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When did Bermuda Triangle start to go downhill


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Unlike most rides in Australia that ive been on heaps of times. Ive only been on Bermuda Triangle once, in September 2007. I was terrified to go on the ride as a kid since i had had a fear of rides when i was very young. But my fear completley vanished when i was 9 and I went on when i was 10. Awesome ride, but i didnt find it to be overly that scary. I think i remember the fire at the top but I dont remember that much. The ride was in pretty good condition, but that was the only time i was on it. Was the ride in good condition in 2007 and was it scarier and more violent in the 90s when it first opened?

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I remember riding when I was I think 6 I'm not sure. I couldn't remember much but the flames shooting out of the volcano was awesome. I don't think the end drop was intencely large but as all kids it scared me. I also remember watching my mum and aunty ride the Corkscrew (back when it was called that, and when the track was painted white and the train red). So it was a while ago.

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I can barely remember the first time I rode it, I must have been 4 or 5. Apparently I was alright with it, but was scared of the aliens. I went on for the last time in 2008. Also rode the corkscrew that visit, that ride (and rct3 of course!) is what really got me into theme parks. I was most disappointed when I saw that there were no fire effects, that was one of the main selling points. I guess it hinted that the end of the ride's services were coming.

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Honestly I think it was around 2006 - 2007 when they stopped the platform from rotating. That was the first step in Bermuda Triangle's demise, then about a year after that the fire stopped... then the SFX started to die, the pre-show removed and then... well the rest is history I guess. As much as Storm is a great ride, I really don't think it quite lives up to the fully immersive experience that Bermuda Triangle was. As much as I love a good roller coaster like the next person, I think 3 coasters for a park that is lacking in the rides department is a little bit much. I would have personally preferred another boat ride similar in experience to Bermuda, that was as immersive and had a decent ride time to it. I'm hoping whatever "Wild" is will deliver that for the park, or whatever it is going to be now as all advertising for Wild seems to have vanished.

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I went on it in the early 2000's on my first theme parks visit and it was the first time I had ever been on a ride that had a 'story' to it.

I only have fuzzy memories but I still recall how enjoyable I found the whole experience at the time.

Wish there were more rides like it.

Edited by Flea33
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