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Future dreamworld plans?


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There is better chance of Disneyland opening on the moon than them buying Dreamworld and converting it into a Disneyland Australia. On the scale of out there ideas that ones way off scale. There also isn't as much land as there once was, with DW selling off a parcel for the Coomera town centre development which should start by years end

Edited by Brad2912
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Pretty sure we get the same thread every 6 months or so. I'm so sick of the same discussion bah. Replace mine ride, clean the water rides, remove motacoaster, do something with vintage cars. It is always the same. Dreamworld do not care what people here think, all they care about is getting people through the gate. We all know cyclone needs work. Capacity is horrible, and tie that in with one operator who just doesn't give a damn and your in for a long wait. The queue line is ridiculous. They will not spend money on things that won't return money. Adding theming to vintage cars is one of them. Cleaner water in the lake is not one on them. Getting rid of theming that has no point, has no point. The chair lift Is dead and buried, forget about it. A shark and water on wipeout won't make me want to make a special trip to ride it. Disney is not going to buy dreamworld. Dreamworld is interested in making money. While they are still profitable and making money I so not see any huge expenditure. They are not competing with vrtp anymore and have no interest in doing so. Dreamworld have no reason to spend money on upgrades, new rides etc and can continually give us sub-standard carnival attractions because the teenagers will still go. The families will still go. Although the rides may not be as good, you do get a full day out of dreamworld. If Movieworld is quiet it is half-day at best (and that's seeing all the shows) Went to aus zoo the other day and was at a water bubbler filing up my water bottle and another guest just happened to say he was at Movieworld and it would have cost him $8 for a water there and he was happy aus zoo has bubblers for free. It is the small stuff that makes a difference. As soon as the land becomes more valuable then keeping the theme park it will be sold off to developers and dreamworld will be gone. Management have no intentions if bringing the park back to its former glory. They read you pr emails with your suggestions and laugh at them, because the average guest is going and spending money. You want them to spend more money why? So it looks better? So you have one more coaster to ride. Dreamworld don't have to do this to keep the money coming in. We are lucky that vrtp do seem to add things often, and even then we complain. I complained about JL, others complain about HSD. We complain they built a coaster in the carpak. We complain that there's no fire on a new coaster and email them. For gawdsakes people. Take a look at yourselves and what you are becoming. Did you ever say thank you? These parks owe you absolutely nothing and I'm sick of the attitude some have where they feel so entitled as to demand change. Get over yourself and get a freaking life. Opinions brought to you by me. You are welcome.

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These parks owe you absolutely nothing and I'm sick of the attitude some have where they feel so entitled as to demand change. Get over yourself and get a freaking life.

Sure, sometimes we complain, it is known that on the large scale we do appreciate the parks. At lot of the discussions on here are more questioning the management's decision, this in turn promotes discussion, discussion which, if not here, would mean the forums wouldn't need to exist.

Plus, let's say there is 15 active users on Parkz. That's 15 out of how many million people visit the parks each year? Even if we all bitched and moaned about something, that's 0.0001% of the guests represented and we're always going to be more harsh in our reviews because we're not all the "standard general public guests".

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And that's fine. Be harsh about the reviews, I am not saying dont do that. I for one was not happy with justice league and my first ride on the preview day was unbelievably disappointing I felt like I was going to cry. I hate some of the directions they take, and some of the marketing team needs to re-think their ideas. It is the entitlement that I read here which gets me hot. By all means, continue the lively discussion, just stop acting like the parks owe us anything. (Not directed at anyone in particular!)

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This topic continues to give me a headache.

Quoted for truth.

Any business that holds contempt for their customers will either perform at a bare minimum level or fail, but never a great success. I think that's why everyone's so bummed to see the park the way it is. It was, once upon a time, a completely different park with emphasis on quality over profit. Disney learnt this after Eisner left, Cedar Fair learnt this a decade earlier, Six Flags learnt this five years ago, and VRTP have been at the forefront of really understanding that attention to detail and quality drives customer experience which in turns drives sales.

They'll discover this and play catch up soon enough. Generally it's when a management shift occurs. And you're right. They don't owe use anything. So buy a pass elsewhere and be thankful that we get world class rides elsewhere. My biggest irk at the moment is that they're like that annoying kid in the schoolyard that's putting their fingers in their ears going "nah nah nah nah not listening to you" when it's obvious to literally everyone but them they're about to be hit square in the nuts by an incoming ball. They're not listening, they don't want to listen, and they don't care. They don't want to talk to us, and it sucks, because i've yet to see any sized business in any industry succeed long term in their approach. Six Flags came within inches of death by doing what they're doing right now, and now they're a better chain for it. Ultimately it comes down to just two really basic business ideaologies - on one hand, you can buy a cheap plane ticket where the airline will try and cut every corner imaginable and upsell you and inconvenience you at every possible hurdle to make a buck, or you can pay a little more and have a great time. Jetstar vs. Singapore Airlines.

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the teenagers will still go. The families will still go. Although the rides may not be as good, you do get a full day out of dreamworld. If Movieworld is quiet it is half-day at best (and that's seeing all the shows)

This. As much as we complain and see it as a bad park, the majority of the general public actually see Dreamworld as the better theme park on the Gold Coast.

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on one hand, you can buy a cheap plane ticket where the airline will try and cut every corner imaginable and upsell you and inconvenience you at every possible hurdle to make a buck, or you can pay a little more and have a great time. Jetstar vs. Singapore Airlines.

And that's why some people will always choose premium over budget - VRTP over Ardent. No matter where I go, I fly with Qantas over any domestic carrier, and internationally depends on where i'm heading, but so far Qantas has always worked out to be better.

Sure they may not have sexy stewardess' on board, but everything is included. Alcohol - included. Meals - included. Snacks - included. Want more snacks? ask for them or on the A380 - help yourself. Discretely let the cabin manager know you're on your honeymoon and watch out for what happens... I'm quite happy to pay more for premium better service. It's why I think the USA tipping system works well - but it would never work here because prices on products would have to drop to compensate for the tipper - and to do that, wages would have to drop - and no employee would vote that one in.

It's why I'll always buy a fright nights fastpass from now on.

It's ok to cater to the masses with a budget product (VIP pass or World Pass) but you've got to offer a better experience for a little more money (what VRTP tried to do with the gold pass), because people will pay it... thats how you make money... but offering a premium turd over a regular turd isn't going to cut it (dreamworld) and that is why i've only owned one annual pass for dreamworld which was never renewed, and won't be until the park turns around.

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