given our recent discussion about the Holiday Club folk, chances are you guys probably don't want game spruikers on a microphone throughout the park, however, given Wonderland was modelled on successful american theme parks (and the games were profitable) perhaps the microphone is suitable? If it puts more revenue into the park, and doesn't cost you anything unless you choose to put your hand in your pocket, what's the problem?

At least in SW and MW, the games are all clustered together and (at least in movie world) you can detour around them if you want to.

Yes, i've gone very off topic from the train crossing. I think Joz is on the money here - they don't want to open the gate because they want people going past the shops, so why not move the games back and extend the plaza area. It wouldn't hurt to change up the games too.

Considering the pathway to their newest attraction is (at one point) about 2 metres wide, it isn't exactly a broad thoroughfare for guest movement.

It's time the gate was brought down... Perhaps (like with most things) someone needs to create a facebook page about it's removal - share it around a lot and get people to 'like' it and then use the 'like' power to show the park that something needs to be done... take it out of the 'enthusiast' community, and into the 'general' community.

As soon as you tell the general 'facebooker' that the gate is only there to force people through the retail plaza, you'll have soccer mums sporting Uzi's just begging for a fight...

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Yeah I agree with AlexB, the games at Wonderland were well done. I actually used to play the coin toss and the bowling ball game regularly. Never could get the coin toss but won many many prizes on the bowling ball game.

I've never played a game in any other park.

I do think wonderland were onto something with how they executed them. They also spread them all through the park and not in one location which I think worked also.

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If this goes on much longer, we should probably split it into it's own thread...

But dare I say - in the universal pictures above - variety, well executed, well suited to the area, and... MICROPHONES.

At any rate - this thread is a sorely needed and long overdue discussion over the merits of the 'no entry' gate of nowhere. I must say i'm surprised noone has taken up my suggestion about creating a facebook page about it - but give it time, i'm sure it will.

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