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Sea Viper maintenance 2014


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I'm not meaning they're just going to give up, I just get the feeling that they're going to do everything they can, then come back and say it was beyond repair and they've had to close it. I mean considering where it is they've done a bloody good job keeping it going this long.

I'd imagine they'd come to that determination before any work on it commenced. Still has a few years left in it IMO.

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what are we in a classroom now? it's the F internet things don't have to be perfect perfect :rolleyes:

Page has gone missing, but it's always been in the T&Cs of the forums that you should type properly.

Are you saying that school is the only place you bother to type properly?

Besides, wouldn't it take the same amount of time to type

"I saw them working on it the other day" (correct)

as "I seen them working on it the other day" (incorrect)

Why type the wrong thing on purpose :wacko: ?

Edited by Gazza
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what are we in a classroom now? it's the F internet things don't have to be perfect perfect :rolleyes:

Well the guidelines appear to have been removed but there was something in there that advises you take a look at what you've posted before hitting post to ensure you get spelling and grammar correct. So, yes, this is somewhat of a classroom, consider the guidelines being down as 'the textbook is being re-written for the current year'.

edit - Damn it Gazza you beat me to it. Has that little popup gone though where if you're sitting on a page and someone replies it was supposed to pop up with the "show me" option?

Edited by reanimated35
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  • 1 month later...

The thing I do not get is the lack of information regarding the Sea Viper. My family and I have been to Sea World on three seperate trips in the last two years and there is still no information regarding what is wrong with the Viper or when the repairs are scheduled to be completed. Surely Sea World management would rather have all this speculation as to the demise of the Sea Viper ended but just advising the public as to the status of the ride. Disappointing really. Mind you they really do need a big wrap for keeping a steel rail roller coaster alive for the time that they have in what can only be considered a hostile environmement for this type of coaster.

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"in the last two years"

Viper has been up for quite a lot of that time - you may just have bad timing.

Viper went down for major maintenance in the 2012-13 period after extensive issues were discovered by (what I understand) X-raying the track. The necessary rectification occurred, and it reopened and operated for most of 2013. It went down again for maintenance, and although we have no other information, it's safe to assume that they have again discovered issues that require rectifying.

Although it's old news, the last "official whisper" I got from a reliable source inside the park is that management were of the view to 'do whatever it takes' to save Viper. That was easily over a year ago. The reports had been that it was 'too expensive to fix' and yet management decided to do it. Things may have changed, things may have gotten worse. It may now cost too much and Viper may be going... or they're negotiating with a manufacturer to come in and rescue the old girl.

We aren't getting any more info at present because they may not yet know what they're going to do. They may be waiting for an assessment, a quote, a part, a tool, or a specialised worker.

I haven't been out there in a little while, but from all reports the ride being covered with scaff, and tarps is not an indication that the ride is gone - it's an indication that they're trying everything they can to save it. They've poured tonnes of money into this ride recently, from new trains, a complete paint job, all the repair works, (and the costly diagnosis by X-ray), they aren't just going to throw their hands up now until they've exhausted every possible option.

Don't write it off just yet. I'm sure theres other things to try before she goes. When Viper silently disappears off the park map, and cranes start pulling the track apart.... thats when we can mourn her and look to the next big thing on the spit.

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I haven't been out there in a little while, but from all reports the ride being covered with scaff, and tarps is not an indication that the ride is gone - it's an indication that they're trying everything they can to save it. They've poured tonnes of money into this ride recently, from new trains, a complete paint job, all the repair works, (and the costly diagnosis by X-ray), they aren't just going to throw their hands up now until they've exhausted every possible option.

Don't write it off just yet. I'm sure theres other things to try before she goes. When Viper silently disappears off the park map, and cranes start pulling the track apart.... thats when we can mourn her and look to the next big thing on the spit.

Too right. The fact that specific parts of the track have elaborate scaffolding around them, (it was primarily around the corkscrew itself when I was there last in April) suggests they are working to repair them, or at least, doing an elaborate examination of the problem. Given it was only just over a year ago that they made such a major (re)investment in the ride, I doubt it will be closed without every possible avenue being depleted.

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Based on?

Have you ever heard of some called a "opinion" ? I never said it would get shut permanently.. Please think before what you type next time..

I'm sad to say this but I can't see his post having any merit whatsoever.

That post is bit rude.. again read my comment before you quote and then reply to this


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That coming from you, with quality of posts and insight you bring to the forum...

Also, your sentence makes no grammatically sense. You should really think about what you are trying to say before hitting the reply button.

I hate to do this:

".. no sense, grammatically"?

Yes, we all make mistakes.

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