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We have been planning, and are about to build a multi Billion Dollar Global Complex, incorporating the world's most advanced Theme Park in Australia…
'ElysianWorld incorporating FantasmicWorld', focused on 'Edutainment' (Education through brilliant Entertainment).
Linked to the site in Australia, which we call the 'Mothership' site, being the largest of the sites and principle World Headquarters, will be additional smaller sites we call 'Satellites', in other selected location around the world. Some of these satellite locations include, New Zealand, Hawaii, Canada, the Bahamas and Western Europe/UK.
There will be approximately 100 major rides and attractions in FantasmicWorld, many which have never been seen before, and it will be a 365 days of the year weather proofed environment, so no getting soaked in the rain, or burnt under the hot sun, or rides closed down do to weather! Yet it will still give the feeling of open space and outdoor environments.
The overall ElysianWorld project will be built over 7 stages. FantasmicWorld will be the largest Theme Park in Australia, and when all seven stages of the project are complete, it will be the largest of it's kind in the world.
We are looking at several possible locations in Australia, so, where would you like to see this project built, and where do you think the best place in Australia is to build it?
Keep in mind we will be looking to attract visitors from all around the world, including our closest neighbours in Asia and New Zealand.
The locations we are looking at, to build the 'Mothership', are; Melbourne Victoria, Central to Northern NSW Coast, Sydney NSW, Gold Coast Queensland, Sunshine Coast Queensland, Central Queensland Coast & Great Barrier Reef region, or Northern Queensland up around Cairns and Port Douglas and Great Barrier reef region.
I realise most people would want it built in their own state or region, but we would like to get your idea of where you think it would be best for all Australians, and overseas visitors, as well as your own personal preference.
What State do you live in, and would you be willing to travel interstate to visit FantasmicWorld, if it was not built in your state? Leave your comments and let us know what you think.
Visit the Websites to find out about FantasmicWorld and the overall ElysianWorld vision:
The Theme Park website: FantasmicWorld
The Overall Project website: ElysianWorld
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Seems similar to EPCOT's original concept.

Couple of points to clarify:

  • Thread says multi-billion, and "are about to build" but your 'gogetfunding' page has so far received 2 donations totalling $111 from two people with a target of only $3.5 million.
  • "100 major rides" "many never seen before" - in this community, that's unlikely. Someone has to build them - reputable manufacturers develop new products all the time, and sell them to many parks world wide.
  • Educational - fail. This project is the brainchild of a professor in arts and science. Most successful theme parks have been borne out of companies focussed on tourism or entertainment - Like Disney, Universal, Paramount etc.
  • the 'bio' of this professor states he was an 'imagineer' - but makes no mention of Disney
  • 'Fantasmicworld' would probably get sued by the Walt Disney Co. for breach of trademark for the word 'Fantasmic' (whether they'd win wouldn't matter - they'd cripple the project through litigation for years)
  • You don't list a location - you're asking for suggestions.
  • You don't have any financial backing (well - $111 isn't exactly backing)
  • I presume you have permission from Merlin Entertainment or the Lego corporation for your inclusion of the attraction 'project lego' in 'fantasmagomical land' ?

It's a wonderful 'dream' but it doesn't appear to be very close to reality at this point.

Oh - to answer your question - I think you should build it in Mt Isa.

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What a rude lot of people you are! Seriously, here we have someone who wants to build a new Theme Park somewhere here in Australia & you all you can do is make rude comments, but I bet you'd be among the first through the gates! AlexB, how do you know the person has no funding, do you know the person personally! I think not! 'Project Lego', what drugs are you on, I just went to the website, no mention of 'Project Lego' that I can see! To me it looks like the person is considering certain locations & would like the Australian publics feedback! 'Fantasmic' in Disneyworld is a show not the name of a Disney theme park, sounds different to me! Myself, I think it sounds awesome! Since the Gold Coast already has a few theme parks up there I think you should maybe consider Victoria or New South Wales, especially if it is as you say a 365 weatherproof theme park. I'll definitely be watching your progress! Please don't take any notice of the ignorant people above, I'm sure they have negative attitudes about everything!

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Only ignorant person I can see is you 'Love Theme Parks' and given that your first and only post on this forum is to jump to the defense of another first time poster on a 'loose' proposal with no real facts and figures, I'd hazard a guess you are either someone connected to said project, or an easily excited fanboy/girl who is still waiting for the Disneyland 'proposal' in Sydney to come to fruition.

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Did they get Elysian confused with Elysium? Maybe it could be built orbiting earth?

Elysian means heaven or paradise.

  1. AlexB, how do you know the person has no funding,
  2. 'Project Lego',
  3. 'Fantasmic' in Disneyworld is a show not the name of a Disney theme park, sounds different to me!

1. http://www.fantasmicworld.com/FantasmicWorld/Get_Involved.html http://gogetfunding.com/project/fantasmicworld-theme-park-creates-job-opportunities

2 backers donated $111.00 of $3,500,000.00 goal

2. http://www.elysianworld.com/Elysian_World/Fantasmagomical_RIDES.html


Project Tiny Town (Kid-size Design & Construction Game) Adventures in Ponderland Planet Lego

Honey Comb castle & Madagaska’s maze (Mini-Golf style Maze

...and so on.

3. Although I am loathe to quote wikipedia articles, it gives the basis for my argument:


Fantasmic! was originally going to be called "Imagination", but Disney could not register that title as a trademark, so they changed it to Fantasmic!

Imagination was just a word - but Fantasmic was a made up word that could be 'trademarked' - and one that is recognised far and wide as being a disney production. Yes - a theme park versus a show IN a theme park are different, but I assure you - Disney are quite aggressive when it comes to protecting their brand, and as I already stated - whether they would win or not - litigation would be costly and prohibitive - Do you honestly think they won't go after a "multi $billion edutainment theme park" when they went after a small daycare centre in florida for putting their character likenesses on the walls???

I have made legitimate statements as to what I see as flaws in this proposal. The post talks about the park as if they're breaking ground 'this year' but the reality is it is a far cry from being more than a dream that would cost several billion dollars to build, and most likely will never get there.

And if you want another reason - look at Disney - theres a reason why multi-billion dollar parks DON'T build in Australia. Why would you pick australia as your 'mother ship' ? Asia, continental USA or Europe - hell even the Middle East can support this type of Park.... Australia NEVER will.

You will see a Disney park in this country before you see Elysium FantasmicWorld in it's current form.

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My apologies AlexB I didn't see the 'Planet Lego' when I first looked at the site. But... in all fairness, I went to the fundraising site you gave the link too & looking at the backers it's from April 2013, isn't it a bit presumptuous to say that they have no financial backing now, a lot could've changed since then! As for the 'Fantasmicworld' name, who knows maybe the person has done their research themselves & believe they are safe to use it. Why not offer some advice instead of slamming it & the project creator/designer?

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Why not offer some advice instead of slamming it & the project creator/designer?

Start of sarcasm

You should call Disney & Lego and see if they'll be onboard too!

End of sarcasm

My advice? Talk is cheap. Come back when something has materialised. If you're asking us where you should put it instead of talking to councils about land deals or doing hard studies into where the most profitable markets are, in my eyes it's more fiction than reality. In my experience, brilliant execution will get you further then brilliant ideas. I've attached a chart which demonstrates this theory:


Edited by Slick
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isn't it a bit presumptuous to say that they have no financial backing now, a lot could've changed since then!

Please, surely you know websites in this day and age do actually update in a live fashion, even though gogetfunding may be an incredibly poorly used site compared to the likes of Kickstarter or Indiegogo. I honestly cannot comprehend how you can place confidence in this proposal, the marketing video was horribly produced for a budget that certainly doesn't mirror the total cost of this Fantasmagomical educational crap hole.

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Honestly, there is no constructive criticism which can be given. It's too expensive, and the market cannot support it. 'Oh but there'll be an online presence which will make money'. Seriously? Even if it became the hub of the entire internet it wouldn't be making enough money. The concept for the park is a boring EPCOT ripoff, with a few blatant Disney ripoffs thrown in. Honestly, it's like someone went on holiday to Orlando and thought 'I want to build something like this' and put all their half hearted ideas on a website. The ideas are poor, and anyone who gives this any money can't complain when the project collapses and you lose your money. And finally, remember, they may have laughed at Galileo, but they also laughed at a lot of mad people too. You my friend, are crazy. Have a Fantasmagomical day!

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As for the 'Fantasmicworld' name, who knows maybe the person has done their research themselves & believe they are safe to use it.

At the scale they're 'proposing' this park to be, I'm pretty you could guarantee a law suit since you would pretty much need Disney's approval to use the word with it being trademarked. You can't just research into it and say "okay, I can use it". Since it has that trademark on it, Disney will want to protect their brand (a recent example being mobile game developer "king" putting a trademark on the word 'candy' and going after other products that use this word that could affect their brand).
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I thought when you said Theme Park there would be rollercoasters, thrill rides and water rides. But all that I could find we're a monorail and loads of simulators. It sounds more like an educational museum to me. I do like the sound of this. But the theme park community would like to see rollercoasters and rides. I'm not saying simulators are bad. But it's not a theme park without the classic rollercoasters and thrill rides.

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Don't worry, there are plans for a 10 kilometre waterslide to go from the very top of the "ugliest-thing-I've-ever-seen" to a small balcony pool on the 5th floor of the base of the "ugliest-thing-I've-ever-seen." Sounds fantasmic (don't sue me disney! :unsure: ) and I can't wait to ride this logically sound piece of engineering.

"Also winding down around the Tower will be the world's first 10 kilometer (6.2 miles) see-through water slide tube, with twists and turns, dips and dark sections that splash down into a balcony pool running around the fifth level of the tower. "

Edited by JacobSibbald
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Zacsta_1997 made a really good point, and I sent a message in response, but thought maybe others of you might be asking the same thing. So here is what I said...

Good point, but I can tell you, there are a lot of roller coaster type rides in FantasmicWorld, some of the most amazing rides you will ever go on, and all wrapped around genuine themes. I am a huge Theme Park fan myself... I'm sure you can guess. But a lot of people misinterpret the term 'Theme park' these days. They confuse them with 'Amusement or Activity parks. The Term Theme Park was coined by Walt Disney back in the early 1950's when he was designing and building Disneyland, which opened the year I was born 1955.
A theme park is a park or complex that has an actual 'Theme', or themed environments, like Disneyland, Futuroscope, Legoland, Wet n Wild, Blizzard Beach, Typhoon Lagoon, Movie World, Sea World, or even smaller parks like Victoria, Australia's Sovereign Hill or Kryal Castle. Parks that just have a collection of assorted rides, roller coasters and attractions, are actually 'Amusement or Activity or Leisure Parks, regardless of how many or how big their rides might be.
But all that aside, we do have lots of exhilarating, thrilling and amazing coasters and velocity rides etc, but as you can imagine, we can't put too many details about all the rides and attractions on the websites, as they are all under strict confidentiality... but they will be there, believe me... and I hope you all come and get the thrill of your life on them... I'm already lined up and I designed most of them.
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Ponderland? Really? Looking at the website, there are donations and a shop. http://www.zazzle.com/fantasmicworld/gifts Maybe they're going around looking for people willing to spend money. Any knowledge of similar posts on other theme park forums/websites? dafuq? The "Fantasmagomical Bumper Sticker has 1388 reviews - http://www.zazzle.com/fantasmagomical_bumper_sticker-128953922205931249

What a rude lot of people you are! Seriously, here we have someone who wants to build a new Theme Park somewhere here in Australia & you all you can do is make rude comments, but I bet you'd be among the first through the gates! AlexB, how do you know the person has no funding, do you know the person personally! I think not! 'Project Lego', what drugs are you on, I just went to the website, no mention of 'Project Lego' that I can see! To me it looks like the person is considering certain locations & would like the Australian publics feedback! 'Fantasmic' in Disneyworld is a show not the name of a Disney theme park, sounds different to me! Myself, I think it sounds awesome! Since the Gold Coast already has a few theme parks up there I think you should maybe consider Victoria or New South Wales, especially if it is as you say a 365 weatherproof theme park. I'll definitely be watching your progress! Please don't take any notice of the ignorant people above, I'm sure they have negative attitudes about everything!

Perhaps I have found the right shirt for you - http://www.zazzle.com/i_believe_in_fantasmicworld_rainbow_shirt-235647672641478304

Edited by AllegroCrab
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Yes we have done all our research, feasibilities and logistics and we already have our preferred sites whom we have had extensive negotiations with property professionals etc... as I said before, there is 30 years of development so far in fact... so much work and effort by many dedicated people, it would make your head spin.

We have done extensive study into the feasibilities of building in Australia, and contrary to most uneducated opinions, the figures stack up to build and operate in Australia, and keep in mind, we have a fully planned extensive global marketing and promotions program to roll out, and we also have a massive Asian market to draw on at our front door. This forum is seen purely as another market research vehicle in a global social network world, with people we feel count... Theme park enthusiasts and fans.

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Just to ease everyone's minds, who are worried about the name, Disney are well aware of 'FantasmicWorld', and we even had meetings back in the late 1980's and early 1990's about the possibility of partnering with Disney in this project, and they think the project is remarkable, to say the least! They had already begun the 'Celebration project', but a partnering with Disney has still not been ruled out!

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Your current designs (a 10km waterslide is beyond ridiculous) would certainly not appeal to Disney. Also, a lot can change in 20 years and I'm sure if they revisit the plans (which are severely out of date technology wise) they may have something else to say. Good luck to you though, if you do open I'll be sure to be there on opening day.

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